A Restored Man by Jaime Reese Blog Tour With Excerpt and Giveaway

Title: A Restored Man
Series: The Men of Halfway House #3
Author: Jaime Reese
Genre: M/M Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 17, 2015
Cole Renzo thinks his greatest challenge is to behave for the remainder of his term at Halfway House. Until he meets his new boss, Ty Calloway, a man who ticks off every box on Cole’s list of interests.
A sought-after restorer and customizer of exotic and collectible cars, Ty had enough confidence to command what he wanted in life, until one fateful night changed everything. Almost two years later, he’s slowly rebuilding his life with great control. He’s defied the odds and works tirelessly to be the man he once was—but he still feels broken.
Cole’s candor and unfiltered personality awaken Ty’s barely-remembered desire to greet each new day with a smile, while Ty’s unwavering acceptance of Cole’s quirks and brash humor makes Cole feel as if he fits in for the first time in far too long. When a nemesis threatens Ty’s personal restoration and the things he holds dear, Cole is determined to protect their relationship, even if that means sacrificing everything he’s worked so hard to achieve.
But Ty will have to let his guard down, surrender control, and admit he needs Cole first, even if that puts himself at risk of breaking beyond repair.



“I thought those were the service bays,”
Cole said, thumbing over his shoulder.
“They’re for the traditional shop work my techs
do on a daily basis. These are my
service calls. Side project I’m doing and there’s no money in it for the guys
so I don’t really want to burden them. I figured we could work on them and, in
between, we could tinker with the Yenko if you want or wrap up the last few
details on the Drayton rig. I worked on most of it over the weekend but there
are still a few things to finish up.”
Cole stopped walking. “You’d let me work on the
Yenko with you?”
Ty nodded. “Sure, why not. I’ve seen how picky
you are with your work.”
“So it’s my reward for helping you with your
service calls?”
Ty chuckled. “Do you do tricks too?”
Cole raised an eyebrow and half smiled. “Oh, I’ve
got a lot of tricks I can show you.” He smiled at the rush of color to
Ty’s cheeks, loving the way Ty always reacted to his teasing.
“You do realize you’re an HR nightmare,” Ty
said, looking at Cole with that glimmer in his eye.
Cole’s pulse raced. “HR?”
“Human Resources. Sexual harassment, all
that,” Ty said, trying to look serious and indifferent, but failing
Cole belly-laughed so loud it echoed in the shop. He
then stilled, straightened his shoulders, and mocked a serious tone. “I
could, of course, be completely professional and proper with you, Mr. Calloway,
if that is your preference,” he said, mimicking Matt’s formal tone.
Ty turned to face him, the mock seriousness
transitioning into something more genuine. “And I, of course,” he
said, reciprocating Cole’s tone, “would be deeply disappointed.”
He looked up into those brown eyes and smiled.
“My army of superheroes and I would be as well.” He bit back a smile
and bowed.
Ty’s low rumble-laugh shot straight to Cole’s dick.
Cole straightened. “Admit it, you like me.”
Ty raised his hand and put his thumb and index
fingertips together with only a sliver of a gap between them. “Maybe a
little bit.”
looked at Ty’s fingers then glanced back at him with a huge grin on his face.
“It’s a start,” he said before walking off to the two cars parked in
the bay.
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Jaime Reese is the alter ego of an artist who loves the creative process of writing, just not about herself. Fiction is far more interesting. She has a weakness for broken, misunderstood heroes and feels everyone deserves a chance at love and life. An avid fan of a happy ending, she believes those endings acquired with a little difficulty are more cherished.




Spirit by John Inman

Dreamspinner Presents: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=4770


Jason Day, brilliant designer of video games, is not only a confirmed bachelor, but he’s as gay as a maypole. One wouldn’t think being saddled with his precocious four-year-old nephew for four weeks would be enough to throw him off-kilter.

Wrong. Timmy, Jason’s nephew, is a true handful.

But just when Timmy and Uncle Jason begin to bond, and Jason feels he’s getting a grip on this babysitting business once and for all, he’s thrown for a loop by a couple of visitors—one from Tucson, the other from beyond the grave.

I’m sorry. Say what?

Toss a murder, a hot young stud, an unexpected love affair, and a spooky-ass ghost with a weird sense of humor into Jason’s summer plans, and you’ve got the makings for one hell of a ride.


Jason agrees to babysit his 4-year-old nephew (Timmy) for his sister (Sally).

He has no idea what he’s getting into because Timmy is 4 going on 14 going on 40. (He’s hysterical!)

When Paul (Timmy’s missing Dad’s brother) comes into town on business, Jason offers him the house instead of a hotel.

Timmy reports that there is a ghost in the basement and Jason and Sam hear unexplained things and see some strange things, as well.

While the relationship between Jason and Sam comes together fairly easily and quickly, figuring out the man in the basement takes time and effort. Once they find out who he is, they go about solving his murder mystery.


This is John Inman humor at it’s best! Both the MCs as well as the myriad of secondary characters are well written and hysterical.

The one-liners really zing in this book!

I think the selling point in this story is the humor. The mystery and the romance are sort of the structure by which the humor can be displayed as they are neither “difficult” nor “angsty” nor “deep”. Which is perfect for this story.

This was a light, enjoyable, funny book with a sweet romance and a quirky/spooky mystery thrown in and… oh yeah! A ghost!

Writing/Editing 5

Romance 3

Sex/Heat 3

Storyline 4

World Building/Characterizations 5

Overall, 4 of 5 hearts!



Wood, Screws & Nails Audiobook by Piper Vaughn and Kade Boehme Narrated by Paul Morey

Dreamspinner Presents: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=6111

wood screw nailsBlurb

Aaron Costa’s summer was all planned. Despite having to remodel the family lake house, it would be a vacation of sorts, and he had every intention of enjoying it – until the friend who was supposed to help him got injured and left him in a lurch. He decides to take the opportunity to bond with his son and hires Julian and his roommate, Malachi, to assist.

As a broke college student, Malachi could use the money, and spending the summer with Aaron for eye candy sounds like a dream. “Look but don’t touch” becomes his motto. But when Julian starts flaking on his responsibilities and Malachi and Aaron are forced to spend long hours alone together, their mutual attraction is impossible to resist.

Aaron can’t fight the temptation sexy Malachi presents. But more than their age difference stands in their way, not the least of which is Aaron’s semi-closeted status and the fact that he’s never openly discussed his sexuality with his son. He has no idea how Julian will react when he learns his father is not only gay, he’s also dating his best friend.


This is a pretty straight forward May/December story. Aaron is a contractor, fixing up his own house with the help of his son Julian and Julian’s friend, Malachi. Aaron got his high school girlfriend pregnant, so though there is a considerable age gap (16 years), it isn’t too large to overcome. At this point everyone is over 21 and well over the age of consent.

It becomes evident early on that Mal finds Aaron attractive, but Aaron tries to do “the right thing” and abstain. Temptation gets to be too much and a lot of very hot, hot sex ensues.

Meanwhile, Julian acts like an ass, discovers Aaron and Mal’s secret and Aaron breaks up with Mal for the sake of doing “the right thing”, again.

But… Aaron reconsiders and tracks down Mal and a very satisfying HFN/HEA is what we are left with.


I really liked the characters, Malachi especially. He was brave and hot and temptation on a stick. Aaron was a little less likable, mostly because I didn’t like how he let his son get away with acting like a douche so much of the time.

The sap in me wanted the story to end on more secure footing, we never really got to see them as an “out” couple, and it’s hard to judge the success of a relationship based on the hotness of the sex, but I got the impression that things looked optimistic for Mal and Aaron to make things work long term. Since this is the first in a series maybe (hopefully!) we will see more of them over time.


Paul Morey does a great “growly” voice and he is a perfect choice for Aaron. I always enjoy his narrations and thought that listening to this was even better than reading the book.


Writing/Editing 5

Romance 4

Sex/Heat 5

Storyline 4

World Building/Characterizations 5

Audio 5

Overall 4.7 of 5 hearts!



Loving an Absentminded Astrophysicist by TN Tarrant

Dreamspinner Presents:


loving astroBlurb

At twenty-three, Dr. Liam McGregor is a well-respected astrophysicist, astrobiologist, and geologist. With no family, few friends, and no romantic prospects, he’s used to being alone. Focusing on his various scientific projects and taking care of his decidedly unusual cat help keep the loneliness at bay.

Jareth Manning is starting life over—new town, new job—after the loss of his husband. The last thing he expects is for the most absentminded, and beautiful, man he’s ever seen to take up residence in his heart. Nor did he expect to find himself a willingly humble slave to Her Imperial Highness, Empress the Cat. But Jareth has learned that love doesn’t come around often and to hold on to it when it does. Jareth is willing to be patient if Liam is willing to take a risk after being burned before. They just have to survive Liam’s past returning.

Eight years after Liam and Jareth marry, they want a child. Things don’t go well when they try to adopt, with terrible accusations thrown at Jareth. After recovering, they proceed with a private adoption, bringing home a beautiful little girl, Carinae. Then things get ugly, endangering not only Liam’s life, but Carinae’s.


I want to say first and foremost : This. Is. Fiction.

Ok, now that we set the mood…

Liam is super-brilliant and gets lost in his work, thus he runs into things, knocks things over, misses social cues, breaks things, falls down… he’s a mess. His childhood sucked. His parents are in jail for their abuses of him. His work is mostly wonderful except when the other geniuses get jealous. But… he’s very lonely. He hasn’t had a great romantic history and doesn’t know what to do about that. But… he has an awesome cat and some pretty amazing friends.

Enter Jareth. Jareth is a widower. (Can I get an awwwww?) He lost his husband a couple of years ago and though he loved him dearly, he is ready to move on when he meets Liam who just hits all of his buttons. Jareth is hired as security for Liam after Liam gets attacked at work.

Jareth straight out adores Liam and Liam is entranced by Jareth.

Their romance is a slow build from simple friendship to lovers over time. While their romance is building there are things happening at work that keep Jareth busy protecting Liam and add some spice to our romantic storyline.

The second half of the story is in fact an entire second book (This is really a book one with a couple of cute novellas and then a sequel all wrapped into one novel.)
In the second half we are several years down the line and Jareth and Liam are married and looking to adopt. But… there are lots of road blocks and danger and Liam is still in need of protection.

We end with a glorious HEA and the possibility for expanding the family to four!


Like I said at the beginning of the review, this is fiction. There are some ridiculous things that happen to this couple that are just plain … fictional. Jareth is constantly being hauled in on accusations of spousal abuse. Numerous people (including his parents, three times!) come after Liam with guns and knives and brass knuckles. Their little tiny cat has litter after litter of sweet Siamese kittens with no other health concerns. The adopted baby’s mother inherits $263 million but still wants to give up her baby because she doesn’t want to be a single mom.

Ok. It’s a lot. But I gotta tell ya – I still loved this story. I adored Jareth and Liam together as a couple with their “science” arguments. I loved the over the top drama. I loved the ooey gooey love story and the almost super hero like qualities Jareth had. I thought the sex was hot! I loved that Liam had a pudgy belly! I loved that Jareth goes gray!

I just plain loved this book!

If you are willing to suspend your disbelief and enjoy the geeky magical love fest- this is the book for you!

5 of 5 hearts



Blackbird Knitting in a Bunny’s Lair Audiobook by Amy Lane Narrated by Philip Alces

Dreamspinner presents:



Sequel to Knitter in His Natural Habitat

A Granby Knitting Novel

After three years of waiting for “rabbit” Jeremy to commit to a life in Granby—and a life together—Aiden Rhodes was appalled when Jeremy sustained a nearly fatal beating to keep a friend out of harm’s way. How could Aiden’s bunny put himself in danger like that?

Aiden needs to get over himself, because Jeremy has a long road to recovery, and he’s going to need Aiden’s promise of love every step of the way. Jeremy has new scars on his face and body to deal with, and his heart can’t afford any more wounds.

When their friend’s baby needs some special care, the two men find common ground to firm up their shaky union. With Aiden’s support and his boss’s inspiration, Jeremy comes up with a plan to make sure Ariadne’s little blackbird comes into this world with everything she needs. While Jeremy grows into his new role as protector, Aiden needs to ease back on his protectiveness over his once-timid lover. Aiden may be a wolf in student’s clothing and Jeremy may be a rabbit of a man, but that doesn’t mean they can’t walk the wilds of Granby together.


We start this book with Jeremy in the hospital after having been beaten up by the mob guy who was after Stanley. He’s in and out of surgery and in and out of consciousness, worrying about Aiden, Craw, the animals, Ariadne, and what his future holds now that he’s no longer “pretty”.

Aiden is struggling with his anger at Jeremy for putting himself in danger and his love for him and his desire to coddle and comfort him. He’s worried about what this means for their future.

Ariadne is struggling with her pregnancy and then later with her new baby. So the Granby crew has to deal with Jeremy’s, Ariadne’s and now the new baby’s medical bills.

They decide to throw a fund-raiser and we get to meet a few more of the men of Granby – I’m pretty sure there’s a book in there! – and the whole town shows its support.

Of course by this time you’ve read all the previous books, this won’t make too much sense as a stand-alone. We see a little bit of Ben and Craw, learn a whole lot more about Ariadne and Rory, but most of all this is about Jeremy and Aiden.

I love the analogy of Jeremy as the rabbit and Aiden as the wolf. Though Aiden is the younger man in this relationship he is clearly the growly, possessive and protective wolf watching over and “herding” Jeremy. Jeremy is settling in and learning to accept all the wonderful things in his life as “his” and as “real”. It’s not too much of a spoiler to say that we finally get rid of that damn safe!

The angst in this story (come on, it’s an Amy Lane story!) comes from “listening in” on Jeremy’s thoughts – his doubts and self-deprecation. Mostly, however, this is a book that shows the relationship cementing and the Granby family fighting for its own.

I hope there is more to this series (Aiden’s friend needs his own book!) but if there isn’t, this was a lovely wrap up.


Philip Alces is not my favorite narrator, but he does a nice job. I like him for Jeremy’s voice. I think the deeper, more growly voices are a little out of his range, but he has a great sense of timing and does a nice job overall.

Book 5 of 5 hearts

Audio 3.5 of 5 hearts

Overall 4 of 5 hearts



Jess Buffett Always Been You Tour with Interview, Excerpt and Giveaway

AlwaysBeenYouSM1 – Something unusual about Jess Buffett that most people don’t know.
I have an addiction to fanfiction. Specifically Sterek fanfiction. LOL

2 – Of all your characters, who is your favorite?
It’ always been Riley from Hunter Clan I think, but I have created a new character in the Second Chances series named Skye and I am really loving him right now.

3 – If you could collaborate with any author – past or present – who would it be and why?
Stormy Glenn. She really frigging rocks. J I love everything she has every written, and on top of being an awesome author she is a pretty amazing person.

4 – Something from your childhood you wish you could play with today.
I’m actually pretty lucky because my mum kept all my good stuff and I now have a daughter…which equals a reasonable excuse to play with them again. J

5 – How does it feel to be a literary rock star?
LOL I don’t know if you could call me that, but it is pretty mind blowing when people contact me just to say, hey I loved that book. I had a woman approach my table at a convention last year and she not only knew who I was but was excited to meet me. I felt like I had to ask her if she had the right person. LOL




Straightening his back, he met Jared’s gaze.
“Fine. Let’s take a seat and get this over with, shall we?”
“Is that the way you talk to all of your clients? Cause I have to say, I’m surprised you get much business then,” drawled Jared.
Ignoring the comment, Seth led them to one of the booths. He cast a glance towards the kitchen, but Sal seemed to be preoccupied. Maybe telling the man to just ‘go for it’ hadn’t been a smart move. Something told him things were going to cost more than he thought.
Taking a seat opposite one another on the old scuffed booth with weathered red leather seating, that he absently noted to himself had to be added to the ever growing list of things that needed replacing, Seth launched straight into professional mode. He needed details to come up with something that the future bride wanted and that’s all he was focused on. At no time did he notice how good Jared looked, or how muscular he had gotten. Seth hadn’t even taken note of Jared’s soft pink lips or his large firm hands.
Not at all.

Pages or Words: 45,680 words, 206 pages
ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-alwaysbeenyou-1739

Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00T76WJOI

Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00T76WJOI 

Amazon CA: http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00T76WJOI

Amazon AU: http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00T76WJOI
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Passing Through by Jay Northcote

Available February 20th!

Jay Northcote Presents:







Don’t waste a chance at happiness…

Leo is a lonely workaholic with no time for romance in his life. His job in London takes all his energy and commitment. When he goes to Cornwall to stay with his terminally ill uncle, Edwin, love is the last thing Leo expects to find.

Tris lives in a cottage on Edwin’s land. Gay, but still half in the closet, he and Leo bond over their affection for Edwin, and the pull of attraction between them proves too strong to ignore. In Tris’s arms, in the wilds of Cornwall, Leo finds a peace he’d forgotten existed.

On his return to London, Leo finds himself grieving for more than just the loss of his uncle. When some unexpected news gives Leo the chance to return to Cornwall, he’s afraid it will be too late to rekindle things with Tris. But having learned much from his stay with his uncle, Leo doesn’t want to look back and wish he’d done things differently.

It’s time to seize the day—if it’s not already too late.


Leo temporarily moves to Cornwall to spend time with his dying uncle. While there he meets Tris, a closeted gardener who is renting a house from Edwin, Leo’s uncle.

The premise of this story is simple: boy meets boy, boy kisses boy, boy loves boy, boy leaves boy, boy misses boy, boy returns to boy.


There is way more to this story. Each of the men in this story has a history they need to wrestle with in order to become the happiest they can.

Tris needs to come out of the closet, forgive himself for his divorce and for deceiving himself and his family for so many years.

Leo needs to realize that he is more than his job and that happiness cannot be found working 80 hours a week.

Edwin, probably the most touching story of all, gets to finally tell his story and embrace the life he couldn’t for all these years.


On the one hand this story has very little angst for our two MCs. Their love story moves fairly quickly and without a lot of drama.

On the other hand, what I loved about this book was Edwin’s story. It’s both heartbreaking yet romantic and sweet at the same time. I loved how his love story helped Leo and Tris appreciate what they have (or could lose). He was an amazing character.

All in all this was another very well written story by one of my favorite authors, Jay Northcote, who consistently gives us wonderful, three-dimensional characters and a tender and sweet love for them to find.

Writing/Editing 5

Romance 4.5

Sex/Heat 4

Storyline 4.5

World Building/Characterizations 5

4.6 of 5 hearts!





On the beach they crunched along the shingle to the edge of the rocks, then turned to look out over the sea. It was almost completely dark now, and the moon was rising, casting streaks of bright silver on the oil-black water.

They stood in silence, watching and listening to the crash of the waves. Leo’s heart felt suddenly too large for his chest. He was overwhelmed by the beauty of the place, a place that had barely changed since his childhood. The sea came and went with the tides, the sands shifted, but the rocks were constant. Yet here Leo was, an adult now rather than a boy, and his uncle reduced to an echo of the man Leo remembered—physically, at least. Unexpected tears prickled the backs of Leo’s eyes as a rush of emotion so strong that it made him draw in a sharp breath assaulted him. He swallowed hard, forcing the feelings back down.

Out of his peripheral vision, he saw Tris turn towards him, but Leo carried on gazing out at the gentle, rolling movement of the sea. Tris shifted his feet in the sand, bringing him closer. The warm skin of his arm brushed Leo’s, and Leo ached for more contact. He needed human warmth and touch to chase away the cold emptiness in his heart.


Author Bio:

Jay lives just outside Bristol in the West of England, with her husband, two children, and two cats.

She comes from a family of writers, but she always used to believe that the gene for fiction writing had passed her by. She spent years only ever writing emails, articles, or website content. One day, she decided to try and write a short story–just to see if she could–and found it rather addictive. She hasn’t stopped writing since.



Duty & Devotion Audiobook (Faith, Love & Devotion book 3) by Tere Michaels Narrated by JP Handler

Dreamspinner presents http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=6105

duty & DevotionBlurb

A year after deciding to share their lives, Matt and Evan are working on their happily ever after–which isn’t as easy as it looks. As life settles down into a routine, Matt finds happiness in his role as the ideal househusband of Queens, New York, but he worries about Evan’s continued workaholic–and emotionally avoidant–ways. Trying to juggle his evolving relationship with Evan and his children, Matt turns to his friend, former Seattle homicide detective Jim Shea.
The continued friendship between Matt and Jim is a thorn in Evan’s side. Jealous and uncomfortable with imagining their brief affair, Evan struggles to come to terms with what being in a committed relationship with a man means and the implications about his love for his deceased wife, the impact on his children, and how other people will view him. His turmoil threatens his relationship with Matt, who worries Evan will once again chose a life without him. But now,the stakes are much higher.

(Though this is book 3, it follows right after book one and you don’t need to have read book 2 to read this.)

Matt and Evan are starting to get used to being a couple. Matt is more or less a house-husband and this is both wonderful and somewhat alarming for him to accept. It’d be easier if Evan wasn’t being so difficult – working all the time, jealous of that one time affair with Jim, unwilling to call himself “gay”.

The in-laws aren’t making things easier either. They are threatening to take the kids from Evan.

Luckily, Jim and Griffin give great advice to the couple. Evan finally figures out his priorities and Matt finds something else to do with his time.


I really loved this installment of the series. These are real problems these guys are facing – whether you are gay or straight – we all face similar issues.

I loved the intimacy and the closeness the couple now shares. It’s very satisfying to see how their emotional and physical relationship evolves.

Having this “sequel” really adds to the series and helps to cement these guys in the hall of fame of m/m MCs as far as I’m concerned. I really feel like I “know” them and am part of their familes.


JP Handler narrates this as well. I still feel that, for me, he’s not to my taste as far as narrators go. I find his narration too emotional and it sounds like he’s on the verge of tears throughout the story.  He excels at dialog, however, and does that very well.


Book 5 of 5 hearts


Narration 2.5 of 5 hearts



Burning Up (Fitting In book 3) by Silvia Violet

Smashwords presents: http://silviaviolet.com/book/burning-up/

burning upBlurb

Bryce has been a firefighter for ten years, but when a horrific house fire leaves him reeling, he moves to a new city, hoping to shove those memories behind him. As he adjusts to his new station, Bryce keeps to himself until Matt and Toby, two hot young men in his unit, throw temptation in his path. Bryce knows better than to mess around with men he works with, especially two newbies who are in the closet. But after a difficult day, Matt and Toby offer him compassion and friendship, which slips so easily into sex Bryce finds the combination irresistible.

Matt and Toby want to expand their relationship to include a third, and they’ve set their sights on their sexy bear of a lieutenant. Their first night together is a scorcher, and, more than that, it feels right, to all of them. But since Bryce refuses to hide who he is, and dating men on his shift is against the rules, all three men are going to have to make some tough choices if they want to stay together.


(This can absolutely be read as a stand-alone book.)

Bryce is a friend of Mason (from books one and two) and a fireman. He meets two new guys on his crew (they are clearly a couple already) and is enthralled.

Matt and Toby subtly begin to flirt with Bryce, and though he thinks this will all end horribly, he can’t say no.

They begin a month long affair and everything seems wonderful when there is an accident that puts Matt in the hospital. Suddenly Bryce feels worried that they are all about to sacrifice their careers and breaks up with the boys.

When push comes to shove, Gray (of all people) gives Bryce some great advice and we get a very happy HFN/HEA.


This was a lot different than books one and two. It has MUCH less BDSM in it, more commanding and less humiliation.

The emotions were very sweet in this book and though there are some hot sex scenes it wasn’t the main focus.

I really enjoyed this and was rooting for this threesome to make it!

All in all 4 of 5 hearts



Drive Your Truck by Julia Talbot

Dreamspinner Presents

drive truckBlurb

Home on compassionate leave for his brother’s funeral, Navy SEAL Garrison Matthews needs to blow off a lot of stress and grief before he returns to active duty. In honor of his brother, he takes Bettie, the brothers’ souped-up vintage truck, out for a spin. A bit of an adrenaline junkie, Garrison has no problem finding trouble. This time trouble’s named Walt, and he happens to be Garrison’s sister-in-law’s brother.

Neither man expects their fun to amount to anything else, but after an injury sends Garrison home for good, he turns to Walt, hoping to start a new life. Walt is a closeted sheriff’s deputy, and while he adores Garrison, he isn’t sure he’s ready to come out… or for such a big commitment. Being fresh out of the service isn’t easy on Garrison either. To find their happy ending, Walt and Garrison must overcome their trust issues and get ready to settle down together.


Garrison meets Walt at Garrison’s brother’s funeral. Walt is Garrison’s brother’s wife’s brother. Phew. Got that?

Basically they are sorta, kinda, in-laws-ish.

Garrison is still a SEAL but he’s out. Walt is a cop, and he’s NOT.

At first they hook up and it’s nothing but letting off steam. But as time moves on, they become closer and closer. Garrison gets out of the military, injured, and Walt lends him a hand his guest room. But when things start to look too “suspicious” to the locals, Walt essentially kicks Garrison out.

Garrison wants more. Walt is worried about his reputation and getting hurt if Garrison dumps him and leaves him “out” and alone.

But when someone nearly dies, things become clear.


I really liked this book. There were times when the writing, especially the dialog, got a bit clunky and in the middle of the book I was a bit annoyed with Walt for all his waffling, but overall, I thought it was a good romance and it felt pretty realistic to me.

I liked that the boys communicated like boys. Short sentences. No outpourings of devotion. They were honest about their attraction right from the get-go. I also liked that the “drama” was mostly in Walt’s head, which I also think is realistic. So many times we are our own worst enemy.

The sex was pretty hot and when the “I love yous are exchanged” they felt sincere, if anti-climactic.

The name is a bit of a misnomer – the truck really doesn’t play much into the story, though it is a cute/sentimental part of the story.

PS Any story where the dog gets some page time is a good one! ☺

Writing/Editing 3.5

Romance 4

Sex/Heat 4

Storyline 3.5

World Building/Characterizations 4

Overall 3.8 of 5 hearts

