The Chase by Nessa Vincent

Loose ID presents

the chaseBlurb

Previous book: The Catch

Halym knows better than to trust humans. Even though he’s a dragon at the top of the magical food chain, he just can’t get any respect from humans–particularly not from a magician like Merrick Leigh, who has the audacity to steal Halym’s soul.

Merrick has good reasons for taking the dragon captive, though it leaves him holding the proverbial wolf by the ear. He wants to use Halym’s powerful magical abilities to work an important spell, but Halym has other plans. Something about this magician piques Halym’s curiosity and whets his sexual appetite. Once Halym gives chase, Merrick finds he doesn’t have the will or the wiles to fend off the dragon’s advances. Although the dragon is under Merrick’s control, Merrick realizes he’s not the one in charge…and he likes it that way.

But everything changes when Halym steals back his soul. Now that Halym is free to leave, he isn’t sure he wants to. Yet staying with Merrick means not only learning to trust humans, but becoming one.


Merrick wants to find a way to return his lover to the land of the living and captures the most powerful magical creature in Europe to help, Halym the dragon.

Halym doesn’t want to help Merrick at first because he’s a lowly human and dragon’s are far superior, then he doesn’t want to help because he’s fallen for Merrick and doesn’t want to lose him to the past lover.

In a fit of selflessness Halym gives Merrick what he thinks he wants only to find out that you can’t go back in time, no matter how much you might want to.


This is a good book. The dialog is witty and the banter between Halym and Merrick is great. The magic and the mix of old and new world technology is fascinating.

I found the writing to be bulky at times, but mostly good. I never felt the connection that I wanted to between Merrick and Halym, the old lover took up more space than felt comfortable.

Overall I liked this book and would recommend it to lovers of dragons and magic.

3.5 of 5 hearts



Light in Endless Darkness by Huston Piner Blog Tour with Giveaway



We were no sooner on the couch than Dominic had me in his arms and I was really flying. He nibbled on my neck, sending waves of pleasure through me. The sharp edge of his teeth grazed my skin, ready to bite into me. But he stopped and froze all over for a second, leaned back, and his sightless eyes betrayed a confused indecision that startled me. For a moment, he seemed lost. But before I could formulate words to ask him what was wrong, his expression changed, his lips returned to mine, and his tongue renewed its attack.
Friday night, his kisses had been tentative and delicate, but now he pressed his lips to mine with animal-like ferocity and gripped me in a powerful embrace. He licked and nibbled on my neck while unbuttoning my shirt, and then he nudged me forward to remove it.
I started to lift his pullover, but he pushed my hands away. His fingers explored my naked torso and roamed over every inch of exposed skin, adding to the tension building up inside me.

Sales Links: Torquere
About the author:

Huston Piner writes books prominently featuring gay characters. His first book My Life as a Myth was nominated for the 2014 Stonewall Book Award for Children’s and Young Adult Literature and was a 2013 Rainbow Awards finalist. His second book, the highly anticipated Conjoined at the Soul, was published in February 2015. In the edgy Light in Endless Darkness, his first New Adult offering, he explores the supernatural romance of a gay vampire. Huston lives in the mythical town of Chadham, Virginia, with his partner and three domineering cats.

Where to find the author:

Facebook Author Page:

Goodreads Link:
Publisher: Torquere Press
Cover Artist: BSClay
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sex Lies and Wedding Bells by EM Lynley

Dreamspinner Presents


[2nd edition has been extensively rewritten and the story changed from the original. Contains approximately 25k words of new content.]

Of all the tiny towns, in all the world, he walks into mine.

Texas native Kieran Quinn has hit the big time, working in Manhattan as a columnist for Gloss, a national literary magazine. He’s well-known for his snarky, sardonic columns, but deep down he’s more interested in exploring what makes people tick than his editor would like. He keeps his desire to find his own Mr. Right hidden under a sexy, carefree persona that favors champagne and underwear models of the male variety.

Jaxon Lang loves being the high school principal in tiny Buckwheat Springs, Texas after relocating from Austin to pursue his relationship with Danetta Archer, despite her reputation for leaving grooms at the altar. So far, he’s avoided examining the questions he has about himself, certain that marriage will put them to rest. Then Kieran arrives in town. Kieran’s charm and unique attitudes about sex and attraction soon challenge Jaxon’s concept of what—and who—he wants.

While covering the latest wedding of a real-life “runaway bride,” Kieran falls hard for the gorgeous—and supposedly straight—groom, Jaxon Lang, despite that ridiculous X. Then Kieran discovers the bride’s hiding a shocking secret.

First Edition published by Ravenous Romance, April 2009.


The blurb pretty much tells you what happens. Jaxon is supposed to marry Danetta, but he finds he has feelings for Kieran – a man! He convinces Kieran to “experiment” with him, but at the last minute decides he needs to follow through and marry Danetta.

Kieran uncovers some “truths” about Danetta and Jaxon and he go to Hawaii to explore their new “relationship”.

When the article that Kieran wrote about Jaxon comes out it paints Jaxon in a bad light and Jaxon gets mad – but then he gets over it and they reconcile.

I really wanted to like this story because the premise is cute and I love GFY/OFY. But it just failed for me in a lot of ways.

I thought the “exploratory” sex between Jaxon and Kieran was funny and hot but it sort of felt teen-agerish. Jaxon acted like he’d never been around a penis before or heard what happened during gay sex.

I also thought the progression of their relationship was a little too fast. From “get to know you” to “I love you” then there’s the “big misunderstanding” that tears them apart. That was pretty frustrating. I would have liked to see them really work on their relationship – Jaxon being with a man, Kieran living in a different state, Jaxon’s feelings of guilt…these are real issues that could have built on some of the more real challenges the couple faced.

But… I really could have gotten over these issues if that had been all.

What I couldn’t get over was Jaxon. I just never liked him. I didn’t like what he was willing to do to Danetta (cheat) or how he treated Kieran (like an experiment) or how he completely over-reacted to Kieran’s article (wouldn’t even listen to the man he said he loved).

Over 70% of the book sees Jaxon and Kieran separated and then in the last few pages they reconcile but I didn’t really buy that their relationship would be a long lasting one.

The writing and editing were fine and I liked the cover a lot, but I just didn’t connect with it well.

It was interesting and had some good promise.

3 of 5 hearts



Sidecar Audiobook by Amy Lane Narrated by Chris Patton

Dreamspinner Presents


The year is 1987. The boys wear pink Izod shirts, the girls wear big hair, everyone has a stash box, and AIDS is just an ugly rumor rumbling like a thunderstorm from the cities. A teenage runaway wanders the side of the road, a heartbeat away from despair, and is rescued by a long-haired angel on a Harley. But that’s just the beginning of their story. Josiah Daniels wanted peace and quiet and a simple life, and he had it until he rescued Casey from hunger, cold, and exhaustion. Suddenly Joe’s life is anything but simple as he and his new charge navigate a world that is changing more rapidly than the people in it. Joe wants to raise Casey to a happy and productive adulthood, and he does. But even as an adult, Casey can’t conceive of a happy life without Joe. The trouble is getting Joe to accept that the boy he nurtured is suddenly the man who wants him. Their relationship can either die or change with the world around them. As they make a home, negotiate the new rules of growing up, and swerve around the pitfalls of modern life, Casey learns that adulthood is more than sex, Joe learns that there is no compromise in happy ever after, and they’re both forced to realize that the one thing a man shouldn’t be is alone.


Casey gets kicked out of his house for being gay. He ends up being a “rent boy” briefly, and the punching bag of some truckers as he hitches out of town. Just when he’s thinking about giving up he meets Joe.

Joe is a Quaker, a nurse, a biker, a bear, bi-sexual, hippie… you name it, he’s probably done it. He is easy going, big hearted and lovely. He sees Casey on the side of the road and has to – HAS TO – help him.

At first Casey is leery – he’s been burned before by men, then he realizes how truly good Joe is and then he is determined to seduce him. The only problem is he’s 16 and Joe is at least a decade older and no way is Joe going to act on anything Casey is offering.

The years go by and Joe essentially raises Casey from a precocious 16 year old to a sassy 21 year old – managing to get him through high school, first love and into college. When Casey makes one final play for Joe that ends up in a huge fight, he takes off – leaving Joe lonely and decimated.

When Casey’s father dies, Joe helps him attend the funeral and they finally admit what they mean to one another.

But – both Joe and his family know that Casey can’t give him what he most wants in life – a baby. Add to this a judgemental sister and a significant age gap and we still have some hurdles to face.

However, in the end, with miracles abounding Casey and Joe put together a family and manage to be the most rock solid team you could ever dream about.

Oh man. I love – love – love- this book. Joe is one of my favorite “Amy” characters. He is so steady but funny. Down to earth and sweet. Casey is equally awesome – sassy and sarcastic – always pushing buttons and never afraid to ask for what he wants.

There is some angst – it’s an Amy book for Pete’s sake – but by and large most of this book is two men building a relationship and a family and making their own pathway in life.

It was beautiful and touching and sweet and sentimental and yet the sex scenes are some of Amy’s best work!

The narrator did an AMAZING job. He makes Joe a bit growly and Casey a bit snarky and just lets you sink right in to the wonderful story Amy has given us.

I can’t recommend this highly enough – I’ve already listened to it three times – it’s just so good!

6 of 5 stars



Snowman-Isabelle Rowan

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

BLURB: We all find ways to run away. Some do it in seclusion, others in the arms of lovers.

Since the death of his long-time partner, Caleb Maguire lives a quiet life in Australia’s Victorian high country with only his dog and horses for company. Each day is the same. There are no surprises—good or bad—until a major snowstorm hits his mountain and Caleb is called out to rescue a stranded tourist. The late night snow brings with it a lost soul who forces Caleb to reassess his solitary life.

Paul Turner is a barista in the trendy Melbourne suburb of Carlton. He lives life totally in the moment, but a life of no commitments is about to change for this city boy. Three days is all it takes for Paul to fall hard for Caleb, and Paul returns to the city with a promise he’ll be back after turning his life around… but only when all the roads are clear. 


REVIEW:  This book had all the elements to make a great story. You had a snow storm, a cabin, two single men held up in said cabin, a roaring fire, it was all there. But if I had to describe this book using only one word, i would say that it was slow. The relationship between these two men–if you can even call it that–developed so slowly that it was virtually non existent.  The main issue I had with this story was the two men hardly interacted with each other.  You had Caleb who is understandably still mourning the loss of his partner but decides that yeah, he’s attracted to Paul and maybe he wants to see where it goes. Then there was a disagreement over nothing–like really–it was over a tiny misunderstanding–and the two spend almost the entire book separated only communicating–one sided from Paul via text messages. I wanted to like this book, I really did and I didn’t dislike it. Everything was there, the author had all the ingredients to make a delicious meal, but it just fell flat. There was too much angst without the romance or passion to balance it.  It was a struggle for me to finish the book and I found myself skipping pages to see if something, anything pops between these two men. Caleb’s character was quite dull. His internal conversations with his deceased lover and his dog became tedious. The first time okay, but it was constant throughout the story. The only interesting bits of the book is what happens with Paul and his friends. The cover was very nice but the story beneath it did little to hold my interest. I’m so sorry.


Transparency Audiobook by Ethan Stone and Sara York narrated by John Solo

Troy Daulton Presents


Charlie is the quintessential bear. Big, muscular and hairy. But that isn’t the type of men he’s attracted to. He is drawn to men like Taylor – short, smooth, and sexy. Taylor is Charlie’s idea of the perfect twink. But there’s something about Taylor Charlie doesn’t know.
Taylor is unsure about a lot of things, but when he sees Charlie, he instantly knows he wants him. The only issue standing in his way is how Taylor views his own masculinity. He’s afraid that Charlie will leave once he knows the secret Taylor wants to keep hidden. Can he be transparent with Charlie and allow him to look behind the image he’s so carefully constructed?


Taylor meets Charlie at a glory hole and is afraid to make further contact because he’s been burned in the past by guys who can’t see past his past. Charlie is Taylor’s dream guy, big, hairy, tough… and unlikely to want someone like Taylor. Transgender.

But… Taylor doesn’t know Charlie and when Charlie convinces him to give their relationship a chance, Charlie surprises Taylor with the depth of his heart and his willingness to see past the body to the person underneath.

This is a short story and it maybe would have been better had it been longer. Since it moved so quickly from meet to love to forever it was a bit hard to swallow. I just didn’t fully appreciate that Charlie’s friends would vilify Charlie’s taste in men and Taylor so violently and I would think the whole transgender thing would need more discussion and would have really made for a lovely educational story about the challenges faced by such a romance.

The narrator, John Solo, did a great job and I enjoyed listening to this more than I would have reading it, I am sure.

Overall 3 of 5 hearts for the audiobook.



Gambling Men by Amy Lane

Dreamspinner Presents


Quent Jackson has followed Jason Spade’s every move in business and in poker since their first day as college freshmen. Eight years later, when Jace finally decides Quent is the one man he can’t live without, he sees no reason for that to change.

But as much as Jace believes that poker is life, no one gave Quent the same playbook. After their first passionate night, the real game of love and trust begins, and Jace has been playing alone too long to make teaching the rules easy. Jace only speaks two languages: one of them is sex, and the other one is poker. Between the two, he needs to find a way to convince himself to take a chance on love—and Quent to take a chance on him. It’s a lucky thing they’re good at reading the odds, because they’re playing for keeps, and this is one high-stakes relationship that’s definitely worth the gamble.


Quent and Jace have been friends and roomies since college. Quent is the easy going type, content to let Jace lead, but not afraid to tell him off if he strays. Jace is the stoic, quiet type – strong, bull-headed and almost always right.

One day – seemingly out of the blue – Jace hits on Quent and suddenly their relationship has changed from friend to lover.

It turns out that both men have been pining for the other. Though Quent has never had a male sexual partner before, he’s always had eyes for Jace and is quite happy to explore that further.


First – this is my all time FAVORITE Amy book. I love these boys and have re-read this book over and over and over. (I PRAY they will make it into an Audio book – so please – go out and buy this!)

What I loved about this book is the sideways “non”conversations that the boys have with one another. They manage to navigate their relationship with a series of poker metaphors and pointed looks. It’s hysterical. The sex is phenomenal – neither is inhibited and Jace is so growly then cuddly – it’s a perfect blend.

Quent is both the social follower but their emotional leader in the relationship. Jace has so much to learn about expressing himself but when he does it just tears your heart out and makes you want to hug him.

I also LOVED Jace’s family – Mike and Jefferson were such great role-models and I loved their life lessons through poker.

In relative Amy terms – there is almost no angst in this book – but there is lots of deep emotional bonding and lovely relationship building and some fantastic “newbie” sex to be explored. Not to mention that it is hysterical.

If you haven’t read this wonderful book by Amy Lane I highly recommend it.

6 of 5 hearts



Knight of Ocean Avenue by Tara Lain

Dreamspinner Presents


How can you be twenty-five and not know you’re gay? Billy Ballew runs from that question. A high school dropout, barely able to read until he taught himself, Billy’s life is driven by his need to help support his parents as a construction worker, put his sisters through college, coach his Little League team, and not think about being a three-time loser in the engagement department. Being terrified of taking tests keeps Billy from getting the contractor’s license he so desires, and fear of his mother’s judgement blinds Billy to what could make him truly happy.

Then, in preparation for his sister’s big wedding, Billy meets Shaz—Chase Phillips—a rising star, celebrity stylist who defines the word gay. To Shaz, Billy embodies everything he’s ever wanted—stalwart, honest, brave—but even if Billy turns out to be gay, he could never endure the censure he’d get for being with a queen like Shaz. How can two men with so little in common find a way to be together? Can the Stylist of the Year end up with the Knight of Ocean Avenue?


Billy can’t find a woman who “sticks”. He’s been involved, seriously, three times and they all sort of fizzle out. One day he “rescues” a beautiful redhead from a bully only to find out he’s the stylist hired to help his sister for her wedding to a rich guy.
Chase, aka Shaz, sees the hunky Billy and falls into lust. But Billy is straight, Shaz has a boyfriend and a vision of his future and that future doesn’t include blue-collar straight boys.

When Shaz and Billy spend time together “sprucing” Billy up for potential future dates with a socialite pegged to be Billy’s next girlfriend they find a mutual attraction. When Billy ends up in the same bar as Shaz one night, the attraction goes from potential to realized and now the pair have some serious decisions to make.

I loved Billy! He was a sweet, gentle soul. His heart is so big and he is just in need of someone to recognize his diamond in the rough. Shaz was the perfect shiny foil to his understated Billy’s fabulousness. The couple had amazing chemistry and the story felt real and authentic. I totally bought in and loved every minute of it.

5 of 5 hearts



Family Jewels by MJ O’Shea

Dreamspinner Presents
Corbin Ford, aka the Nightwatchman, named for the antique pocket watches he leaves behind at jobs, has been in the cat-burgling business for years. His father was. His grandfather was. His mother is still one of the most renowned thieves. Corbin likes his high-profile heists, priceless paintings from private collections, artifacts from museums, but his favorite? Jewels. Sparkly, beautiful jewels. If they’re famous, better yet.

Interpol agent Luke Eldridge has one goal and one goal only: to catch the Nightwatchman. Luke’s been after him for months, but getting the slip time and again is getting embarrassing. Luke has never even laid eyes on the bastard, but he’d happily strangle him. And then arrest him.

When Luke meets Corbin, the man of his dreams, he falls hard and fast… only to catch Corbin red-handed with his hand in a jewelry case at the scene of the highest-profile murder that’s rocked the international world in years.



Corbin is a thief, he meets Luke in a bar, they hook up and find each other irresistible. Their one night stand goes on and the next thing you know – boyfriends! But… Luke is not the businessman he pretended to be and is in fact a policeman on the lookout for Corbin!

When Luke finds out Corbin agrees to help the police solve a murder in exchange for leniency but when the time comes to face the trial can Corbin go through with it?


I really enjoy MJ O’Shea’s writing. I loved Corbin and Luke and really loved their bumbling attempts at being emotional with one another. The sexual tension and the tension surrounding the mystery were great. I don’t know how believable the interactions were (in terms of cops and robbers) but it wasn’t a stumbling block.  Up until the very end I really, really loved this book.

For me the big stumbling block was this………(SPOILER ALERT)





There is a huge cliff hanger at the end of the book that gives us neither a HEA or HFN! I hope and pray there is a sequel but none has been listed as far as I can see.

To me – if there is no sequel – I have to lower the rating of this from a 5 to 3 (maybe even lower) because I was devastated by the ending!

I couldn’t believe we were left hanging there with our dear couple separated – possibly never to be together again.

What we are left with is not nearly satisfying enough and it was painful.


I generously give this a 3 in the hopes that there is a sequel awaiting us.



The Music Never Dies by Rain Carrington Blog Tour with Excerpt, Giveaway

Amazon Pre Order Buy Link


In this the 6th and final installment of the Apishipa Creek Chronicles, we find out the fate of Rebel Marino, who in the last book was in a terrible accident, left to the ghosts of the past and the tenacity of his fiancé. 
This gripping look at the lives of all of the couples we have grown to love is a testament to hope, faith and endearing strength that they have found in each other and the friendship that holds them all together as they face maybe the hardest trials yet. Each of them come up against past demons and future fears as one of their own must stand against sickness and pain. 
Rebel, Jack, Lonnie, Travis, Binx, Nathan, Pappy, Sidney, Brandon, Joey, Andy and Lin as well as the people of the town of Apishipa Creek and the leather club Manacle band together to save a new love that none of them saw coming as well as fight the evil of the young men who left Rebel to die. 
Come once more to the town tucked in the mountains of Colorado and fall in love again… 

Warning: This book contains BDSM and scenes of consensual sex between two or more men


Lin set the phone down and slid his eyes over to Andy and Joey, who were sitting together on the bed reading a gay romance novel and laughing like kids. Andy was positively blushing and Joey was sporting wood, but still giggling like a girl. They were beautiful, they were special and they were his. He’d never felt so lucky before in his life and he’d had a very blessed life. Now he would have to hurt them with this news. Neither was terribly close to Rebel. They were only beginning to get to know the other subs besides Sid and Lonnie, but they were friends nonetheless and perhaps more importantly, they were other subs. That made him one of them and when one of their own was hurt or in any sort of pain, it seemed to affect them all.
Joey looked up at Lin and immediately lost his smile. Smart Joey, he could read people well, but his sweet Andy was still grinning and said, “Daddy Lin, this is absurd and so sexy! You must read with us, yes?”
“Maybe later, baby. Come here to me, both of you.”
They slid off of the bed and walked over to him, Andy sensing his tone and sobering from his laughter. Joey took Andy’s hand and then took him from behind, holding him as he told Lin, “Tell us, Daddy Lin. Please, Sir.”
“Boys…There’s some bad news about Rebel.”
Joey tightened his grip on Andy. “His leg, Sir?”
“Yeah, Joe. The doctors told them a little while ago. Rebel’s not taking it well, of course. If either of you pray, this may be the time.”
“Raised Catholic, Daddy, I haven’t prayed in a long time, except to get you and Andy. I’ll go light a candle.”
Andy turned his head to Joey and asked, “Can we go with you?”
Lin answered, “Yeah, let’s leave this unpacking and head to St. Martin. We’ll swing by the hospital and then go to one of the churches there. Pappy might not be back yet.”
“They probably have a chapel,” Joey offered, and Lin nodded while he took them both into his arms.
They were surrounded by boxes, bags, and there was newspaper everywhere, but it was already home. They’d decided to take down some of Candace Perry’s colorful decorations to make the place their own, but the one wall would always hold the collage of rock and roll posters most of the men thought were signs from the great beyond that each of the couples who’d lived one time or another in that house were meant to be.
As they walked through the dining room, Lin’s eyes sought and found the one poster that started it all. Rebel Yell. Rebel…the nephew of the former, late owner. The one who’d come to Apishipa Creek to sell a house and move on as fast as he could before he’d met Jack Colton and had fallen in love. Where the story begins, Lin thought, is sometimes how it ends. Coming full circle.
Suddenly, as they all headed to Lin’s F150, he grew worried. If for some reason this drove a wedge between Rebel and Jack, if they parted ways for good, would that mean the rest of the relationships made there would be doomed as well?
It was superstitious nonsense, of course. Lin hadn’t believed there were any signs from the spirits or planned destiny for love lives. Still, that nagging worry carried him all the way to the hospital.

Books in this series

Book 1  Amazon Buy Link

Book 2 Amazon Buy Link

Book 3Amazon Buy Link

Book 4 Amazon Buy Link

Author Bio

Hi I’m Rain and I write contemporary M/M romance some with a BDSM slant. My book Honky Tonk, is the first I am publishing but not the first I’ve written. I have a whole library full that are about to be rewritten and revamped a bit and published as well. Please enjoy my books and let me know what you think!

Rain Carrington Author Web Page

Amazon Author Page

Rain Carrington Goodreads

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