Shadowboxing (Arbor Heights #9) By Diana DeRicci

MLR Press Presents


Wayne Hightower has lived with a secret since he was a teenager. Debilitating to relationships, his condition stands in the way of his father’s ultimate expectation: Finding a woman to marry. Of course, if he could do that, he’d have the grandchildren his mother was craving. And everyone would be happy happy happy. Or so he’d been raised to believe. If he could find her. If he could get over his problem.

Ditched by his brother for their planned night of sibling bonding, Erich Villalobos invites Wayne out instead as a simple act of friendship. One night that throws Wayne into an environment he’d never been exposed to and revealing a playfully animated side of Wayne Erich had never imagined. One that he quickly learns he’s actually attracted to.

Secrets. Everyone has them. Wayne. Erich. Even Wayne’s parents. If Wayne’s brother Curtis were still alive, he could tell Wayne the cause of his condition and how to cure it. But dead men don’t talk.


Erich and Wayne are friends and co-workers. On the night Wayne gets dumped (yet again) by his girlfriend, Erich invites him to a night on the town to drown his sorrows. Since Erich is gay, he invites Wayne to a gay bar and tells him, “Just tell any man who might hit on you that you are straight, they’ll leave you alone.” Right.

As the night progresses, Wayne does get drunk, and ends up both telling Erich his big secret (he thinks he’s impotent) and asking Erich to kiss him.

We only see things from Wayne’s POV, so I can only guess at Erich’s motivations, but he then later invites Wayne to go camping, and the two become closer friends. Yes, still friends. But after another night on the town and some definitely more-than-friends groping and kissing, Wayne freaks out and forces Erich to leave. But… after a few minutes, Erich returns and the two have sex.

Erich has some of his own secrets and we learn more about why Wayne never once “considered” he might be gay. (Huge, ugly family drama.)

In the end the couple finds their way, stands up to Wayne’s folks and we get a pretty solid HEA.


So – the first thing you have to do is ignore the elephant in the room. Why in the world didn’t Erich and WAYNE not even consider he might be gay when Wayne can masturbate but fails to get an erection in the presence of women. And really, no doctor suggested this?! Ok. Fiction. Just accept it and move on.

Once we get past that, the rest of the story is sweet and the sex is steamy. I though the drama with the family was a little too… dramatic, but again… fiction… move on.

I liked Erich and Wayne as a couple and enjoyed this book. (I haven’t read anything else in the Arbor Heights series, and I think this stands well on it’s own, but I am interested in looking at the others in the series now that I’ve read this.)

All in all I enjoyed this and give it 3.5 of 5 hearts



Wrestling Demons by Xavier Mayne

Dreamspinner Presents

wrestling demonsBlurb

Jonah Fischer’s high school wrestling career has been stellar, but now he’s the unwilling star of a series of videos that have hit the web. The whole world may have seen the evidence that his best friend turns him on. Jonah’s conservative family wants him cured, and his conventional town and school want him normal. The only person who still wants him just the way he is is Casey Melville, the same best friend who turned him on for all the world to see. Meanwhile, Casey begins to wonder if there’s more to his feelings for Jonah than he thought.

Officers Brandt and Donnelly—lovers as well as partners on the job—have been assigned to find the culprit who posted the video. While investigating the case, they also help Jonah and Casey find their way through their feelings, and steer them toward refuge when Jonah’s family turns against him. But the mystery remains: who wants to hurt Jonah badly enough to post those videos, and why? Thank goodness Jonah and Casey have found friends—they’re going to need all the help and support they can get.


Jonah is the target of a malicious campaign that exposes his “interest” (read: boner) for his best friend, Casey. Both are high school seniors and have been best friends forever.

When the video hits the internet, Jonah almost ends his life in front of a train. Brandt and Donelly and Casey help him to see that though this is tough, it’s not worth dying for.

Casey stands steadfastly beside Jonah so far as to even allow himself to be open to the possibility of a relationship with Jonah. Casey helps Jonah to learn more about being gay and takes him to visit our friends in “the gay part of town” where we meet Bryce and Nestor again. (Yay!)

Brandt and Donelly investigate the video and uncover corruption.

Casey and Jonah realize they are more than friends and explore their relationship.

Brandt and Donelly are amazingly lovey dovey and move their relationship onto more permanent grounds.

Bryce and Nestor provide continuous and hilarious back-up support.


This is another great book in the series. I love how we see more of Brandt and Donelly and their relationship. I thought the boys’ relationship was handled appropriately (for their ages) and was really sweet and touching.

Of course I giggled outrageously every time Bryce and Nestor were on page and really enjoyed their contribution – especially the room of sex that they offer to Jonah and Casey when they are “on the run”.

I can’t recommend this series enough and hope all the books (now 3) will soon become audio books.

5 of 5 hearts



Blood and Thunder (T.H.I.R.D.S, 2)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press 

When a series of bombs go off in a Therian youth center, injuring members of THIRDS Team Destructive Delta, and causing a rift between agents Dexter J. Daley and Sloane Brodie, peace seems unattainable. Especially when a new and frightening group, the Order of Adrasteia, appears to always be a step ahead. With panic and intolerance spreading and streets becoming littered with the Order’s propaganda, hostility between Humans and Therians grows daily. Dex and Sloane, along with the rest of the team, are determined to take down the Order and restore peace, not to mention settle a personal score. But the deeper the team investigates the bombings, the more they believe there’s a more sinister motive than a desire to shed blood and spread chaos.

Discovering the frightful truth behind the Order’s intent forces Sloane to confront secrets from a past he thought he’d left behind for good, a past that could not only destroy him and his career, but also the reputation of the organization that made him all he is today. Now more than ever, Dex and Sloane need each other, and, along with trust, the strength of their bond will mean the difference between justice and all-out war.


This is the second part two in a great series featuring the THIRDS agents. Dex and Sloan’s relationship heats up along with the war with between the Order, Therians and the THIRDS agents. In this book, You learn more about the other agents, what’s going on with them and such. I absolutely love this series. Dex and Sloane are perfect together even though they are total opposites. Dex is a light to Sloane’s darkness. In this book, you learn more about Sloane’s and Ash’s past and really find out why he is the way he is. This case brought a lot of Sloane’s demons to the surface but I think this time he was able to gain some form of closure or at least able to make some form of peace with his past. Even though this book is about shifter, it’s unlike any other shifter book I’ve read before. Even the name of the shifters in this book is unique. This book has the perfect blend of action and suspense mixed in with hot man on man love. There are explosions and shoot outs and all that good stuff. I love how this author leaves the ending open. It’s not a HEA but a HFN ending that fits perfectly with the story. I definitely recommend this series! 

Rated it: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

The Mercant of Death (Playing the Fool #2) by Lisa Henry

Riptide Presents (On Feb 2nd)


All’s fair in love and war.

There’s something rotten in the state of Indiana. When con man Henry Page takes it upon himself to investigate the death of an elderly patient at a care facility, he does so in true Shakespearean tradition: dressed as a girl.

FBI Agent Ryan “Mac” McGuinness has more to worry about than Henry’s latest crazy idea. Someone is trying to send him a message—via a corpse with a couple of bullets in it. He needs to figure out who’s trying to set him up before he gets arrested, and he really doesn’t have time for Henry’s shenanigans. Then again, he’d probably be able to focus better if Henry didn’t look so damn distracting in a babydoll dress and a wig.

But when Mac discovers that Henry has been keeping a secret that connects the cases, he has to find a way to live on the right side of the law when he just might be in love with the wrong sort of man.


OMG this series just gets better and better. In this book we see Mac and Henry still dancing around their attraction. The bad guy is in jail, but there’s still danger following Mac, and Henry just might end up saving Mac this time. In addition, we learn about Henry’s sister Viola and through a series of hysterical “mini-cons” we solve another little mystery but not before Henry goes in drag and Mac has to save him from a syringe wielding “angel of death”.

This is not a story you skim. It is fast paced and rich in detail and every line is important.

I love the depth with which the characters are drawn and though my heart bleeds for all the sad life stories in this story, I am rooting for them wholeheartedly.

The romance moves forward in a very satisfying way as does their emotional bond.

I am really enjoying this series and I’m grateful I can move right on to book three!

5 of 5 hearts



Rise & Fall (THIRDS #4) by Charlie Cochet

Dreamspinner presents

rise and fallBlurb

After an attack by the Coalition leaves THIRDS Team Leader Sloane Brodie critically injured, agent Dexter J. Daley swears to make Beck Hogan pay for what he’s done. But Dex’s plans for retribution are short-lived. With Ash still on leave with his own injuries, Sloane in the hospital, and Destructive Delta in the Coalition’s crosshairs, Lieutenant Sparks isn’t taking any chances. Dex’s team is pulled from the case, with the investigation handed to Team Leader Sebastian Hobbs. Dex refuses to stand by while another team goes after Hogan, and decides to put his old HPF detective skills to work to find Hogan before Theta Destructive, no matter the cost.

With a lengthy and painful recovery ahead of him, the last thing Sloane needs is his partner out scouring the city, especially when the lies—however well intentioned—begin to spiral out of control. Sloane is all too familiar with the desire to retaliate, but some things are more important, like the man who’s pledged to stand beside him. As Dex starts down a dark path, it’s up to Sloane to show him what’s at stake, and finally put a name to what’s in his heart.


Wow. Just wow. This book is sooooo full of good feels.

Sloane and Dex are so wonderfully gushy and sweet in this book. Their relationship is definitely cemented by the end.

We get a peek into the mystery that is Hobbs and an amazingly sexy and funny scene between him and Calvin.

Ash is looking like less and less of a hard ass and more and more like the love of Cael’s life.

All of the relationship stuff is amazing. The dialog, like always is hysterical. The spying done is both naughty and funny. The danger… well this isn’t really that “tense” of a book.

The biggest “hurdle” in this story is Dex trying to avenge Sloane’s attack. Predictably, Sloane doesn’t want him involved, and in fact, the team has been ordered to stand down. But… Dex is determined to capture the culprit himself, in Sloane’s name.

I kinda wanted to shake Dex, and totally understood Sloane’s feelings about it. I liked, however, that this was the first time we saw Dex as the guy who might screw up the relationship, and Sloane was doing everything “right” for a change.

All in all this totally appealed to my every romantic sensibility and tickled my funny bone.

I can’t wait for the next installment and I really hope Calvin and Hobbs get their own book J

Writing/Editing 5

Romance 5

Sex/Heat 4.5

Storyline 4

World Building/Characterization 4.5

Overall, 4.5 of 5 hearts!



Slide Audiobook by Garrett Leigh Narrated by Michael Lesley

Dreamspinner presents:


Don’t look back. Don’t you ever look back…

Shy tattoo artist Ash has a troubled past. Years of neglect, drug abuse, and life on the streets have taken their toll, and sometimes it seems the deep, unspoken bond with his lover is the only balm for wounds he doesn’t quite understand.

Chicago paramedic Pete is warmth, love, and strength—things Ash never knew he could have, and never even knew he wanted until Pete showed him. But fate is a cruel, cruel mistress, and when nightmares collide with the present, their tentatively built world comes crashing down.

Traumatic events in Pete’s work life distance him from home, and he doesn’t realize until it’s too late that Ash has slipped away. Betrayal, secrets, and lies unfold, and when a devastating coincidence takes hold, Pete must fight with all he has to save the love of his life.


Ash and Pete become roommates through a mutual friend. Neither “knows” the other is gay (or bi) but both are crushing on the other.

Pete is stoic, works hard, plays a little, and is the perfect foil for Ash.

Ash is broken. He’s had a very, very hard life and we learn bits and pieces of it as the story develops. From an abusive childhood, to living on the street, to self-mutilation.

After a particularly bad night, Ash and Pete move their relationship forward and become lovers. It isn’t an easy road. Ash isn’t an “easy” boyfriend. But Pete is strong enough to handle almost anything – but not cheating.

Pete comes home one night and finds Ash in the arms of another man. He essentially kicks Ash out and doesn’t hear from him for weeks. Suddenly, Pete receives a call from a mutual health-care worker friend reporting that Ash is in the hospital and Pete is listed as his Emergency Contact.

When Pete finds Ash a new world of information opens up and he realizes there is more to Ash than he was led to believe.

Now it is up to the both of them to try to find a place where Ash can heal and Pete and Ash can find their place – as partners.


This is a book I put off reading for a long time. It looked so heavy. But it kept getting really amazing reviews and I knew I “wanted” to read it, but I needed to be in the right head-space for it. So… I waited until I was trapped in a car for a long drive and listened to the audiobook.

It didn’t disappoint on the “heavy” factor. It is a hard book to read(listen to). It is angsty and painful and tough. But… it is really good. The writing is excellent. The descriptions are rich and powerful. The MCs are fully developed and very three dimensional.

That being said… I didn’t love it. Though I could appreciate the writing and the world building and give those high marks, I didn’t really feel that attached to the relationship between the two MCs.

I know there is a sequel and I am planning on listening to it, and I have hopes that it will cement (for me) their bond and let me feel more for them as a couple than I do for them as individuals.

The narration was amazing! Michael Lesley who I first heard in Tell Me It’s Real is fantastic. His Ash is totally different from Pete and the emotions are well played and very real. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this (as far as entertainment value goes) and think that I was glad I waited for the audio version before tackling this book.

So: Writing 5 of 5 hearts, World Building 5 of 5 hearts, Storyline 4 of 5 hearts, Romance 2 of 5 hearts, Narration 5 of 5 hearts

Overall 4.2 hearts



Les Faits Accomplis by Anna Martin

Dreamspinner Presents:

les faitsBlurb

Adam Hemlock rules the elite New Harbor Academy. With his mother in Paris, he throws hedonistic, alcohol- and drug-fueled parties for his equally rich, desperately bored classmates. How’s a guy who lives life to the extreme to stay entertained? Take on a challenge, of course, and hope the exhilaration of the play-by-play fallout chases away the indifference. At the big pre-senior-year bash, Adam’s offered a dare—seduce the new kid. Adam initially laughs off the idea but changes his mind when he sees Jared.

Jared Rawell has spent the past two years at a Texas military school, where his father sent him to “pray away the gay.” He sees the academy in more liberal Washington as a chance to start over and achieve the grades he needs to get into an Ivy League school. When a beautiful but terrifying girl offers Jared a deal—don’t sleep with Adam Hemlock and she’ll help Jared get through senior year—he sees no reason to say no. But nothing is as simple as it seems.

With layers of hidden agendas, backstabbing, lying, cheating, drugs, and entitled teenage egos, Jared and Adam must navigate a high school minefield while waiting for the inevitable explosion.


Adam is a senior at an elite school outside Seattle. He’s rich and one of the “leaders” of the school (read: spoiled rich boy who leads a group of other spoiled rich kids). His dad died when he was young, his mom is awesome but travels a lot. He’s gay and has had sex with every available boy at the school, so he’s forced to go to the city if he wants any action.

Jared is from Michigan, but was recently sent to a military school in Texas by his ultra conservative father to “work the gay out of his system”. It failed, so Jared went to finish out his schooling with his ultra-cool aunt in Washington.

Clare – super mean rich girl – makes a bet with both Adam and Jared. To Adam she challenges him to get Jared’s virigin anal sex cherry. To Jared she challenges him to resist Adam’s seduction. (Neither knows of the other’s bet.)

Fortunately, Jared is no dummy, and though he still wants to keep his virginity for someone that matters, he has no problem hanging around with Adam. In fact, he likes the guy and they have some pretty intense chemistry. He’s even considering “giving in” when Jared learns of the bet and is crushed by the betrayal.

Adam, meanwhile, has also “fallen for” Jared and was in the process of trying to get out of the bet when Jared overheard.

Some weird stuff happens (too spoilery to tell here) that makes all the “cool kids” very confused, including Adam, but still keeps Jared and Adam apart.

In the end, Adam convinces Jared to give their relationship a try – for real – and we get a pretty satisfying HFN that looks like a HEA.


So… I am torn about this review. On several levels it was a really good book. There are aspects that feel very real – bullying, peer pressure, drugs, cliques, high school sex (it happens whether we want to believe it or not, these boys are over 18 in this story at least), miscommunications, etc. The writing itself is excellent (as is the editing). The characters are well developed and the storyline makes sense even if it is extremely frustrating.

However… I never “fell” for either Jared or Adam. They were not likable enough for me to root for them. Sure – Jared was basically a good guy who got suckered into doing things for the wrong reasons, but there was never that “hook”, that thing that makes him vulnerable and loveable. He was nobody’s hero. He was just a kid who had a little bit of a rough time before we met him, but by the time we see him he has it pretty good. His aunt is loving and pretty awesome. He’s got a great future mapped out. He’s pretty self-possessed (way more than I’d expect the average 18 year old to be) and he knows where he’s going.

Adam is the “poor little rich boy” you see in many stories. He’s “forced” to do things to stay “safe” in the horribly cliquey group at his school, and he’s very jaded. Sure – in the end he makes himself vulnerable to Jared, but it was hardly a hardship. He never “loses” anything to gain Jared’s love.

Together they have tremendously hot sex. The chemistry is scorching. But the emotional part… lacking.

I just never liked anyone in this story. Perhaps it dredges up too much past feelings of my own, but honestly I wanted to wash my hands of each and everyone of them and tell them to grow the eff up and be grateful for what you have and quit being so selfish and evil. The only person with any redeemable qualities was Jared’s tutor Dylan and had he and Jared hooked up I may have liked this story more.

Even the parents were ridiculous. Jared’s mom and dad were stereotypical: too soft mom lets the overbearing ass-hole dad send Jared to Texas. But then he gets this lovely aunt who “fixes” everything. And Adam’s Dad was awesome but dead, but his mom loves everything about him and though she’s gone a lot still showers him with love and makes him healthy. So why did he turn out to be such a douche? No real explanation is given, at least not one that satisfied me.

So… though I love Anna Martin stories and was excited to read this, I can’t give it high marks.
I’d give it 5 of 5 hearts for writing, 2 of 5 hearts for the romance, 2 of 5 hearts for the storyline and 4 of 5 hearts for the World Building. Overall 3.25 hearts



Twisted Roses by Skye Dragen

Dreamspinner presents:

Payne has always had trouble fitting in, and being abandoned by his parents has left him reluctant to trust anyone. He knows he’s different, but he has no idea how different until his grandfather invites him to Blackwater Falls—a beautiful estate he’s offered as his inheritance. Payne thinks it’s too good to be true, and it turns out he’s right.

Walking the wooded trails of the estate begins to awaken something in Payne. As he discovers his Fae nature, he learns his family’s legacy: to serve as caretakers to a preserve for Sidhe, Fae, and other magical creatures. Word of the return of the long-lost Fae prince reaches the preserve’s inhabitants, and Payne must navigate a world of political intrigue he can’t begin to understand as various factions seek to entice him to their Courts.

Dragon Aden Canicus offers to tutor Payne, and the tension between them is instant and growing. But prickly and aloof Aden keeps Payne at arm’s length. Unable to trust their connection when his family is threatened, Payne seeks other allies. Their direction leads him down a dangerous path where a dragon’s affection is the least of his concerns and may even end his life.


Payne was “abandoned” by his dad at birth (later he meets him again at 17) and his mom at 8. When his dad returns to tell him his grandfather is dying, Payne reluctantly agrees to go to him. His grandfather lives in a magical place, a place where Pixies, Fae, Dragons and all other sorts of creatures live because Payne himself is half-Fae and about to be “awakened” or made a full Fae.

In fact, Payne is really Payneful, a Fae Prince-to-be. But, Payne has no knowledge of this world of magic and must learn before he can take his proper role. Aden, the Dragon-shifter is to be Payne’s tutor. He and Payne have a mysterious history, a link that is somehow other worldly, but secret… for now. But that doesn’t stop the immediate attraction between the two. Aden, however, is determined that Payne learn and grow-up and achieve his awakening before acting on any attraction they may feel.

During Payne’s education there are several road blocks, temptations and an important mission to be accomplished, all while trying to seduce Aden into consummating the lust between them. Finally, there is a daring rescue, followed by a near death experience and an epic save leading to a HEA with a lead in to what I hope is a sequel.


I was both a bit compelled and daunted by this book at first. I was leery of the Fae (not my favorite subject matter) but excited by the Dragon shifter and the “meant to be” story line. I just love fated mates and that feeling of overwhelming passion for another. What I got was an amazingly well developed world with loads of compelling and fully described creatures AND a tale of fated mates (sort of).

Payne is a pain (in the ass!). He is childish, churlish, impatient, impractical and impetuous. Aden, bless his soul, is the epitome of patience and perseverance. I loved the dynamic between them. It was hot and sexy but you could see beneath it to the deep and abiding love that supported it.

I loved the magic in this story: the singing, the chanting, the spells, the dancing. I loved how the creatures were gray: neither all good nor all bad. Each had their own set of rules and foibles and it was as interesting as it was messy.

I loved the love between Aden and Payne. It was sweet, sexy, deep and enduring. (When they do come together it is HOT! I love Aden’s tongue! 😉  )

The epic battle (final hurdle) was appropriately tense and yet (of course) had a wonderful happy ending.

I have to give this a rating of 4.5 instead of 5 or more for a few reasons. 1) I really wanted to see what happened after Payne’s awakening and the story stops there – now if we get a sequel I will be ever so pleased but I’m not sure if that is in the works or not 2) I really wanted more of Aden and Payne after they became a couple. We spent so, so much time with them fighting the attraction and only a small amount with them together. Again, a sequel will help this out, as well.

Overall I was very impressed by this new (to me) author and very much enjoyed this book. I highly recommend it.

(Also – Loved the cover!)



Frat House Troopers by Xavier Mayne Narrated by Peter Brooke

Dreamspinner Presents:

frat houseBlurb

State trooper Brandt’s new assignment to infiltrate a sex-cam operation puts him in a very uncomfortable position, especially since he’ll have to perform naked on camera for his audition. Fortunately his partner and best friend, Donnelly, has his back—whether that means helping Brandt shop gay boutiques for sexy underwear or offering Jäger and encouragement while he researches porn.

Despite his mortification, Brandt gives the audition his best “shot”—and becomes an overnight sensation. But to meet the man behind the operation, he’ll have to give a repeat performance, this time live on webcam opposite the highest bidder. Donnelly makes sure to win that auction for his partner’s sake, but their plan has a flaw: faking it is not an option.

In the aftermath, Brandt is a humiliated mess trying desperately to come to terms with what he’s had to do for the job and his own mixed feelings. But Donnelly has been on a journey of discovery of his own. Suddenly everything the two men thought they knew about themselves and each other gets turned inside out. Meanwhile, they still have a case to solve… but it may not be the case they thought it was.


Brandt and Donelly are best friends and partners on a police force. They are called in to bust a “porn” ring that supposedly exploits college kids to make gay videos for the internet.

To prepare for this they go to the “gay part of town” and meet some hysterical guys who outfit them convincingly and also become their “tutors” on how to be gay.

Brandt must go undercover and join the crew, going so far as to masturbate online to fulfill his undercover roll.

While “performing his duty” Brandt discovers many things about himself, his partner and the so-called porn ring.

In the end the two partners must admit that there is an attraction between them that has to be addressed, a hidden agenda in the police force that has to be rooted out and a true love to be explored – maybe for the rest of their lives.


When I first saw this book I was a little leery of the title. It seemed to “campy” and goofy for my tastes, but when I read the description I was compelled. Double GFY. Friends to lovers. Police men. Ooo la la. Count me in!

There are some “over the top” moments that are clearly done tongue in cheek – Bryce who works at Camp & Dragg (a clothing store) and his friend are hysterical. But the emotions, the look at the porn industry – those are more “real” and definitely worth reading.

The “mystery” was a little obvious, but so what. For me the relationship between Brandt and Donelly was why I bought the book and it was awesome. I absolutely loved their relationship and have since read this book several times.

5 of 5 hearts


Peter Brooke does a fantastic job with this!!!! He is awesome. The cop voices are tough and gritty, Bryce and the “gay voices” are swishy and comedic. The sex is scorching and the overall entertainment is 6 of 5 hearts!

Due to the overall awesomeness of the listening (and reading) experience I give this 6 of 5 hearts.



Friends With Benefits by Cheyenne Meadows

Dreamspinner presents:

friends benefitsBlurb

Playboy wolf shifter Wiley can’t duck out of his pack’s biggest annual event, despite knowing his grandmother has possible suitors lined up and waiting. Wiley has no intention of settling down, and the situation dangles just above disaster. Thankfully, Wiley’s best friend, lion shifter Ram, agrees to pose as Wiley’s boyfriend for the weekend.

They find out fate has other plans when they kiss on a dare, and the passion erupts, so hot and intense they fear the couch may spontaneously combust beneath them. Neither man is able to push the small act of affection from his mind, but both struggle with uncertainty and the ramifications of following where their libidos lead.

If they can’t outrun their feelings, they’ll have to muster the courage to face their fears before they lose everything, including their friendship.


Wiley is trying to avoid a family matchmaking by bringing home his best friend Ram as his “boyfriend”. Ram agrees because he’s a nice guy and wants to help.

While at the family picnic, they are forced to acknowledge that they’ve been in denial about their feelings for one another. Neither is ready to commit to being Mates, but it looks like their combustible passion will force the issue.


Man I wanted to love this book. First, we get that awesome Reese Dante cover. She is so amazing! Second, I really enjoyed the previous book I’d read by Cheyenne Meadows, Feline Persuasion. Third, Shifters!

But… even if you allow for some of the bizarre-ness that can come with shifter romances, this was just too much for me. I was very put off by the grandma storyline and Ram’s constant “she’s hot”. The little kids with the weird sex questions was a turn off, too.

The “hurdle” of Wiley being a playboy rang false when we never heard anything about him lusting after others or his prior exploits or any inkling at all of his feeling constricted as the relationship between him and Ram developed. Instead, he seemed almost virginal in his responses to their lovemaking.

The dirty talk wasn’t sexy, it was cheesy and porn-like. (And not good, sexy porn either!)

I wasn’t sure why Ram freaked out like he did after they had sex – that never made much sense – and I wasn’t at all convinced of their longevity as a couple, even after their mating and the “I love yous”.

I dislike shifter books where we don’t’ see them shifted! In this book, there was no real connection to Wiley and Ram being shifters. It was more like any two friends who become lovers and end up having a lot of (I will admit very hot) sex. Sure, their feelings might be a little motivated by their animals, and there is the biting, but in my opinion, if you took “shifter” out of the story, there wouldn’t be a heck of a lot missing. (Well, some of the weird family stuff, but even so that could be just a quirky family, not necessarily explained by being shifters.)

I also didn’t understand the “aging”. Are they immortal? Grandma is 800 but acting like a teen-ager. At 60 Wiley is still living at home and in UnderRoos? It didn’t make a lot of sense.

So… though I really love shifter books, give them LOTS of latitude in terms of expectations, this one was really pretty bad.

I give it 2.5 stars for the cover, good grammar and editing, hot sex and some funny lines.

