Shifting Weight Tour Tina Blenke with Giveaway

shiftingweight72-1Jason is a West Coast wolf Shifter who leaves his native Pack Lands to search for his destined mate. When he finds the large muscled man working out a local gym, Jason is ecstatic and apprehensive. Eric is a Changeless human and there are tense sides to the politically heated debate around the integration of Shifters and Changeless. Jason is at risk of losing control of his wolf without bonding with his destined mate. But, will Eric accept that Jason is a Shifter? And can Eric trust Jason after his heart has been left shattered from a previously failed relationship.

Jason allowed himself to run that night. Elation filled him making it easier to relax and allow his wolf to flow into his mind and body. The shift was seamless, years of transitioning helped his wolf to take control in under a few painless minutes. Jason knew of wolves who could never shift because the pain was so intense. It was unknown what the cause was but some insisted that it was because the Shifter’s true mate had never been found and the man could not control the beast inside of him.
The old wives’ tale had haunted Jason especially as years passed without locating his mate. Now that he knew Eric existed, it was one less thing to worry about. Now he could focus on worrying about Eric finding out he was a Shifter. Eric’s acceptance. If the two would find love and happiness despite fate playing a factor, then, and only then, could Jason think about starting a family with Eric. Maybe he was jumping the gun, but he had always wanted a man to love and a family to care for. Was it too much to want? Shouldn’t he be satisfied with finding a mate? All of this thinking and stress was weighing him down. Yes, he had found his mate, but would Eric want Jason?
His legs pumped harder as he made his way across hills and through forests with large trees reaching up towards the skies. It was not the familiar woods of his home on the Pack Lands but it felt good to stretch his limbs, pull deep pulls of fresh air into his lungs, and feel the wind tickling through his fur all over his body. With a grin, he imagined his large bear of a mate with sexual wants that matched his own.
Pages: 60 pages

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Author Bio: Tina is a retired Air Force brat and has lived in several states as well as a handful of countries. She has always had a soft spot for literature and is a voracious reader. When she isn’t writing, she can be found cuddled up with a good book. Though Tina adores a thrilling novel with sappy lovesick heroes, she is terrified of things that go bump in the night. This makes for quite a complicated relationship with zombies, something that she just can’t get enough of.
Author Contact:
LinkedIn: Tina Blenke
Instagram: tinablenke
Tumblr: tinablenke
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Cover Artist: Latisha Waters
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Peanutbutter and Jelly for Two by Jackie Nacht

MLR Presents

peanut butterBlurb

The sexy chipmunk shifter isn’t afraid of the dentist; he’s in love with him.

Phillip has the best job working at the Paranormal Dentistry for the Fanged and Friendly. As a chipmunk shifter, Phillip has seen handsome men walk through the door but none so gorgeous as his boss and wolf shifter, Dr. Gunner Samuels. When he finds himself being manipulated by his best friend to ask the big bad wolf over for dinner, Phillip realizes his biggest dilemma, he’s never cooked a day in his life, let alone meat. Can Phillip pull off a fabulous dinner for two? And has Gunner had his eye on the sexy shifter all this time?


This is the first in the Paranormal Dentistry series and it lays out the shifter world as designed by Jackie Nacht. Most of it is as you’d expect, but –  there’s no specific “mate” call, shifters find love across species, they don’t magically heal with each shift so they are succebptible to human problems – like cavities.

Phillip is a medical assistant for Dr. Gunner Samuels. Both men are immediately attracted to one another, but Phillip is leery of hitting on his boss and Gunner doesn’t want to scare off his shy new assistant.

Eventually the matchmaking efforts of the hygienist Beauregard pay off and they finally agree to date and that leads to … well, mating.

This is a very sweet and funny story with some pretty hot smexy times and a delightful start to a great series.

I give it 4.5 of 5 hearts.



And the Children Shall Lead (The Knight Cycle #4) by Michael J. Bowler

23205951The campaign to save California’s children was only the beginning. Now King Arthur and his Round Table of teenaged knights set their sights on fixing something even bigger – the entire country. How? By targeting America’s most sacred document – The Constitution.

Native American teens Kai and Dakota, despite harboring secrets of their own, join the team, and swear undying loyalty to Lance. They carry the hope of their people that the crusade will better the lives of Indian children, who are the most neglected by government. This new campaign will take the young people to The White House, the halls of Congress, and beyond in their quest to change the prevailing opinion that children are property, rather than human beings in their own right.

But an unseen nemesis stalks Lance and Arthur, and ratchets up the attacks on New Camelot, promising to kill them and destroy all that the king has put in place. Lance, Ricky, Kai, and Dakota become the enemy’s favorite targets, and barely escape with their lives on more than one occasion. Who is this mysterious stalker, and what is the motive for these attacks? Lance has no idea, especially since he’s never intentionally hurt anyone.

“You were right, little boy, death is coming for you, but slowly, and only after it takes out the people you love.” That chilling promise haunts Lance, but also strengthens his determination to protect the people he loves at all costs. Or die trying.

The Knight Cycle continues…

Kimi’s thoughts:

This is one of those series that you see kicking about and then one day, decide, “I keep seeing this about, winning awards and what not, but it doesn’t seem to be that huge. I’m gonna check it out and see what the deal is.” So you pick it up, and read the first volume. It makes you stop and think. It challenges you, and you see something that you never maybe really saw before. You rad the next one, right away, never mind the book’s length.

You think, Holy cow, I’m not sure about some of their ideas, but man, this is one compelling read. Then you come to understand that you were not supposed to necessarily side the way you assumed. Also, that the issues being dealt with are a lot more complex than you had possibly wanted to know. But what has been seen cannot be unseen, so now, moving pell mell onto volume three, you have to face it head on.

You find you object to issues you had thought you stood firmly on the other side for, perhaps. You find that if you stood against what they fought, your ideals  do not match up with what actually needs doing. You see the youth you dismiss as thuggish as who he is, inside. It’s disquietening. It also makes you feel great joy as you see the power of hope and personal effort.

Then you come to this volume. The Constitution? Really? But while this is fantasy, it again makes you give pause. The rights of children, these are things we’ve al fought for, in one way or another The right for children to go to school. the right for them not to slave away in factories and sweat shops. Basic human rights. And all through this, there is an exciting action adventure with modern Knights of the Roundtable, male and female alike, righting wrongs, helping the needy, and fighting back against those who wish to do evil.

It’s a great read, and I’m going to say this once, if you have kids, 11 or older, buy them these books. Gay, straight, bi, white, black, Latino, male, female, young old…they are ALL in this book and they are ALL heroes. It’s a nice self affirming read for youth, and the subplot with young Lance coming to accept his orientation is beautiful.

Rating: 4.5

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Fighting instincts by Mary Calmes

Dreamspinner Presents



L’Ange: Book Two

Only a privileged few know L’Ange’s head of security Arman de Soto is a shifter, and even fewer know he’s been systematically killing off a pack of werewolves. The reason for this vengeance is a secret Arman trusts with no one, quite the opposite of his obvious longtime pursuit of the château’s overseer, Linus Hobbes. Despite Arman’s reputation as a loner, the only thing he needs to complete his life is Linus. Predator and prey just don’t mix—but Arman won’t give him up.

Linus has lived alone for more than seven years, sheltered at L’Ange under an assumed name and hiding secrets of his own, including his terrifying attraction to the most dangerous man he’s ever met. Arman knows Linus should be afraid of the predator stalking him, but Linus is still drawn to him like a moth to a flame, no matter how much he tries to deny his instincts. It’s not until Linus’s past and Arman’s crusade exposes their secrets and opens L’Ange to attack that Arman realizes waiting any longer is a risk he just can’t take. So he’ll have to take his quest to the source of the threat in a gamble to protect L’Ange, Linus, and any future they might have together.


We met Arman in Old Loyalty, New Love. He was the mysterious bodyguard who helped protect Roman and Quade. Though we were led to believe he was interested in a certain jackal named Tucker, we find out quickly that this was a red-herring, serving to stir jealousy in the heart of Linus.

Linus is the fastidious and cold caretaker of L’Ange. It’s clear he’s been abused in his past and we learn early on just how terrible that abuse was. Arman has been Linus’ protector and often his touchstone for years, but the time has come for that relationship to develop to its full potential and Arman isn’t waiting any longer.

Arman is a man of mystery. We don’t know what he is, though we all think he must be a shifter – it isn’t until quite a bit into the story that we figure out just what he is. (I think everyone will be surprised by the reveal!)

In addition to hiding who he is, he also hides what he does. We find out that he has an agenda- a vendetta really – of epic proportions. This vendetta makes him almost an anti-hero. He’s definitely not the typical perfect Alpha we have seen in other Mary Calmes’ stories. He’s got a dark side that he’s embraced fully.

Surprisingly, Linus is perfectly okay with this dark side and in fact, he too embraces the vendetta and we see some pretty significant changes in his personality as a result of this.

One of the things I really liked about this story was that Linus and Arman get together pretty early on. They work as a team for most of the story and it was imminently satisfying to watch their relationship grow and deepen while they worked together.

Though it might seem a bit blood-thirsty, the vendetta is explained really well and at no time did I feel that there was any other possible course of action than that which Arman took.

I really felt that in this “universe” the animal natures of the shifters were really well developed and “authentic”. These aren’t people who just happen to have the occasional “furry power” thrown in to explain insta-love and mating. They are truly unique beings with a different set of rules and personalities.

I loved that Roman wasn’t quite on board with the vendetta. Sure, he loves Linus and despised what happened to him, but he wasn’t born a shifter and he still sees things through a human lens and judges by a different rule-book.

Mary Calmes is amazing at world building and her shifter universe is unique, creative and very well developed. She isn’t afraid to stray from typical “shifter” lore and she draws us in with her own clever style.

The chemistry between Arman and Linus is scorching hot. Mary writes excellent sex scenes and the sexual tension and it’s subsequent release is phenomenal in Fighting Instinct.

I can’t wait to see what happens between Jon and Kelvin and hope to see book three in the very near future!

Though it isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last time I say it – I love Mary Calmes’ books and I highly recommend them all.

I give this 6 of 5 hearts


Vixen’s Valor (North Pole City Tales #3) by Charlie Cochet

Dreamspinner Presents


Rein Dear is a prestigious title, accompanied by admiration, devotion, and celebrity status, all of which one saucy Vixen thrives on. Alas, Vixen’s only concerned with having fun, unlike his stuffy and sensible best friend, Rudy Rein Dear, who Vixen has always been jealous of. Aside from being chosen by Mayor Kringle to be Captain the Rein Dear Squadron, Rudy’s managed to snag himself a prince, even if that prince is the dangerous and imposing Jack Frost.
All’s not lost for Vixen though. He discovers Jack’s cousin Vale has a soft spot for him. Vale Frost might not be a dashing prince, but he’s the next best thing: a decorated Lieutenant for the Toy Soldier Army, and a member of the Frost monarchy.

Determined to get what Vixen feels he deserves, he sets off on a mission to ensnare the kind-hearted lieutenant. But Vixen’s selfish ways are sure to lead to disaster, and it’ll take more than a little courage to set things right.



By now we’ve grown familiar with Charlie’s alternate Christmas world and if you haven’t read books one and two I highly recommend that you do. This can probably be read as a stand-alone, but it might not make as much sense and certainly won’t be as good without reading the other two.

Vixen is one of Rudy’s co-pilots and Vale is Jack’s cousin. Vixen is a … well, Vixen is a slut. He lost the love of his adoptive parents when they had a baby of their own (way to break my heart Charlie!) and he substitutes the arms of any willing male for that missing affection.

Vale is a quiet, studious soldier. He mostly follows the footsteps of his father and does nothing to stir trouble. He admires Vixen from afar, but never dares to push himself in among the throngs of admirers for fear of a trampled heart.

Vixen decides to set his cap for Vale when he considers that – with Jack officially off the market – Vale is the closest thing to a Prince Charming he’ll get. What he doesn’t figure on is that Vale is more than a step up the social ladder. He’s a good guy, warm, tender, and truly devoted to Vixen.

Jealousy causes Vixen to do something unthinkable and it ends up putting the entire kingdom at risk. In order to right the world, both Vixen and Vale must put their lives on the line and risk themselves and their hearts.


It was hard to like Vixen at first – as we are supposed to – he’s quite vain and shallow. But… there are hidden depths to him that we discover and pretty soon, we are rooting for him and Vale to make a love connection.

Vale is the perfect hero. Steadfast, true, honorable, but capable of making mistakes, just like the rest of us.

I really enjoyed the excitement and couldn’t read fast enough to see if Vixen could save the day.

The story moves quickly but there is just enough there to make all the characters feel really well developed and the plot gripping.

I hope we see more from this Christmas world and I highly recommend this book in the series.

I give it 4.5 of 5 hearts.



The Heart of Frost (North Pole City Tales #2) by Charlie Cochet

Dreamspinner Presents:

heart frostBlurb

At the North Pole, no one is more powerful and feared than the Prince of Frost. As general of the toy soldier army, Jack Frost has been working extra hard to put away the villainous Mouse King once and for all. If that isn’t taxing enough, Jack has to deal with the scandal and gossip brought on by news of his relationship with Rudy Rein Dear, captain of the Rein Dear Squadron, which hit headlines last holiday season. Lucky for Jack, his reputation has managed to deter any foolish attempts to stir up trouble. At least until now.
When someone sabotages Rudy’s plane during a test run a few weeks before Christmas, Jack is determined to find the culprit by any means necessary. The closer he gets to finding answers, the more difficulty he has not falling back to his icy ways. Has the Mouse King stepped up his game in order to throw Jack off his, or is someone a little closer to home behind the attempt on Rudy’s life? Either way, Jack has every intention of delivering a Christmas they won’t soon forget, even if it means losing the newfound warmth in his heart.



In book one (Mending Noel) we met Jack and Rudy, an already established couple, in love and helping two Christmas Elves in trouble. The author introduced us to her sometimes hysterical, sometimes tongue in cheek, always creative and sometimes exciting alternate or adjacent world in the North Pole. Kringle is the Superior Being and Jack Frost is the Prince of the land, his father the king. Rudy is a Rein Dear, a pilot for Kringle, of course.

(You can definitely read this as a stand alone, but I suggest reading the series in order for the most enjoyment.)

In book two we learn more of Rudy and Jack’s back-story. Before Rudy, Jack had a heart so frozen he had no compassion and was feared throughout all the land. Rudy came along and thawed that heart, showing him love. At this point in the story, they’ve been a couple for hundreds of years, but only recently have they become public knowledge. Rudy has just moved into the castle and his presence is causing lots of trouble.

Rudy ends up in a suspicious accident and Jack ends up with a frozen heart again. Now it’s up to Rudy and his friends to try to unfreeze that heart before it’s too late.


This was not nearly as light hearted as book one. Jack has a dark side and we see a lot of it in this story. The heat between Jack and Rudy a little hotter in this book but it’s still pretty tame.

I absolutely love the Christmas-isms and the different roles all our favorite characters play in this alternate reality. How can you not laugh at curses like Holy Holly?!

Because they were an already established couple, the “romance” was a little less the focus and the drama more compelling than in book one, but it was still very tender and sweet.

I’m really enjoying these novellas and highly recommend them to anyone looking for a light holiday read full of fun and magic.

I give it 4 of 5 hearts.







Wild Magic Audiobook by Poppy Dennison Narrated by Robert G Davis

Dreamspinner Presents:

wild magicBlurb

Triad: Book Four

Joseph Anderson was heartbroken when his childhood best friend Dominick Levent moved away. Years later, Joseph is a successful real estate broker with good friends, an easy smile, and a stunning house. When he finds a dying mountain lion who miraculously shifts into Dominick’s sister, Joseph must find Dominick and reunite him with the two young sons she left behind.

When mountain lion shifter Dominick gets a call telling him his sister is dead, he rushes home to protect his nephews and avenge his sister. Seeing Joseph brings back the feelings Dominick tried to bury and he dares to hope Joseph’s newfound knowledge of shifters means they can finally be together.



Joseph “Joey, stumbles upon his childhood friend and her two children, just as she’s morphing from a mountain lion into a dying woman. Wow! Talk about a mind melter! With her dying breath she asks Joey to take the kids and find her brother (his other childhood friend Dominick “Nicky”) because the kids are in danger.

Though he is thoroughly freaked out, he does as told with the help of his friend Vicky.

When Nicky hears about his sister’s death he’s torn up but he’s also a bit relieved because now he can share with his friend all the secrets he’d been hiding. It was those secrets that drove him away from Joey all those years ago. The secrets and his feelings for Joey.

Together, Nicky and Joey must figure out how to track the killer of Nicky’s sister, raise the “cubs” without a pack, keep the whole shifter thing a secret while both of them are at work and manage to confront the simmering feelings between the two of them.

Nicky manages to stumble on to Gray and Simon’s pack through a work related investigation and that leads him to the answers to several of his problems. He and Joey also manage to figure things out between the two of them and we are left with a very HEA.

I just loved the Triad series. I loved watching Gray and Simon’s slowly developing relationship, the intense world building, the climactic finish… all of it.

I’m not sure what happened here.

Joey and Nicky’s story as a couple felt like barely a footnote. It isn’t until 85% in that they even get together physically. Most of the book is about Nicky the boys and their need for a pack. That aspect was very interesting and I loved the tie-in to Gray’s pack and the involvement of Riley, but the story (for a m/m romance) felt really lopsided.

My need for Joey and Nicky to work on their relationship, to develop their relationship, to have a relationship was essentially given one chapter of 15 and could be described as anemic at best.

Watching Nicky find a place in the world again was fulfilling and I was so happy everyone found a home in the end, but I was disappointed by how little Joey impacted the ending.

Overall, I wouldn’t say this added much to the series and as a stand-alone was not very satisfying at all.

I give the book a 2.5 of 5 hearts



I found Robert G Davis’ narration to be of equal quality as his previous work. He still does a great job with dialog but has a tendency to lilt upward on his sentences in a way that can sometimes be distracting.

The sound quality and editing were good and I enjoyed listening to the book more than reading it as he does add to the experience with his voice changes and modulations.

(I still really love his kid voices!)

I give the narration a 4 of 5 hearts



Overall, I give it a 3 of 5 hearts


King of Me by RA Kaitland

Dreamspinner Presents:


Cast out of his clan of shifters and with no family of his own, Anton Cedwell wants nothing more than to be accepted by his partner Sean’s family when the two of them visit over Christmas. But Sean’s powerful father, Flavius, isn’t happy his son chose a shifter as a mate, and Sean is hiding secrets from Anton. When Sean is attacked by rival weres, Anton hopes Sean’s family will finally see the depth of his commitment and how far he’s willing to go to protect the man he loves.




This is a fascinating world. Anton is a shifter but Sean and his family are… something else, very powerful. In this short story we get politics, magic and power, intrigue, a fight scene and… some really hot sex, too!

Since the couple is already established, we already know they are committed to one another, but this short story shows us just how committed they are and what that means to their families and their community.

I really wished this was a longer story because so much happened in so little space that just as I got a handle on Kaitland’s “universe” the story’s over.  The “King of Me” aspect was really touching – I loved all that it implied with such a simple phrase.

The chemistry and devotion between Sean and Anton was electric and their scene on the ride was very erotic. I really enjoyed this glimpse and hope to see more about this world in a longer book.

4 of 5 hearts


There Is No Fear (The Knight Cycle #3) by Michael J. Bowler



The most famous boy in the world is a prisoner. He’s been charged with a crime he didn’t commit, a crime that could send him to prison for the rest of his life. Languishing within The Compound, the most secure juvenile facility in California, while the district attorney vows to make an example of him because of his celebrity status, Lance must endure the daily indignities of the incarcerated.

New Camelot is fractured without him. Ricky and Chris are bereft, living for the weekly phone call that becomes their only lifeline to the brother they so desperately love, while Arthur and Jenny feel the loss of their son with a sadness that can’t be quelled. And what about Michael, the highly volatile teen who helped write the proposition that will change California forever? Could he really be the monster he says he is? His hatred of Ricky is palpable, and his instability may well threaten the lives of everyone at New Camelot.

As the election looms closer, Proposition 51 takes on an even greater significance in light of the pending trial of the century. The more harshly fifteen-year-old Lance is treated within the broken justice system, the more he contemplates the wisdom of his idea that children need more adult rights. If The Child Voter Act becomes law, won’t it simply allow adults to throw more kids into prison with impunity?

Whichever way the voters decide, his greatest fear remains the same: will he ever again be with the people he loves?

The Knight Cycle Continues…

Kimi’s thoughts:

While working hard to secure children’s rights, with the choice before state voters to either always treat kids 14 and up as adults or always as children, Lance finds himself becoming an unwitting poster child for the criminal justice system. Once again Bowler casts a frank eye at the unpleasant side of what reality is like for too many of today’s youth and makes us look it square in the face. Lance’s experience shows the good with the bad, making for a balanced look that challenges the reader to consider how things can be improved, benefitting society at large as well as the individual.

Lance continues with his struggle for identity and the situation he finds himself in doesn’t help matters. It does however give him a lot of time to think. What makes a person a monster? Does a person doing something horrible make them irredeemable? And what about doing one thing to redress one wrong, while unintentionally opening the door for more possible abuse? Lance’s very incarceration is thanks to such an occurrence, from laws designed to keep dangerously violent offenders off the streets trickling down to children who only MAY have committed a violent crime. It’s a study in the very nature of checks and balances and the need to look at the individual and the facts before to rushing to judgements, whether personal or legal. It’s also a good hard look at the nature of love and of self acceptance. Kimi deems it another must read for both youths and adults.

Rating: 4.5


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Blind Man’s Wolf Tour with Excerpt and Giveaway

104 Amelia Faulkner TC1 Blind Man's Wolf CoverAn Introduction to Ellis O’Neill
Ellis is our reluctant hero in Blind Man’s Wolf. Originally from Yorkshire, he’s run off to London with some of dad’s loose change (understatement) and set up his own business as an art dealer.
He was doing bloody well at it, too. He’d always loved art, but wasn’t very good at it himself, so setting up a gallery of his own seemed the next best thing. He started small with a little space above a bigger shop but after a few years on the scene and a bit more money in his pocket he was finally able to move to a property in Mayfair, the heart of London’s art scene.
It took Ellis a long time to realise that he had trouble with his eyesight. He’d bump into things he hadn’t seen in his periphery and assume he hadn’t paid attention, and it wasn’t until the tunnel vision became more pronounced that he decided to see an optician in case he needed glasses.
Alas it wasn’t good news. He had a form of retinitis pigmentosa. The cells in his retina were dying, it was progressive, and there was no cure. He would be completely blind within a few years and there was nothing that could be done to slow or stop it.
Because life wasn’t going wrong quickly enough for Ellis, he decided to go out and get completely mashed, and ran into someone who would change his existence forever.
Now Ellis is a vampire. He’s not very good at being a vampire, but at least he still has his gallery, and with the assistance of the only friend who knows his secret he keeps his business ticking over while he wonders what exactly he’s supposed to do with eternity when his own guide dog seems to be going crazy…

“Stop.” Ellis crouched and placed his right hand light against the wet grass. There were leaves, too, covered in leftover rain. He stood and patted his hand dry against his trouser leg, then reached for his glasses and slid them up his forehead. He peered around slowly, searching for any glimmer of light.
Before he had been turned, Ellis was utterly blind even in twilight. What little vision hadn’t been stolen entirely during the day needed a lot of light. Now that he was dead… undead… whatever he wanted to call himself, his senses were sharper. If he was lucky he could potentially make out the headlights of a car coming straight for him so long as it was mere seconds away from impact.
Trying to see was a last-ditch effort, and proved about as worthless as Ellis had expected. He found dim, colourless spots in the sky which were probably street lamps, but that was all. He pushed his glasses back into place and the dark lenses cut out even that small reminder of what was lost.

The clues taken together seemed to indicate that Tiberius had taken him to a park, and his mental map of Mayfair unfurled as he tried to figure out which one. Berkeley Square Gardens were closed after dusk and didn’t re-open until after sunrise. Grosvenor Square Gardens were even more restrictive, as were Mount Street Gardens. He should have noticed if they had crossed Park Lane, but Hyde Park closed at midnight anyway. Tiberius shouldn’t be able to enter any of them after midnight except Green Park; they all had gates which were closed and locked after hours.
Were they in Green Park, then? That wouldn’t be too bad. He fell still and listened again.
In the distance, a small rodent met its end, most likely to a fox. He waited, and heard a flutter of leathery wings high overhead and the rustle as tiny bats grabbed tree branches and came to rest.
Ellis swore, keeping his voice quiet. He had to have reached St. James’ Park. How the hell had he not noticed crossing Piccadilly or The Mall? How had they walked all the way through Green Park without him realising it? If he followed the path all the way to Buckingham Palace he may be able to attract a guard for assistance, but he figured that was likely one of the most densely-packed areas for CCTV cameras in their natural habitat. He’d be even deeper in poo if Her Majesty’s Finest discovered a man who didn’t show up on security screens.

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Author  Bio:

Amelia Faulkner was born in the rolling green countryside of Oxfordshire, and moved to London once she was mostly grown up. She has a degree in Computer Science, and spent quite a long time working with computers until her childhood love of writing could no longer be ignored.

Since then she has written for corporate clients and personal pleasure, and finally stepped away from office-bound working in 2011 to freelance from home.

Amelia is also a keen photographer and film-goer, and resides in the city (not the City) with her husband. She is notoriously camera-shy, so please enjoy this picture of her cat!

102 Amelia Faulkner Author Image

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