The Pinch of the Game by Charley Descoteaux Cover Reveal with Excerpt, Giveaway




Being a witch doesn’t mean one can beat the devil forever.

Jeffrey Overton, unemployed IT professional turned poker player, pushes his luck once too often and runs afoul of the host of an illegal card club. The man sent to escort Jeffrey to a “meeting” about his supernatural winning streak arrives at Jeffrey’s crappy North Portland apartment, lock-picking tools in hand and a charm to block Jeffrey’s magick.

Head muscle for said host, Mike Wells, is a Daisy from Daisyville. He isn’t a witch. What he lacks in magickal talent he makes up for in brawn, so he doesn’t expect the guy he’s after to overpower him. But once Mike renders Jeffrey helpless, he’d rather seduce him than bring him in.

Jeffrey and Michael ditch the “meeting” and end up hunting some of the same people they ran from, trying to get Jeffrey back into his own body. And that’s only part of the adventure. The pair travel halfway across the country on the quietest road trip in history and find missing people, empire-building witches, and maybe even the families they’d both thought lost to them.

If Sal had sent someone after me, a short trip up to Seattle might be a good idea, maybe even BC. That called for some new clothes, so I grabbed my battered gym bag—my quick escape kit—and was almost home free when the kitchen door burst open. It would’ve been dumb to turn off the light when the goomba first went to work on the lock—I can’t see any better in the dark than your average Daisy, not when I’m blocked. Once that massive body filled the doorway, I wished I had. Wished I’d done something.
He hesitated, barely a moment, and I bolted for the front door. He grabbed me before I made it out of the kitchen and pinned both of my arms to my sides. It wouldn’t work, I knew that, but I still tried to burn his hands. All I needed was enough time to—fuck, is he laughing?
“Give it up, pretty boy. You’re blocked.”
The big man pushed me against the wall face-first and pulled both hands behind my back.
“Hey, wait a sec, big guy. Let’s talk about this. I can—”
He pushed me flat against the wall, and the rest of that sentence disappeared in the rush of air he squeezed from my lungs. I couldn’t help being turned on, even though pain and domination usually aren’t my thing. Neither are bears, but underneath the padding he felt nice and solid, leaning full against me. He tightened a plastic zip tie around my wrists with shaking hands. And then he held me there.

Sales Links: Dreamspinner

About the author:

Charley Descoteaux has always heard voices. She was relieved to learn they were fictional characters, and started writing when they insisted daydreaming just wasn’t good enough. In exchange, they’ve agreed to let her sleep once in a while. Charley grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area during a drought, and found her true home in the soggy Pacific Northwest. She has survived earthquakes, tornadoes, and floods, but couldn’t make it through one day without stories.

Where to find the author:

Facebook Author Page:
Email: [email protected]
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: AngstyG

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Trowchester Blues by Alex Beecroft

Riptide Presents


Michael May is losing it. Long ago, he joined the Metropolitan Police to escape his father’s tyranny and protect people like himself. Now his father is dead, and he’s been fired for punching a suspect. Afraid of his own rage, he returns to Trowchester—and to his childhood home, with all its old fears and memories. When he meets a charming, bohemian bookshop owner who seems to like him, he clings tight.
Fintan Hulme is an honest man now. Five years ago, he retired from his work as a high class London fence and opened a bookshop. Then an old client brings him a stolen book too precious to turn away, and suddenly he’s dealing with arson and kidnapping, to say nothing of all the lies he has to tell his friends. Falling in love with an ex-cop with anger management issues is the last thing he should be doing.
Finn thinks Michael is incredibly sexy. Michael knows Finn is the only thing that still makes him smile. But in a relationship where cops and robbers are natural enemies, that might not be enough to save them.

Fintan is an ex-fence who lost his lover 5 years ago and re-made himself as an honest bookseller in Trowchester.

Michael is an ex-cop with anger issues who is divorced and has moved back to Trowchester to exorcise the figurative ghost of his abusive father now that he’s died and left him a house.

Together these guys are real. They are authentic and real and sincere… just real. They both have some issues to overcome, and they do a lot of personal growth in this novel. I also really liked that nothing came along to “fix” them – not their relationship or anything else – but they made realistic progress as they learned new lessons.

There wasn’t a lot of sex in this book, but what was there was very hot.  The two have a lot of chemistry and the intimate scenes are very well written.

Alex Beecroft is a new author to me, and I am so very impressed with her work. Her writing is lyrical and poetic without being flowery and pedantic. I found myself bookmarking and highlighting many phrases. An example: “Sure, sex was a fine thing, but a fight at the end of which the pair of you were more lovingly entangled than ever, that was closer to being one flesh, one soul, than anything else.”

I found the supporting story – the non-romance part- to be engaging and moving as well. Michael finds a homeless girl to help, helping him to deal with some of his past insecurities. Finn struggles against getting pulled back into his old life and has to make some amazingly tough decisions that ultimately set him free.

All in all a great read from a new author and a happy beginning to a new series!

5 out of 5 hearts



For a Rainy Afternoon by RJ Scott

Dreamspinner Presents


Robbie MacIntyre manages a small post office in the old Station House on the outskirts of sleepy Barton Hartshourn northwest of London. He’s stunned when the owner, Maggie, a close friend, bequeaths him not only the post office, but also Station House.

The rest of her estate is left to an American writer, Jason Young, and when he moves to the village, Robbie is thrown by the attraction he has for the man who has more of a claim on the Station House than he does.

Then there is a box that holds several rare first editions and a cookbook. Only when the secrets of the ingredients in a particular recipe are finally revealed does everything begin to make sense, and a love cut short seventy years earlier is finally discovered.


Robbie and Jason are thrown together by a magical cookbook and a “fairy grandmother”. Robbie is alone in a small town in Britain, Jason comes from America to get some background for his book.
Their love story is a quietly, sweet, almost old-fashioned one. With the British countryside as background and all that that entails.

It’s short, maybe too short, but as always RJ Scott writes so well that we are assured to get a warm feeling from her stories, even in brevity.

I wish that there was more character development and maybe some more smexy times, but it was an enjoyable, light, fun read.

3.75 of 5 hearts



Soulshares Series by Rory Ni Coileain New Covers Reveal

Red background with gold edges. Template for design


Tiernan Guaire was exiled from the Fae Realm a century and a half ago for his brother’s murder. His soul torn in half, he lives by his vows—never to trust, never to love. And if he can only be whole by finding and loving the human with the other half of his soul? He’s content to live broken and half-souled.

Kevin Almstead’s future, the career he’s worked for as long as he can remember, has been taken away by a vote of the partners at his law firm. Chance brings him to Purgatory, the hottest all-male nightclub in Washington, D.C., to a meeting with a Fae, with long blond hair, ice-blue eyes, and a smile promising pleasures he’s never dreamed of. But there’s no such thing as chance.

But Tiernan isn’t the only one to find Kevin in Purgatory. The most ancient enemy of the Fae race sees in the handsome lawyer a way to destroy the world from which it, too, was exiled. And only the strength of a true SoulShare bond can keep it from what it seeks.

Hard as Stone Final


Conall Dary is the mightiest mage born to the Fae race in more than two thousand years, ever since the Sundering of the Fae and human worlds. But that power condemns him to an untouched, virginal life—sex calls to power, and his power is enough to drain the magick, the life, from his entire world. Exiled from the Realm for refusing to turn his talent to service a Noble’s petty revenge fantasies, his soul is torn in two and his magickal gifts blocked.

Josh LaFontaine is a gifted tattoo artist with a heart of gold. While doing a good turn for an ex-boyfriend, he’s stunned when a gorgeous red-haired twink appears out of nowhere at his feet during New York City’s Pride march.

The Marfach was thwarted in its first attempt to capture a Fae. But when a terrible accident separates Conall and Josh before they bond, it’s a race to see who finds the mage first, the monster who will use him as a weapon to destroy his race, or his SoulShare.

Gale Force FinalDEEP PLUNGE

More than two thousand years ago, the healer Lochlann Doran was the first Fae to leave the Realm after the Sundering of the Fae and human worlds. After centuries of wandering the human world, seeking his SoulShare, he has spent all his magick, and lost all his hope.

Garrett Templar is the star pole dancer at Purgatory, the hottest gay nightclub in Washington, D.C. If his past hadn’t taught him the futility of hope, his present surely would; HIV-positive since age 18, his illness has suddenly and inexplicably mutated into drug-impervious AIDS.

A SoulShare bond with Garrett may give Lochlann back his magick, his gift of healing. But it also might kill him. And if he survives the return of his magick, the Marfach and its host are waiting to use the dancer as bait in a deadly trap. Only an impossible love can save them both.
And everyone knows Fae don’t love….

Deep Plunge FinalFIRESTORM

Rian Sheridan is a foundling, a Falls Road corner boy, whose world went up in flames beside an Orangemen’s bonfire of hatred last July the Twelfth. A pain he barely remembers is a siren’s call, taunting him, daring him to find its source and lose himself to it. And he searches in the only place he knows, the S&M underground of Belfast.

Cuinn an Dearmad is the last surviving Fae Loremaster. He’s just seen the beginning of the death of the Realm, the home of the Fae race and their haven from the twisted evil of the Marfach. The only hope of saving the Realm starts with finding the Prince Royal of Fire he himself stole from the cradle, sent through the Pattern, and lost in the human world, many years ago. He has a few guesses about where that hope ends, none of which bode well for him.

Rian and Cuinn are an impossible pairing, two SoulShared Fae. Any two Fae strike sparks, but these two Fae are an explosive combination. Drawn into an escalating series of sexual collisions, their passion will save—or destroy—two worlds.

Firestorm Final


Fingertips stroked the back of his hand, gently, possessively, and Kevin fought to suppress a shiver. Not hard enough, though, because there was that smile again. A lazy, sensual smile that absolutely should not be on the lips of anyone he hadn’t spent at least twenty-four hours having mind-blowing sex with. Which short list did not include anyone of this seductive blond’s gender.
As if he’d heard Kevin’s thought, the man arched that ringed eyebrow; the grip on his hand tightened, a thumb slid around to stroke his palm. “You don’t even know why you’re here, do you?”
“And I suppose you do?” His voice came out gruff, harsh; the air thrummed around the two of them, tingling with a dark electricity.
The blond chuckled, a sound like warm honey. “You’re buttoned down tight, lanan. And you came in here because…”
“Secretly, you want someone…”
Damn, damn, DAMN…
“Someone like me…”
Long thick blond hair. Black leather jacket, gleaming with a sheen like melted butter in the flickering light from the bar. White muscle shirt. Jeans first painted on and then sliced half off. God damn.
“…to unbutton you.”

-Excerpt from Hard as Stone

Green Men 500x604 white backgroundTo buy:  Pre-order info is on author’s site here

About the author:

s  majored in creative writing, back when Respectable Colleges didn’t offer such a major, so she had to design it herself. Her university boasted one professor willing to teach creative writing, he being a British surrealist who went nuts over students writing dancing bananas in the snow but did not take well to high fantasy. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa at the age of nineteen despite him, sent off her first short story to an anthology being assembled by an author she idolized, got shot down in flames, and found other things to do, such as going to law school, ballet dancing (at more or less the same time), and nightclub singing, for the next thirty years or so, until her stories started whispering to her. Now she’s a legal editor and the mother of a budding filmmaker, and is busily wedding her love of myth and legend to her passion for m/m romance.

Where to find the author:

Facebook Author Page:
Twitter: RoryNi
Goodreads Link:
Publisher: Riverdale Avenue Books
Cover Artist: Insatiable Designs

Rafflecopter Prize: Copy of ‘Hard as Stone’ when it becomes available
Rafflecopter Code:
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Life, Some Assembly Required (The Rebuilding Year book 2) by Kaje Harper

Samhain Publishing Presents


The Rebuilding Year, Book 2
After spending the first part of his life chasing pretty girls, love has finally come to Ryan in the form of John, a tall, lanky, red-headed landscape architect with wide shoulders and a five-o’clock shadow.
For the first time in his life, love feels easy. Hell, he even ran into a burning building for John and his son, and he’d do it again if he had to. But telling his father and brothers “I’m gay. I’ve met a man”? That’s a bumpy ride he’s not looking forward to.
For John, loving Ryan is as natural as breathing. Now if only the rest of his life would fall into place. Dealing with his teen son is complicated enough, but with his ex-wife causing trouble and his daughter wanting to move in, John’s house—and his relationship with Ryan—threaten to split at the seams.
Would one month without a new surprise knocking him upside the heart be asking too much? If the sound of Fate’s laughter is any indication, the answer must be yes…
Product Warnings
Contains two formerly straight guys learning to navigate the gay-guy waters, sometimes without a paddle. Plus six kinds of family ensuring nothing comes easy.


First, this is the sequel to The Rebuilding Year, and you must have read it before for this lovely novel to mean anything to you.

We left off with Ryan just telling his dad he’d met a man… This is the story of how to build a life with someone AFTER the initial blush of romance.

And that’s just it – it takes work, assembly. John and Ryan have to work at their relationship. They have to battle John’s crazy (seriously crazy) ex-wife Cynthia for John’s kids and their sanity. They have to battle Ryan’s homophobic brother and his Dad’s less than warm welcome. Ryan has to continually battle his pain.

What they don’t do is battle each other. That was a really nice touch. Sometimes – in sequels – the couple separates and we have to fight to bring them back together again, almost like a new story. In this case John and Ryan’s love for each other is strong and pervasive. The world throws them curve balls and they work as a team to hit them out of the park.

I loved the emerging personalities in John’s kids. Torrie is a force to be reckoned with and I loved her teen-age angst and thought it felt very authentic.

This wasn’t as “hot” as The Rebuilding Year – not that there isn’t plenty of great sex – there is – but the sexual tension was less and the book focused more on the emotional growth of the relationship at the same time the couple “experiments” with their newfound sex life.

The Rebuilding Year is one of my all time favorite books and it set an extremely high bar. I loved catching up with the guys and learning more about their lives. Kaje Harper is an amazing writer and she crafted another excellent story here. For me, it wasn’t quite as amazing as it’s predecessor, but it was still wonderful and a must read for her fans and fans of the first book.


This book will be released June 9th!

4.5 of 5 hearts



One Small Thing Audiobook by MJ O’Shea and Piper Vaughn Narrated by Finn Sterling

Dreamspinner Presents


“Daddy” is not a title Rue Murray wanted, but he never thought he’d have sex with a woman either. Now he’s the unwitting father of a newborn named Alice. Between bartending and cosmetology school, Rue doesn’t have time for babies, but he can’t give her up. What Rue needs is a babysitter, and he’s running out of options. He’s on the verge of quitting school to watch Alice himself when he remembers his reclusive new neighbor, Erik.

Erik Van Nuys is a sci-fi novelist with anxiety issues to spare. He doesn’t like people in general, and he likes babies even less. Still, with his royalties dwindling, he could use the extra cash. Reluctantly, he takes on the role of manny—and even more reluctantly, he finds himself falling for Alice and her flamboyant father.

Rue and Erik are as different as two people can be, and Alice is the unlikeliest of babies, but Rue has never been happier than when Alice and Erik are by his side. At least, not until he receives an offer that puts all his dreams within reach and he’s forced to choose: the future he’s always wanted, or the family he thought he never did.


Rue ends up becoming a daddy when his experiment with heterosexual sex ends up with a broken condom! He elects to keep the baby himself even though he’s really not equipped to handle a newborn. Lucky for him his neighbor – a mostly hermitted writer- needs the extra cash being a babysitter can provide.

Erik is the quintessential nerd and has very few social skills as compared to Rue’s very extroverted personality. Together they find that one nerd plus one flirt can equal one very solid and fulfilling relationship.


I LOVED this book! Erik is such a great character – broody, grumpy, awkward. His exploration into gay sex by converting his poorly selling sci-fi into gay-sci-fi is hysterical and hot!

The writing is smooth and flows easily. There is some angst when Rue and Erik need to decide how “real” their relationship is and the baby is there just enough to provide the glue for their new family.

I thought the narrator did a great job with Erik’s stuttering and didn’t make Rue over the top. It was very easy to listen to and added to the overall enjoyment of the book.

5 of 5 hearts



Falling (Fall or Break book 1) by Barbara Elsborg

Samhain Publishing Presents


He’s acutely aware of the dark-haired young man checking him out in the supermarket, but he’s too deep in panic mode to even meet the guy’s gaze. Afraid the slightest move will trigger a fall that will never stop.
Fresh off a long-term relationship with a controlling man, Malachi is stuck living with relatives who think he’s a waste of oxygen. The tall guy in the long, gray coat is the first bright spot he’s glimpsed in a long time…though the man’s unblinking stare at a bottle of shower gel is a touch alarming.
Hard experience tells both of them to turn away before lust turns to hopeless attraction, and inevitably to disaster. But once their sparks connect, the arc of electricity is too strong to deny. Even if the cost is too much to bear.
Product Warnings
Contains an ex-con with disaster written all over him, a boy toy who’s trouble with a capital T, a damp old British house, compulsive meddling, and enough hot sex to cure the severe case of nervous babbling.


Harper and Malachi. Whew. What a hard, hard story they share. Harper is fresh from prison where he was wrongfully accused of raping students. Malachi is coming off an intense relationship with a controlling boyfriend. Both are wary but so very needy.

There is about a 10 year age difference but Malachi is definitely mature for his age, he’s lived a hard life.

Their relationship is full of hurdles, Elsborg gives us lots of angst and difficulties to struggle against. My heart hurt throughout most of this book – there is a lot of injustice and I was aching for someone to set things right.

The sexual tension and its relief are done really well and the smexy times are very hot between these two.

This is a longish book and for some, there might just be a tad too many of these angsty hurdles to wade through, but the end is pretty satisfying and our heroes certainly earned their HEA.

I think the writing was excellent, the romance fairly wonderful, the chemistry sizzling and overall I really enjoyed this book. Personally I started to lose some steam around the countless road-blocks and crises, but I’m impatient for my happy endings, no matter how long the book!

4.5 of 5 stars – practically perfect!



Conflict in Blood (Partnership in Blood Volume 3) by Ariel Tachna

Dreamspinner Presents


Sequel to Covenant in Blood
Partnership in Blood Volume Three

As the Alliance wizard-vampire partnerships grow stronger, the dark wizards feel the effects and become increasingly desperate to find enough information to counter them, unaware of the growing strain of the blood-magic bonds on the wizards and vampires alike.

The conflict is spreading. The strife of uncomfortable relationships, both personal and professional, is threatening to tear up the Alliance from the inside, despite the efforts of Alain Magnier and Orlando St. Clair, Thierry Dumont and Sebastien Noyer, and even Raymond Payet and Jean Bellaiche, leader of the Paris vampires, who is fighting to establish a stable covenant with his own partner so he might lead by example.

As the war rages on and heartbreaking casualties mount on both sides, the dark wizards keep searching for clues to understand and counter the strength of the Alliance, while the blood-bound Alliance partners hunt through ancient prejudices and forgotten lore to find an edge that can turn the tide of the war once and for all.


In this, the third installment of the Partnership series, there is more conflict between the dark wizards and the wizard/vampire alliance.

As in book two the various couples have their own emotional hurdles to overcome and their relationships change and develop.

They develop a new way to counter the magic imbalance – through sex – of course!


This book still has the problem of balancing all the various couples (including m/f!) and the war. There is slightly more relationship building in this book (yay!) and each couple seems to be moving forward nicely, though there isn’t much dramatic change in the way of the war, yet.

Overall a nice, if perhaps overly long, addition to the Partnership series.

If you’ve been caught up in books one and two you will undoubtedly want to keep going…

4 of 5 hearts



Moment of Clarity (Moments in time book 3) by Karen Stivali

Dreamspinner Presents

Spending the summer together on Fire Island brought Collin and Tanner closer than ever, but back in their conservative college town, challenges confront them at every turn.

As they search for their new normal in their old environment, Collin’s brother Sean surprises them with help when they need it most. But when word about their relationship gets out, trouble erupts with friends and family. When Collin’s relationship with Tanner becomes an issue in his brother’s custody battle and Tanner struggles with his feelings for a heartbroken Wendy, Collin wonders if everyone he cares about would be better off without him in the picture.

In order to save them both, Tanner must make it clear to Collin that their love for each other is all that matters

(Spoilers- be forewarned.)



Oh! The Drama! For such a short book, this is chock full of angst and drama.

So we left our boys in the gym, temporarily homeless after a flood put their dorm room off limits for repairs. This made them sad and horny.
They get together with Sean, and as he leaves the house to them for a bit of alone time, the estranged wife surprises them and shouts horrible things at them. This leaves them sad and horny.

But – that’s not enough, she uses this information – Sean’s association with a gay brother to try to keep Sean from his kids. This makes the boys sad and horny.

Though they manage to get some time together it’s never enough until finally they area able to move back into their own room. Finally they relieve some of their tension, but they have an audience, their “friend” Tim, who figures out there were no women in the room when he heard the sex sounds. He shouts ugly things and outs them on campus, making both guys, but especially Tanner scared, nervous and angry at the reception they get. This makes them sad and horny.

Luckily there’s Wendy, Tanner’s friend and ex-lover who was sad and horny so she and Tanner almost hook up. This shakes Collin, along with the thing with Sean and Tim, so much that he decides to LEAVE Tanner. You guessed it. Sad. Horny.

But where does he go? Tanner’s mom? Strange choice? Maybe. But she’s always supported him and he doesn’t have anywhere to turn. She houses him, but of course rats him out to Tanner who in turn comes for him and tells him he’s an idiot. And they make up. Not sad. Still horny.

We end on a fairly HEA note… the future only defined a few months later, but the boys seem to be making their way in the world, together.


Though this may seem like I didn’t like the story, it’s not true. I mostly did. I love the chemistry between the boys and really like them as a couple. I did get tired of the drama and it seemed like there could have been more organic and emotionally satisfying hurdles for our boys to handle. (IE just being an actual couple, coming out bravely, dealing with the family itself without the extreme courtroom drama.) I was especially confused as to why Collin would think leaving made any sense and why Tanner’s mom was a good choice of refuge. Unless he wanted to be caught and was just show-boating… but that didn’t feel like the Collin we knew…

Anyhow, if you’ve read the first two you will want to read this last installment for closure if nothing else.

Karen is still an excellent writer and her smexy times are top-notch!

3.5 of 5 hearts


Night School Vampire by AJ Llewellyn and DJ Manly

Amberquill Presents

night school vampireBlurb

It’s tough being a vampire. For one thing, there’s so much time on your hands. And for another, being undead for centuries means that you meet way too many stupid people…

Socrates Delis, since he has to be awake at night, wonders why he shouldn’t make better use of his time. So to ease his loneliness and hopefully meet a more educated group of people, he enrolls in night school at UCLA’s extension courses and quickly finds that poetry isn’t the only thing on the agenda. Somebody is killing off young gay men around town, and students are nervous. And by the way, didn’t Socrates swear off love? So why’s he finding himself attracted to his hot, human teacher?

Devin Gold loves his work. The great poets are his favorites to share with his English lit students, and while teaching, his life often seems just about perfect. But holy heck, his crazy Uncle Vince just blew into town and has even invaded Devin’s night classes, disrupting his life. Uncle Vince and Devin’s mom think they’re vampire hunters. Devin knows there’s no such thing, and has lived with the shame of their insanity all his life. Now his uncle swears that LA, even night school, is swarming with fangers.

How can Devin keep his sudden attraction to his handsome new student, Socrates, a secret? He’s not sure, but he has to try, especially since his obsessive uncle will undoubtedly insist that Socrates is a vampire. It’s tough being a sane human in La La Land…


Socrates is an old vampire living in LA. He wants to be as “mortal” as possible and has always enjoyed writing, so he decides to spend some of his time at night school learning how to be a better writer.

There he meets the delicious teacher, Devin, but also runs into the crazy Ivan – a vampire hunter out for his and his friend’s heads.

Turns out there is more to Devin than just a dreamy teacher, he has connections with Ivan and Devin that could make a lot of trouble for Socrates. But that doesn’t stop the pair from connecting…


This really wasn’t my cup of tea. I thought I’d like it at first – Socrates is a great character – funny, clueless, sincere, sexy… but Devin is too wishy-washy and I really felt uncomfortable with the sort of love triangle that gets formed between Devin, Socrates and the mutal “ex” Lucky.

I enjoyed the dark humor but found the romance lacking and the ending… not really a HEA, maybe a HFN…

Anyhow, I give it 2.5 of 5 hearts for the character building.

