KC Wells A Bond of Three Tour





“We are alone,” Sorran said after a few minutes. “Tell me of the cashor. You have intrigued me.”
Tanish thought for a moment how best to begin. “It is worn by the Seruani.” Sorran’s furrowed brow told him what he needed to know. He sighed. “The Seruani are those men and women who provide a special service. They instruct us in the pleasures of the flesh. A husband whose wife no longer wishes to share her bed with him, those who have lost their partners, youths who seek their first experience to be with someone knowledgeable—all these people can pay for their services.”
Sorran’s forehead smoothed out. “Ah, I understand. We have such people in Vencor.” That frown was back suddenly. “But I am still confused. Why would someone not pay us heed if we wear the cashor?”
Tanish stared at him. “Because Seruani are considered the lowest of the low. When a youth is taken to be trained as a Seruan, he or she loses all contact with his or her family. If a Seruan was to be seen in the street by a family member, they would not be acknowledged. In truth, they would be shunned.”
Sorran pulled at Forena’s reins, bringing the stallion to a dead stop.
Tanish halted Nerita and twisted in his saddle to regard Sorran. “What is the matter?”
Sorran shook his head, his expression pained. “In Vancor, such people are revered. They are viewed as mystical.”
Tanish was astonished. “But why?” He could not believe such a difference in attitude could exist.
Sorran tilted his head. “My teachers tell me that when two people make love, their joy can be such that they almost touch the heavens. Surely one who can help you reach such levels is a person to be cherished, valued, revered.”
His description brought tears to Tanish’s eyes. To think that but for an accident of geography, Feyar could have been born into a land where his gifts would have had worth, where he would have been treasured. Tanish bowed his head, eyes closed, overwhelmed with emotion.
A soft hand came to rest on his arm. “What ails you, Tanish?” Sorran’s voice was low and lilting, his concern audible.
Tanish opened his eyes and gave Sorran a feeble smile. “For many years I have wept at the thought of those chosen to be Seruani, shunned by their families and society. I have wished for change.”
Sorran smiled, his dark eyes flashing. “But you are to be king one day, just as I will be. A king wields so much power.” He leaned closer, his gaze fixed on Tanish. “If a king does not like a law, he has the power to change it.”
Tanish shook his head. “To do so would be to insult those who drew up the laws in the first place.”
Sorran quirked his eyebrows. “Who created those laws? And when?”
“I do not know. It has always been so.” Tanish had reflected upon that many times.
Sorran frowned. “That does not mean it must remain so. And laws can be changed a little at a time. Take small steps, but always be sure of your goal.” He patted Tanish’s arm. “Win the people’s hearts first, and then lead them where you will go. If you act justly, your motives clear, they will follow you.”
Sorran’s earnest expression seemed older than his years. Tanish gazed at the prince in wonder. Sorran’s words resonated deep within him, sparking a flame of hope—and something else. For the first time in a long while, Tanish felt at peace with his destiny.

Pages or Words: 264 pages


Dreamspinner Press E-Book: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5962
Dreamspinner Press Paperback: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/shopping_cart.php?keywords=A%20Bond%20of%20Three
Rafflecopter Prize: $15 Gift Card
a Rafflecopter giveaway

49 – Favorite of your books? Oh my. Nope.

50 – Favorite of your characters? Uh uh. Can’t answer that either.

51 – Harry Potter or Twilight? Twilight

Author Bio:
Born and raised in the north-west of England, K.C.Wells always loved writing. Words were important. Full stop. However, when childhood gave way to adulthood, the writing ceased, as life got in the way.
K.C. discovered erotic fiction in 2009, where the purchase of a ménage storyline led to the startling discovery that reading about men in love was damn hot. In 2012, arriving at a really low point in life led to the desperate need to do something creative. An even bigger discovery waited in the wings – writing about men in love was even hotter…
K.C. now writes full-time and is loving every minute of her new career.
The laptop still has no idea of what hit it… it only knows that it wants a rest, please. And it now has to get used to the idea that where K.C goes, it goes.
Where to find K.C. Wells:
K.C. can be reached via email ([email protected]), on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/KCWellsWorld), on Twitter (@IslandTalesPres or through comments at the K.C.Wells website (http://www.kcwellsworld.com ) K.C. loves to hear from readers.

A Bond of Three by KC Wells

Dreamspinner presents http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5962hw

bond threeBlurb

In the kingdom of Teruna, the red-cloaked Seruani teach the Terunans the art of love. Taken from their homes at seventeen to be trained, they are shunned as outcasts by society and considered the lowest of the low. So when Prince Tanish falls in love with the Seruan Feyar, the man who took his virginity and the only one to share his bed, he is not about to declare that love. No one can ever know, because the consequences would be too painful to consider for both of them.

When the king of Vancor visits Teruna, he promises that his son, Prince Sorran, will marry Prince Tanish to solidify the alliance between the two kingdoms, with the proviso that the virginal Sorran is instructed in the art of pleasing his husband-to-be. When Tanish’s father chooses Feyar to be this instructor, the lovers decide Prince Sorran must be taught that this is to be a marriage in name only….

A resentful prince, unwilling to share his lover.

A resentful Seruan, unwilling to share his prince.

And the shy prince whose very nature sparks changes in the lives of all those around them.

Teruna is about to change forever.

This is a fantasy world called Teruna, with royalty who are trained in lovemaking by Seruani. The Seruani are reviled by society (now) but used to be treated as honored citizens. Feyar is the Seruan of the Prince Tanish. They are in love.

Tanish is betrothed to Prince Sorran for political reasons. Feyar and Tanish vow to hate Sorran and continue their affair despite the engagement.

When Prince Sorran arrives we find out he’s a virgin and that Feyar is assigned to teach Sorran how to make love to Tanish! When Feyar meets Sorran he realizes he can’t hate Sorran and instead Feyar and Tanish end up falling in love with Sorran.

The three men vow to live as lovers but Sorran cannot do it while Feyar is still being treated as scum, so he acts to help change the way the Seruani are treated.

There is also some drama with other potential lovers, the King and an invading army.

Phew! That’s a lot of stuff for a relatively short story, but it’s really well done. On the one hand all the new words and funny names were a bit bulky and got frustrating at times…but I really liked the bit of supernatural magicky stuff that was included and I really liked the many hot sex scenes. (yowza!) I felt that the triad relationship was fairly believable, though I do think Feyar and Tanish accepted the new guy a bit too easily… but the magic elements make that more believable as well.

Overall I enjoyed this book a lot. I loved the message and thought the triad was great.

PS I love the cover with my cocky boys Levi and Duncan!

4 of 5 hearts



Ryan’s Wizard by Beany Sparks

Extasybooks Presents: http://www.extasybooks.com/Ryan-‘-s-Wizard/?keyword=beany%20sparks


After years of no contact, Oliver “Olly” Grey was finally able to reunite with his cousin Aiden. He’s surprised to find that Aiden now has a mate—a male, shifter mate—named Lex. And it’s Lex’s pack mates that Olly is there to help save. What he hadn’t expected was Lex’s brother Ryan.

Ryan Shepherd was happy to have found his brother Lex, and even happier to know that his brother was happily mated. But there is something about Aiden’s cousin Olly that Ryan doesn’t trust, especially when he also smells like the man currently holding his pack members captive. Yet that doesn’t stop Ryan from wanting to hold and comfort the man, and eventually he realizes why—Olly is his mate.

Now the four of them need to plan a rescue mission, but what happens when they run into the two men that had held Lex captive and those same men come to the cabin in the middle of the night?


This takes place right after book one: Aiden’s Shepherd. Olly is Aiden’s cousin and a wizard. Olly is running from his father who is holding a bunch of shifters in cages. Olly runs to Aiden to get his help to release these shifters but is a little nervous when he meets Lex, Aiden’s mate and Ryan, Lex’s brother.

Ryan is leery of Olly because he smells like the man holding the shifters hostage and distrustful of him because he’s a wizard, but he can’t help being attracted, too.

Olly, Lex, Aiden and finally Ryan decide to work together to free the shifters, but have to wait 3 weeks for Olly’s dad to go on a trip and leave the shifter’s unguarded. During those 3 weeks Olly learns more about his own magic and Ryan learns more about Olly.

In the end Ryan discovers Olly is his mate, Olly discovers he is a “special” wizard and all four find ways to work together to free the shifters from Olly’s dad.


I liked Aiden’s Shepherd a bit more than this, mostly because the romance here was a bit rushed. I loved that Olly got to be a “super wizard” and that he needed to lose his virginity to do so!

I like this world Beany Sparks has created and am enjoying the series.

I give it 3.5 of 5 hearts



A Paranormal Chipmunk Christmas by Jackie Nacht

MLR Press Presents http://www.mlrbooks.com/ShowBook.php?book=JN_CMCHR

chipmunk christmasBlurb

A vicious horde of chipmunks? Dallas and Gunner knew that meeting their mate’s family wasn’t going to be a walk in the park. How could it be when they had eighteen brothers and sisters? This bear and wolf are about to be put to the test—surviving this family holiday. Will they be able to escape just the four of them or will they be taking some of the siblings back to White Pine…involuntarily?


This super cute little holiday story brings both Dallas and Gunner into the crazy chipmunk household for Christmas. Needless to say there are lots of funny moments, some hot smexy times and a very sweet “gift exchange” at the end. If you’ve been enjoying the series so far you won’t want to miss this little story.

I loved it!

4 of 5 hearts



Hell & High Water (THIRDS #1) by Charlie Cochet

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

When homicide detective Dexter J. Daley’s testimony helps send his partner away for murder, the consequences—and the media frenzy—aren’t far behind. He soon finds himself sans boyfriend, sans friends, and, after an unpleasant encounter in a parking garage after the trial, he’s lucky he doesn’t find himself sans teeth. Dex fears he’ll get transferred from the Human Police Force’s Sixth Precinct, or worse, get dismissed. Instead, his adoptive father—a sergeant at the Therian-Human Intelligence Recon Defense Squadron otherwise known as the THIRDS—pulls a few strings, and Dex gets recruited as a Defense Agent.

Dex is determined to get his life back on track and eager to get started in his new job. But his first meeting with Team Leader Sloane Brodie, who also happens to be his new jaguar Therian partner, turns disastrous. When the team is called to investigate the murders of three HumaniTherian activists, it soon becomes clear to Dex that getting his partner and the rest of the tightknit team to accept him will be a lot harder than catching the killer—and every bit as dangerous.


What can I say about this? I have heard so many wonderful things about this book the rave reviews that everyone gave me. Needless to say it definitely earned the high praises. This book managed to snatch my attention from the beginning of the first page and retained my attention to the end of the last page. I liked this world where shifters are presented differently. In this, they’re not in hiding, finding mates or in the throes of any mating heat. The Therians are the result of a human made virus gone horribly awry that was released decades before. THIRDS is a governmental police force created to investigate and fight crimes involving Therians.

Dex is transferred to this organization from the Human Police Force after testifying against his former partner for the murder of an unarmed Therian youth. Now this is where is where the only bump in the road for this book starts for me. In the beginning of the book, Dex is left in a bad place after the trial. His colleagues on the force, people he trusted on the police force, people he considered friends turned against him, his boyfriend leaves him. Then he’s transferred to the THIRDS thanks to his dad pulling a few strings. Okay, he arrives to the new unit and his personality totally changes. I mean complete 180 that left me wondering if I missed something. He goes from being this somber detective whose life is falling apart and becomes this happy go lucky, jokester who is happy and laughing and just laid back. It gave me whiplash along with the unclear POV shifts. That personality shift wasn’t explained in the story so I just figured that was always his personality and it just wasn’t presented with the trial and all of the drama he was dealing with while with the HPF.

With that aside, his antics were pretty hilarious. I found myself laughing to the point of tears. Even though it was just a bit over the top, I felt that it was exactly what the team needed at that time. They were all hurting after losing a beloved team member and they were functioning, but not really dealing with the loss.

The pace was slow but not bad but a few ‘info dumps’ caused the story to drag in some parts. In all, this was a very good book and I truly enjoyed it. The action (once it got going) was pretty awesome. The mystery was well written along with the dialogue. The cliffhanger at the end of the story will segue perfect into the next in the series. I really enjoyed reading this book and couldn’t put it down once I got started.


Trouble Comes in Threes by MA Church

Dreamspinner Presents http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5884

trouble in threesBlurb

A snowstorm in the South—on New Year’s Eve—is a perfect recipe for a catastrophe. After two soul-crushing bad breaks, Kirk’s waiting for disaster number three to strike when, naturally, two stray cats arrive on his doorstep during the storm and decide to make themselves at home. Tenderhearted Kirk lets them stay even though there’s something decidedly odd about his overly friendly felines.
Out of the punishing weather and full of tuna, Dolf and Tal are happy to be snug in Kirk’s house. But then their human goes outside for firewood and suffers a nasty fall that leaves him unconscious. Now the two cats have no choice but to reveal themselves.

Kirk wakes up to find the two kitties are actually Dolf and Tal. They’re cat shifters—and his destined mates. Being part of a feline threesome is enough for Kirk to grapple with, but soon he learns they come from a clowder that doesn’t believe humans and shifters should mix. Kirk knew those two cats would be trouble. Little does he know the real trouble lies ahead.


Kirk is having a bad… life so far. His partner has left him, his house is falling apart and though he has his own garage – it’s early days and he worries about every penny. Suddenly, on a snowy new year’s night, 2 cats show up on his door. Little does he know these aren’t your average cats and they are in fact shifters and his mates!

Dolf and Tal are already mates when they scent Kirk. They both know he is their (uncommon but not impossible) third mate. They petition the alpha for the right to claim him and bring him into their “clowder” or group of cats. They are accepted… but that is where the easy stuff ends and the tough stuff begins.

Though it doesn’t take long, Kirk has to be convinced of the whole mating, shifting, moving part of his new life. The clowder is less than welcoming and this puts a rift in their relationship. To add to that, someone is targeting Kirk and physically attacking him as well.

Luckily, the clowder joins together to keep Kirk safe and we end up with a very HEA.


I loved this book! It was exciting and a unique but still traditional take on shifter romances. The threesome really worked for me. I thought that each truly added to the relationship and though Dolf and Tal were there together first, Kirk really added a needed dynamic that kept them closely bound.

I didn’t like a lot of the very light BDSM between Kirk and Dolf (not my taste) but it was mild enough I could skim it.

I hadn’t read this author before but I will definitely be looking for more from her in the future.

I give it 4.5 of 5 hearts



All’s Fair in Mate Bonds and Publishing by Alana Ankh

AllsFairInMateBondsandPublishingPublisher: Dreamspinner Press

For Killian Marsden, werewolf romance is overrated. After all, he should know, since he’s a half-werewolf and an editor for a romance-publishing house. He’s tired of reading mate bond fairytales, because real life doesn’t work that way. In the real world, Alphas abandon their half-breed children. Not that Killian’s jaded or anything. Simply realistic. So when werewolf Alpha Brett comes knocking, demanding explanations on a rejected manuscript, Killian reels away, or at least tries to.

Brett is a walking, talking Alpha cliché: big, possessive, and growly. His last name is Wolfe, for crying out loud. But Brett is also trustworthy, devoted to his pack, and a little silly when in love. Soon, Killian discovers that maybe, just maybe, he might love Brett in return.

Unfortunately, Killian is not the only one who wants to claim Brett. He will have to set aside his beliefs about mate bonds and deadbeats if he wants his own happily ever after werewolf romance.



Oh, I really liked this book! It had all of my favorite elements: hot gay men, shifters, romance and sex. Killian is an editor who was accused of stealing the book of Brett’s girlfriend. Brett meets with him to the editor to defend her honor. Things don’t go as planned when it turns out that he is Killian’s true mate.

Of course Killian fights against it. At first you think Killian’s going to roll over (no pun intended) and give in. That is far from the truth because Killian is a spitfire of a man. He’s a lot stronger than he lets on and that is what I loved about this story. The fact that he fought against the mating and attraction to Brett made me like him all the more. Of course it wasn’t long before he did give in but he made Brett work hard for it. That was another thing that I appreciated about this story: she didn’t let Brett pull the alpha card on Killian; he had to prove that he was worthy to be Killian’s mate. The book was short, but well written and it’s the first in a series
Which is good because the story ended in an odd cliffhanger and I am really looking forward to seeing what happens next.

Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️











The magic of Christmas by Pelaam

MLR Press Presents http://www.mlrbooks.com/ShowBook.php?book=PTHEMAGC



On a friThe_Magic_of_Christmasends’ getaway in a winter wonderland, Jared and Casey discover real Christmas magic.

Jared joins his four best friends on an early Christmas holiday in a beautiful winter wonderland. He’s been in love with the talented and extroverted Casey for years, but lacked the courage to say anything.

Casey loves Jared, but despite his gregarious exterior, inside lurks someone shy and insecure and so he’s never spoken up.

Both men are about to experience real Christmas magic.



Surprisingly sweet – this is a paranormal Christmas story of two friends who have harbored a love for one another but haven’t had the guts to admit it. They end up going on a holiday together with other friends to a spot that is “haunted” by the Snow Queen. Luckily, they end up being rescued by Kris Kringle, his lover Jack Frost and their mighty shifter Rudy.

It’s a lovely mishmash of Christmas lore, contemporary romance and some New Zealand culture.

I really enjoyed it, thought it was a full and complete story told in only 49 pages and would recommend it to someone looking for a short story full of fantasy, humor and a little hot sex!

4 of 5 hearts



Batteries Not Included by JL Merrow

JL Merrow presents http://www.amazon.com/Batteries-Not-Included-J-L-Merrow-ebook/dp/B00QH6PV6O/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1419024658&sr=1-1&keywords=batteries+not+included


How would you react if you woke up one morning to find you were in bed with your favorite rock star? More to the point: how would the rock star react?

Animal rescue worker Sam is content to dream of rock sensation Cain Shepney. Trouble is, his meddling mother Lillith thinks he deserves to have all his dreams come true — and she isn’t above performing a little magic to achieve her ends! Sam’s shocked to wake up one morning to find himself actually in bed with his celebrity crush — but that’s nothing to how Cain feels about it! Suddenly Sam’s got to deal with an irate, naked, and very distracting rock star in his bed.

Cain has it all — he’s good-looking, famous, and adored by millions. But his life takes a turn for the surreal when he wakes up in bed with Sam. Expecting everyone to be worried sick by his disappearance, Cain’s horrified to find his manager — and even his mum — insisting he’s an imposter, and the real Cain Shepney is right where he belongs.

Sam just wants to help, but with Cain convinced he’s a crazed, celebrity-kidnapping stalker, Sam’s got his work cut out for him. Can he get the object of his affections to trust him long enough to find out just what the hell’s going on?


This is a super short fantasy novel about a toy “idol” doll coming to life and making Sam’s dreams come true. In true Merrow fashion it’s British and snarky and hilarious with a dash of hot sex to keep things steamy.

I loved it and my only complaint was that it was too short!

My absolute favorite part is the tattoo!

I highly recommend it and give it 4.5 of 5 hearts



Stalking the Hygienist by Jackie Nacht

MLR Press presents http://www.mlrbooks.com/ShowBook.php?book=JNSTKHYG

stalking hygienistBlurb

This lion shifter will go to any length to get his deer shifting hygienist, including going to the dentist. Bring on the nitrous oxide!

Beauregard made a mistake… a horrible mistake. Now embarrassed,he focuses on what he loves most, working as a hygienist at Paranormal Dentistry for the Fanged and Friendly.

As soon as Sergei saw Beauregard coming up to his meat counter, he fell hard for the deer shifter. The only problem is Beauregard is running from him. Being the lion shifter he is, Sergei decides to take matters into his own hand and goes hunting. However, Sergei never imagined he would have to face his worst fear and choke down a salad.What’s it going to take to make Beauregard his?


Sergei is a lone lion who sees his potential mate in the deer-shifter Beauregard. Sergei won’t take no for an answer and “stalks” Beau until he agrees to a date. From there on it’s pretty much hot then hotter between the two and true love triumphs again.

This is a very cute shifter story with true love and hot sex. A great addition to the series!

4 of 5 hearts

