A New Man by PD Singer

Dreamspinner Presents http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=6025

new manBlurb

Senior year of college is for studying, partying, and having fun before getting serious about life. Instead, Chad’s days are filled with headaches and exhaustion, and his fencing skills are getting worse with practice, not better. Then there’s his nonexistent love life, full of girls he’s shunted to the friend zone. Is he asexual? Gay?

Grad student Warren Douglas could be out clubbing, but his roommate is better company, even without kisses. He’s torn up watching Chad suffer, gobbling ibuprofen and coming home early on Friday nights. If Chad weren’t straight, Warren would keep him up past midnight. They’re great as friends. Benefits might answer Chad’s questions.

A brief encounter with lab rats reveals Chad’s illness—he needs surgery, STAT, and can’t rely on his dysfunctional parents for medical decisions. Warren’s both trustworthy and likely to get overruled—unless they’re married. “You can throw me back later,” Warren says, and he may throw himself back after his husband turns out moody and hard to get along with, no matter how much fun his new sex drive is. Surgery turns Chad into a new man, all right…

…but Warren fell in love with the old one.


Warren and Chad are roommates. Warren is gay and Chad is… well, Chad is having a lot of trouble defining himself.

Chad, since he was about 15, has been having debilitating headaches and some pretty debilitating erectile dysfunction. He doesn’t link the two, but instead worries about his “manliness”. He decides to conduct an experiment after his most recent female failure and his buddy Warren is happy to oblige.

Though it is far from perfect, Chad is definitely more aroused by Warren than any of the previous girlfriends he’s had and the two embark on an exploratory friends to lovers relationship.

But that isn’t all there is to be discovered. Chad’s headaches are getting worse and Warren and his friend convince Chad to go to the doctor to test a theory they have about the source of Chad’s problems.

It turns out Chad has a brain tumor and it is the probable source of all his physical ailments.

The surgery to remove the benign growth is tricky and there is a chance that Chad will be left a vegetable if it goes wrong. Knowing how his family feels about “pulling the plug”, Chad doesn’t want to be left in a vegetative state and he doesn’t trust his family to respect his wishes. To circumvent this, he and Warren sign all the appropriate Medical Health forms but also decide to get married so that Warren will really have his power of attorney.

Once the surgery has been successfully completed there a lot of changes Chad will go through. Essentially puberty, again. The question is – now that Chad is “a new man” will he still want to be with Warren. The other question is – will Warren still want to be with him?


What a unique book! PD Singer is nothing if not an amazing researcher. You can tell she must have done a bunch of serious investigating into this disease. It was fascinating!

There were times when I was certainly skeptical. Two college guys getting married for the sake of a power of attorney was definitely a little on the unrealistic side, but for the most part, the rest of the story seemed to fall within the realm of possibility.

I appreciated the “real” sex in this book, and that it wasn’t always hot and sweaty and joyous. There were some hardships the couple went through that just rang true and felt very authentic.

I was thoroughly captivated by this story and was waffling, right up til the end, right along with Warren on whether or not Chad would figure things out or was the whole relationship about to crumble before their eyes.

I really recommend this unique book and this fascinating look at a relationship.

Writing/Editing 5

Romance 4

Sex/Heat 4

Storyline 5

World Building/Characterizations 4

Overall 4.4 (rounded up to 4.5) of 5 hearts!



The Trouble With Tony (Sex in Seattle #1) Audiobook by Eli Easton Narrated by Tommy O’Brien

Dreamspinner Presents: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=6109

trouble tonyBlurb

As part of the investigation into the murder of a young woman, Seattle P.I. Tony DeMarco poses as a patient of Dr. Jack Halloran, the therapist who treated the victim at a Seattle sex clinic. This isn’t the first time Tony has gone undercover, but it’s the first time he’s wanted to go under covers with one of his suspects. He can’t help it –Jack Halloran is just the kind of steely eyed hero Tony likes. But he’ll have to prove Halloran’s innocence and keep the doctor from finding out about his ruse before he can play Romeo.
Dr. Halloran has his own issues, including a damaged right arm sustained in the line of duty as a combat surgeon in Iraq and the PTSD that followed. He’s confused to find himself attracted to a new patient, the big, funny Italian with the puppy-dog eyes, and Tony’s humor slips right past Jack’s defenses, making him feel things he thought long buried. But can the doctor and the P.I. find a path to romance despite the secrets between them?


Jack is a Doctor and a war hero who has had to re-train from surgeon to sex therapist due to debilitating injuries.

Tony is an ex-cop, PI on the case of a murder of one of Jack’s former patients. Tony “pretends” to have a sex addiction and comes to Jack for “help” so that he can assess Jack as a suspect. Jack sees through the ruse and calls Tony’s bluff. Tony admits, finally, to having “a picky dick”. Meaning that he has trouble getting erections except with a very small pool of men who manage to stimulate his “picky dick”.

Jack agrees to take Tony on as a patient, though he is concerned because he is not sure Tony is still being honest and Jack is already too attracted to Tony for professional purposes.

Together Jack and Tony research possibilities for Tony’s “problem” and at the same time build a smoldering sexual tension.

Tony essentially rules Jack out fairly early as a suspect, but still must investigate the clinic and it’s employees as well as following other leads.

Finally, when Tony thinks he knows whodunit, he faces the task of convincing Jack to give their relationship a try.


So – you know – I love Eli Easton. I am a huge fan. This was one of the first books I read of hers after falling in love with Blame it on the Mistletoe. There are several things I loved about this book (especially listening to it again after having read it several times). I love the characters. They seem so real and down to earth. I love that I get to learn something about sex therapy and yet it was still a bit kinky at times too. Totally professional and not at all demeaning to the profession, but still acknowledging the sexual edge that is involved in such an intimate form of therapy.

I also loved the gradual exploration of the feelings between Tony and Jack. It felt real and natural. My only complaint was that after Jack and Tony got together we didn’t get to see much of them as a couple. There was definitely enough to believe in a HEA (and we see them in future novels as an established couple) but I wanted to see more of them here.


I had listened to Tommy O’Brien narrate before and thought he did a fine job.

I was so disappointed with this. There was little emotion and the very slight difference between Tony and Jack’s voices was not satisfactory. Tony is this great East Coast Italian guy and it would have been so fun to hear that come out in Tommy’s narration. There is some inflection and in fact Tony’s voice is the only emotion I felt in the story.

Writing/Editing 5

Romance 4

Sex/Heat 4.5

Storyline 5

World Building/Characterizations 5

Narration 3

Overall 4.5 hearts



Quiet Nights (Mangrove Stories #2) by Mary Calmes

Dreamspinner presents: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=6022

quiet nightsBlurb

It’s a lovely little life Kelly Seaton leads. He’s got his own landscaping business, a nice little house, and his best friend, Cosimo Renaldi, and Coz’s goofball family who have adopted Kelly as their own. Sure, it’s a little lonely at night, but it’s a sweet deal, and Kelly can’t chance ruining it by letting on that he wants more—has always wanted more—with Coz.
Then Kelly’s past comes to town, bringing bad memories and hurt feelings that start to break Kelly down, and Coz just doesn’t understand why Kelly won’t let him be the support and strength that Kelly’s always been for him. They’ve already been through war, Coz’s devastating injury, and starting new careers in Mangrove, Florida. Why shouldn’t they face their chaotic pasts and build their future of quiet nights… together?


Oh Mary, how I love thee, let me count the ways!

This is the second book in her new Mangrove Stories series. So… yep we get to see Dwyer and Takeo again. (Yay!)

Kelly and Coz are best friends and have been since their days in the military. Kelly is Coz’s de-facto brother, his family disowned him for being gay. Kelly saved Coz’s life but Coz still lost an arm, and as a result still feels inadequate in the realm of romance.

Takeo actually is to be credited with pushing Kelly and Coz together, because it is his matchmaking endeavors that sort of push Coz into dating which makes Kelly so jealous he can’t see straight!

This is a short story, so we get a little build up and a little steamy smexy times and lots and lots of warm feels.

One of my favorite quotes from the book illustrates this exactly. Coz is talking to Kelly. “You’re who I think of telling shit to, who I miss even when I’m busy doing something and you’re who I want to roll over on top of in the morning.” See? Build up, smexy times, and lots of great feels!

PS I LOVE the cover – so beautiful and doesn’t Kelly look awesome?!

Writing/Editing 5

Romance 5

Sex/Heat 5

Storyline 4

World Building/Characterizations 5

Overall 4.8 rounded to 5 of 5 hearts!




Izzy Van Swelm Soulmate for Sin Blog Tour with Character Interview and Giveaway

SoulmateForSinblog-badgeThe effects of an attack on SIN, a twenty-nine year old University lecturer, reach out further into his future than SIN could ever imagine. In a story, which seems doomed to start with an end, SIN learns about the forever kind of love, and how family is not just biological. ‘Soul-Mate for SIN’ shows how twists of fate can take a loving, but ordinary family, from a small market town in Lincolnshire, England and turn them into something extraordinary.

Buy from Wilde City

Character Interview with Julie:

Hello, please tell us your name and who you are?
Hello. I’m Julie and I’m an Intensive Care nurse in a hospital in Nottingham, England.
Oh I see Gabriel is a nurse there too. Is that how you became involved with this book?
Yes, Gabriel is one of my best friends, we’ve known each other for donkey’s years, and we work together. I can’t really say how I became involved…Izzy would be upset…but I’m pretty close to Gabriel, SIN and SIN’s family and friends. They are pretty lovely people to know and be around.
Do you have a partner?
As a matter of fact I do at the moment and it’s going quite well. His name is Rob, he gets on very well with Snowy…that’s SIN’s dad. I think they stopped each other running out when we all went to The Rainbow Lounge? (Laughs)
Oh you’ve been there I’ve heard it’s very good?
Oh it is… it’s a gay bar and drag club but it’s pretty inclusive, although quite expensive. I don’t always go when SIN, Gabriel and the boys do, but I go when I’m free, with or without Rob …lol. I have a genuinely good night out whenever I go.
So what can you tell us about the book Soul Mate for SIN?
This is the bit I was dreading, as I really can’t tell you too much without giving away details that Izzy wants kept secret. I will say, I think it’s a lovely story …it contains several different examples of ‘love’ including romantic love of course. I will admit some of it made me laugh out loud while other bits…well I remember how we all felt at the time, so I was quite emotional. There are sexy bits, but of course I skimmed over those, well you don’t want to read about your friends’ sex lives do you? Okay, I read them and they were really hot… just don’t tell Gabriel and the others, right.
Thank you for your time Julie.
Oh, thank you. Is that it? Don’t I have to tell you my favourite colour, or boy band, or something?
Um…not really… do you want to?
Well that’s what they do in interviews for books isn’t it? Or is that music? Anyway, my favourite colour is purple, and my favourite boy band… well of course it’s One Direction! I’m totally a ‘Larry shipper’ and I’m not too old whatever, anyone says. (Glares) Shall I stop now…?
Oh okay then…Bye.

Meet more of the cast: 

SIN …………………………….Prism Book Alliance…………………………………..Tuesday 27th January 2015
Gabe…………………………..Diverse Reader…………………………………………Wednesday 28th Release Day
Snowy …………………………RJ Scott……………………………………………………Thursday 29th January 2015
Charlie …………………………Sinfully Sexy Books…………………………………..Friday 30th January 2015
Sally………………………………The Novel Approach…………………………………Saturday 31st January 2015
Prof McRae …………………..Rainbow Gold Reviews………………………………Sunday 1st February 2015
INTERVIEW WITH IZZY ….The Hat Party…………………………………………….Monday 2nd February 2015
WIN ……………………………….Hearts on Fire Reviews………………………………Tuesday 3rd February 2015
Miss Clitty Sparkles………..J.P. Barnaby………………………………………….Wednesday 4th February 2015
Danny…………………………….Love Bytes………………………………………………..Thursday 5th February 2015
Lady Charlotte……………….GGR………………………………………………………………Friday 6th February 2015

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Izzy van Swelm is English, but took her Mother in Law’s maiden name as a pen name. Izzy dreams of a world where all sentient species have rights and respect. A world where LGBTQ lovers and friends, old and young, can walk holding hands meeting nothing more than the occasional affectionate eye roll. A world where intelligence, gentleness and compassion are the overwhelming attributes of politicians, and religion is practiced by those who believe, but never forced on those who do not.


Izzy is a romantic, a dreamer, a vegetarian and just a little eccentric. Izzy writes because she loves to tell stories, and she hopes that her stories will bring happiness, enjoyment and maybe to some…a little hope.

https://www.facebook.com/IzzyvanSwelm – Author Page
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007247866404 – Facebook

Undercover Addictions (Secret Sin #2) by Hayley B James

Dreamspinner Presents


Working Vice for the Seattle PD, Connor Bishop’s favorite part of the job is going undercover. His current assignment is to get close to Riley Drapeau, a human trafficker backed into a corner by the FBI and turned informant. Connor needs to milk him for information on his organization, but while doing so, sees an entirely different Riley than he expected.

Caught off balance, Connor relies heavily on Lucas, his outside man and only link to the real world, but he gets sucked in by Riley and his attempt to clear his name and prove his partners fabricated evidence to frame him.

Up to his eyeballs in the dark world of trafficking, Connor finds it easier to believe Riley than what the FBI is saying, especially when a leak is uncovered within the Bureau. The choices Connor has to make become even more difficult when Lucas admits he has feelings for him and promises a safe life far from harm. But Connor can’t deny the only man he wants to be with is Riley. Which forces him to decide if his addiction to the dangerous side of life can include loving a criminal.


(This is book two, and I didn’t read book one, but this can be a stand alone.)

Connor is an undercover cop who is supposed to get information on human trafficker Riley. They end up having an affair. Riley ends up getting caught and tries to convince Connor to stay away from him and stay with Lucas, his cop friend – a “good guy”.  But is Lucas really all that good? Is Riley really all bad? Does Connor care?


It took me a very long time to make it through this book. At first I was really captivated by the premise: undercover, vice, bad guys who might not be bad guys… but as I started to read and realized that – no – the bad guys are really bad guys – it got harder for me to stay with the story.

The writing is excellent. Hayley James does a great job developing her characters and telling a fast paced, gritty story.

My main issue with the book, which unfortunately shaped my overall opinion, was that I never felt attached to either Riley or Connor. I know that I was supposed to see the “good” seeping through the “bad” but I just never got that hook that made me to see things from their point of view and I was never really rooting for either of them. I know others who have reviewed this did not feel this way and thought that Riley was really a good guy in a bad situation so it might be that it just didn’t rub me the right way.

I think that if you have read book one, and enjoyed it you will definitely enjoy this. (There are some recurring characters and I know I always like re-visiting past couples.) If you are intrigued by the seamier side of police work and enjoy that “gray” area of good and bad and some pretty hot sex,  this will really hit your buttons.

Writing/Editing 5

Romance 3

Sex/Heat 4

Storyline 4

World Building/Characterizations 4

Overall 4 of 5 hearts



Duck Duck Ghost Audiobook by Rhys Ford Narrated by Tristan James

Dreamspinner presents http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=6030

duck audioBlurb

Paranormal investigator Wolf Kincaid knows what his foot tastes like.

Mostly because he stuck it firmly in his mouth when his lover, Tristan Pryce, accidentally drugged him with a batch of psychotropic baklava. Needing to patch things up between them, Wolf drags Tristan to San Luis Obispo, hoping Tristan’s medium ability can help evict a troublesome spirit haunting an old farmhouse.

With Wolf’s sister handling Hoxne Grange’s spectral visitors, Tristan finds himself in the unique position of being able to leave home for the first time in forever, but Wolf’s roughshod treatment is the least of his worries. Tristan’s ad-hoc portal for passing spirits seems to be getting fewer and fewer guests, and despite his concern he’s broken his home, Tristan agrees to help Wolf’s cousin, Sey, kick her poltergeist to the proverbial curb.

San Luis Obispo brings its own bushel of troubles. Tristan’s ghost whispering skill is challenged not only by a terrorizing haunting but also by Wolf’s skeptical older cousin, Cin. Bookended by a pair of aggressive Kincaids, Tristan soon finds himself in a spectral battle that threatens not only his sanity but also his relationship with Wolf, the first man he’s ever loved.


Wolf starts off with a bang and a new assistant in the swamps of Florida and instead of a ghost almost loses a limb to an alligator! We find out he as totally effed up things with Tristan and ran out on the guy after a bad episode of hallucinogenic honey consumption.

Tristan meanwhile is not happy because a) Wolf is acting like an ass and b) the ghosts seem to have left the Grange.

A little time passes, Wolf comes to his senses and returns to Tristan. The two call a truce because Wolf’s cousin Sey is in need of some ghost experts and they realize they aren’t quite through with each other.

Sey operates a toy repair service and it seems as though one of the toys has come with its own poltergeist. Tristan and Wolf, then later cousin Cin, must rid Sey’s ranch of the ghost of a horrifying little girl before the entire place (literally) goes up in flames.

Ok. Rhys, I admit it. I was pissed at first. How could you cause trouble between Tristan and Wolf when they had just found each other?!

(Whining over) They quickly get back together and manage to work through some pretty important emotional stuff. In fact Tristan ends up really coming up to bat for Wolf against Cin, who holds Wolf in contempt for “abandoning” the Hellsinger family traditions. That was pretty awesome. Their make-up sex is also super amazing, so I pretty much forgave Rhys for everything and she continues to be my hero.

Besides the love story, (which, as previously mentioned, rocks!) the ghost story in this book was way scarier than in the first. Maybe it’s the scary kid ghost, (I kept getting flashes of Chuckie, IT, and Poltergeist) but those porcelain doll heads are plain creepy all on their own. Now imagine them haunted. Yeah. Creepy as hell. Thanks for the nightmares Rhys!

I loved Ray and Petal, though. They reminded me of Beetlejuice’s football team ghosts. Nice, funny, kinda clueless. They were great assets to the story.

I thought Cin was a douche-bag, but he was kinda supposed to be, and I’m hoping we’ll see more of him, more evolved, hopefully in love with someone…

It was nice to meet Ophelia Sunday and to learn more about Wolf’s history and I really liked where the couple ended the story even though it looks like Rhys is going to put them in hot water… again!

I just love this ghost series by Rhys Ford and am excited to see where their adventure takes us, even though it might just give me more nightmares!


Tristan James, one of my all time favorite narrators, does another great job with this. His Wolf Kincaid voice is growly and delightful and Tris is just a shade light to give him a more delicate air. I love the family and Mara and all the secondary characters.  I like listening to this even more than reading it.


“You PEED on my foot!”  – classic!


5 of 5 hearts






I give it 5 of 5 hearts, I highly recommend it!


Heart by Garrett Leigh

Dreamspinner presents http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5551


Cornish pastry chef Seb Wright dreads the summer tourist season. The cash injection to his artisan fudge pantry is more than welcome, the extra work, less so. Then one summer, a shadowy Good Samaritan catches his eye. Irish Traveller Dex is bewitching, a beautiful sullen enigma who turns Seb’s world upside down until he disappears in the night, vanishing like a mystical summer rain.

Twelve months later Dex is in the midst of a dark storm. A slave to his master, ‘Uncle’ Braden, he spends his days cleaning caravans and his nights working in Braden’s other businesses. His short summer with Seb seems a lifetime ago. Lost in the savage violence of the murky underworld, he doesn’t dare dream he’ll ever find his way back, until one night, a brutal crime opens the door for a chance escape. A new life beckons, old faces emerge, and immersed in the heady vibe of London’s East End, new love begins to heal his fractured heart.


(Sort of spoilery…)

I kept putting this off, not because it’s not a wonderful book, but because it is so… hard.

Seb is a normal guy, he inherits a fudge shop from his grandfather. It’s a bit boring and lonely but he feels obligated to carry it on for his grandfather’s memory. One day he meets Dex.

God. Dex.

Dex is a Traveller (Gypsy) who is being sold as a prostitute by his uncle (and beaten, tortured, etc.). Dex and Seb have one night, a beautiful interlude where Dex learns what love feels like, then Dex disappears.

(There are several chapters here in the middle I skimmed because they were too hard to read. Stories of Dex being abused and used… too much for my sensitive heart.)

Dex manages to escape his uncle and goes into hiding in London, where a kind restaurant owner teaches him the trade and then, as luck would have it, hires Seb to be his pastry chef.

For months Dex and Seb dance around their attraction but when they give in it looks like Dex is really on the road to healing. He’s learning a trade, learning to read, earning money, opening up (a little tiny bit) about his life. When suddenly he is re-captured.


Fortunately, this part of the story is quick and we find Dex in a hospital recovering from wounds and now, finally, he’s free forever of his uncle’s influence.


There is no denying that Garrett Leigh is an amazing writer. Her characters are well developed, her writing flawless, her storylines deeply moving and always able to elicit a deep emotional response.

Though I can’t say I enjoyed this (it was so, so hard to read), I was glad I had. Dex and Seb deserve their very HEA and I was so happy to be part of it.

(Warning some animal abuse mentioned.)

Writing/Editing 5/5
Romance 4/5
Storyline 4/5
World Building Characterization 5/5

Overall 4.5 of 5 hearts



Black John (Johnnies #4) by Amy Lane

Dreampsinner Presents http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5982

black johnBlurb

John Carey is just out of rehab and dying inside when he gets word that Tory, the guy who loved him and broke him, has removed himself from the world in the most bitter way possible—and left John to clean up his mess.

Forced back to his hometown in Florida, John’s craving a hit with every memory when he meets Tory’s neighbor. Spacey and judgmental, Galen Henderson has been rotting in his crappy apartment since a motorcycle accident robbed him of his mobility, his looks, and his boyfriend all in one mistake. Galen’s been hiding at the bottom of an oxy bottle, but when John shows up, he feels obligated to help wade through the wreckage of Tory’s life.

The last thing John needs is another relationship with an addict, and the last thing Galen wants is a conscience. Both of them are shocked when they find that their battered souls can learn from and heal one another. It doesn’t hurt that they’re both getting a crash course on how growing up and getting past your worst mistakes sure beats the alternative—and that true love is something to fight to keep if your lover is fighting to love you back.


Where to start….
Well, first we all know Johnnies right? – the made up porn studio that introduced us to Chase and Tommy, Dex and Kane, Ethan and Jonah and in a related way, Alejandro and Donny. We LOVE Johnnies. John… we didn’t love so much. He was a coke-head-douche in Dex in Blue and though he had glimmers of the kinda guy Dex might befriend, by the time we actually meet him, he’s gone over the edge.

This is his story.

We start out with John getting out of rehab, he’s still pretty shaky, but determined to stay clean, only to find out that this newly sober John has to fly to Florida (across the world practically) to help clean out the apartment and distribute the remains of his first love, Tory, who has committed suicide.

Uh…Thanks Amy for taking it easy on us. NOT!

Tory and John grew up together, realized they were gay together, started doing porn together but I can’t really say they loved each other because Tory never treated John like someone he loved.

As time passes Tory descends down a spiral of sex and drugs and after several years and three trips to rehab John decides Tory needs to try things on his own, because whatever John is doing, isn’t helping.

Thus the birth of Johnnies.

Flash back to today, John is at Tory’s apartment where he meets the neighbor, Galen. Galen is a lawyer who had a terrible accident three years ago, and has since been caught up in a cycle of depression and pain med addiction.

So… of course John is super attracted to Galen, but really – Can he? Should he? Is it remotely smart for him to take on another addict?


If I were to rank my favorite Johnnies books the order would be Dex, Super Sock Man, Chase, John, Ethan…. Black John is a good book, Amy doesn’t write anything bad. The angst is so painful. Tory hurt John so much. Dex (inadvertently) hurt John so much. But… the one piece I missed with Black John that Chase and Dex and even Super Sock Man had was a bit more of a connection between the lovers.

I loved that John could finally help Galen and that Galen wanted to be strong enough to show John he deserved someone whole. But I didn’t see them as a couple long enough to feel as attached to them as I have in other Amy Lane books.

On the other hand I absolutely loved that we got to see more of Dex and Kane again and I hope to see more in this series — Bobby and Reg perhaps???

Writing/Editing 5

Romance 3.5

Sex/Heat 3.5

Storyline 5

World Building/Characterizations 5

Overall, 4.5 hearts!



The Wrong Man (Right and Wrong #2) by Lane Hayes

Dreamspinner Presents http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=6000

wrong manBlurb

Successful owner of an upscale boutique in fabulous West Hollywood, Brandon Good swears by his personal edict to “live in the present.” After a bad breakup, he agrees to dog-sit to keep his mind off his ex. Never did he expect the dog to belong to a man from his past, the only man to ever truly break his heart.

When Jake Westley relocates to join the WeHo fire department, the last thing he anticipates is reuniting with his secret high school love. Thrilled with the prospect of reconnecting with Bran, Jake feels no guilt in using his charming old dog as an unwitting matchmaker. As he and Bran rekindle their friendship, it becomes clear the intense attraction they once felt is stronger than ever. But as hard as they try to leave the past behind, painful memories resurface. Bran will have to confront his fears and consider the possibility that the man he swore was absolutely the wrong one might be perfect after all.


Jake and Brandon have a past. Jake was Brandon’s closeted high school boyfriend who was too scared to come out back then, so he lost Brandon.

Twelve years later he runs into Brandon again and lots has changed. Brandon is now out and proud, a fireman with a great old dog, and an ex.

Their relationship starts off as friends. Brandon helping Jake with his dog, Mack. Jake helping Bran with his ex, Trevor.

It gets steamy and more involved from there fairly quickly.

But… it’s not that easy. Bran is pretty walled off. He’s been hurt in the past and is unwilling to let anyone in. Jake, however, is more than ready for the challenge.


Oh man. Call me a sucker, but the dog totally did it for me. He was wonderful. He acted as a catalyst for these guys in more ways than one. First, he was the entrée for Jake back into Brandon’s life. Then, he was the four legged chaperone that gave them common ground and an excuse to be together without pressure. Finally, he represented that age old dilemma that to have love, you have to be prepared for potential loss and complications and that nothing great comes without risk.

We get to see the boys from book one, but this is definitely a stand-alone novel. The writing is excellent and the sex is really hot.

Be assured though you may cry anyway, the dog makes it!

I really enjoyed this book and all Lane Hayes novels.

Writing/Editing 5

Romance 4.5

Sex/Heat 4.5

Storyline 4

World Building/Characterizations 5

Overall 4.5 of 5 hearts



This is Not a Love Story: A Hacker and his Hero by AE Lawless

Loose Id presents: http://www.loose-id.com/this-is-not-a-love-story-the-hacker-and-his-hero.html


Ever since Gran’s death, Zander’s been using his skills as an elite computer hacker to help put criminals behind bars. Surprisingly enough, there’s also another vigilante running around his city helping folks out in the more traditional way. The press likes to pretend they’re rivals, but Zander likes to think that he and the Night Angel are working together; they want the same things at least.

When a tough case forces the two vigilantes to actually work together, Zander’s insistent fascination with the Night Angel becomes powerful attraction. It wouldn’t be a problem, except Zander’s also fooling around with his boss at the day job, Reese. They both give him something the other can’t, but both of them are also holding something he needs back from him. Zander knows he has to choose, but he just doesn’t see any way to make a good choice.

A break in the case reveals not only the master plot, but more about Zander’s true nature than he ever expected to learn. Afterwards, Zander is seeing the world in a new light and realizes he may not have to sacrifice anything he needs; he may not have to make a choice after all


I don’t want to give a re-cap of the story because it’s a “mystery” and any summing up could give away key elements.

In deciding if this is the book for you, you should consider the following:
Do you mind on – page violence/torture?
Do you need lovey dovey emotional scenes and “I love yous”?
Do you mind long-winded tales, with perhaps a bit too much writing and not enough editing?
Do you want a romance that is more about the relationship than the mystery?

If you answered yes to the above, this is not the book for you.

On the other hand:
Do you like complicated, dark characters?
Do you like intelligent writing and complex plotting?
Do you like twists and turns and a romance that relies heavily on the “mystery”?
Do you like longer stories?
Do you like flawed MCs?
Do you like rough, hot sex?

If so this is the story for you.

As for me – it was ok. There were parts I liked (the alpha characters, the sex scenes, the intelligence of the characters, their flaws). There were parts I didn’t (the length – I felt an editor would be a great thing here), the “mystery” didn’t compel me, the violence wasn’t my taste and there weren’t enough emotions between the MCs for my taste, either.

These are preferences, however.

So, to rate it:
Writing/Editing 3.5/5
Romance 2.5/5
Storyline 4/5
World Buidling/Characterization 5/5

I will definitely look for more from this author in the future.

Overall 3.75 of 5 hearts

