KC Wells A Bond of Three Tour





“We are alone,” Sorran said after a few minutes. “Tell me of the cashor. You have intrigued me.”
Tanish thought for a moment how best to begin. “It is worn by the Seruani.” Sorran’s furrowed brow told him what he needed to know. He sighed. “The Seruani are those men and women who provide a special service. They instruct us in the pleasures of the flesh. A husband whose wife no longer wishes to share her bed with him, those who have lost their partners, youths who seek their first experience to be with someone knowledgeable—all these people can pay for their services.”
Sorran’s forehead smoothed out. “Ah, I understand. We have such people in Vencor.” That frown was back suddenly. “But I am still confused. Why would someone not pay us heed if we wear the cashor?”
Tanish stared at him. “Because Seruani are considered the lowest of the low. When a youth is taken to be trained as a Seruan, he or she loses all contact with his or her family. If a Seruan was to be seen in the street by a family member, they would not be acknowledged. In truth, they would be shunned.”
Sorran pulled at Forena’s reins, bringing the stallion to a dead stop.
Tanish halted Nerita and twisted in his saddle to regard Sorran. “What is the matter?”
Sorran shook his head, his expression pained. “In Vancor, such people are revered. They are viewed as mystical.”
Tanish was astonished. “But why?” He could not believe such a difference in attitude could exist.
Sorran tilted his head. “My teachers tell me that when two people make love, their joy can be such that they almost touch the heavens. Surely one who can help you reach such levels is a person to be cherished, valued, revered.”
His description brought tears to Tanish’s eyes. To think that but for an accident of geography, Feyar could have been born into a land where his gifts would have had worth, where he would have been treasured. Tanish bowed his head, eyes closed, overwhelmed with emotion.
A soft hand came to rest on his arm. “What ails you, Tanish?” Sorran’s voice was low and lilting, his concern audible.
Tanish opened his eyes and gave Sorran a feeble smile. “For many years I have wept at the thought of those chosen to be Seruani, shunned by their families and society. I have wished for change.”
Sorran smiled, his dark eyes flashing. “But you are to be king one day, just as I will be. A king wields so much power.” He leaned closer, his gaze fixed on Tanish. “If a king does not like a law, he has the power to change it.”
Tanish shook his head. “To do so would be to insult those who drew up the laws in the first place.”
Sorran quirked his eyebrows. “Who created those laws? And when?”
“I do not know. It has always been so.” Tanish had reflected upon that many times.
Sorran frowned. “That does not mean it must remain so. And laws can be changed a little at a time. Take small steps, but always be sure of your goal.” He patted Tanish’s arm. “Win the people’s hearts first, and then lead them where you will go. If you act justly, your motives clear, they will follow you.”
Sorran’s earnest expression seemed older than his years. Tanish gazed at the prince in wonder. Sorran’s words resonated deep within him, sparking a flame of hope—and something else. For the first time in a long while, Tanish felt at peace with his destiny.

Pages or Words: 264 pages


Dreamspinner Press E-Book: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5962
Dreamspinner Press Paperback: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/shopping_cart.php?keywords=A%20Bond%20of%20Three
Rafflecopter Prize: $15 Gift Card
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49 – Favorite of your books? Oh my. Nope.

50 – Favorite of your characters? Uh uh. Can’t answer that either.

51 – Harry Potter or Twilight? Twilight

Author Bio:
Born and raised in the north-west of England, K.C.Wells always loved writing. Words were important. Full stop. However, when childhood gave way to adulthood, the writing ceased, as life got in the way.
K.C. discovered erotic fiction in 2009, where the purchase of a ménage storyline led to the startling discovery that reading about men in love was damn hot. In 2012, arriving at a really low point in life led to the desperate need to do something creative. An even bigger discovery waited in the wings – writing about men in love was even hotter…
K.C. now writes full-time and is loving every minute of her new career.
The laptop still has no idea of what hit it… it only knows that it wants a rest, please. And it now has to get used to the idea that where K.C goes, it goes.
Where to find K.C. Wells:
K.C. can be reached via email ([email protected]), on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/KCWellsWorld), on Twitter (@IslandTalesPres or through comments at the K.C.Wells website (http://www.kcwellsworld.com ) K.C. loves to hear from readers.

The Harvest: Journey’s End Tour with Giveaway


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Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Harvest-Journeys-M-Church-ebook/dp/B00RJLZOAE/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1419892072&sr=1-1&keywords=The+Harvest%3A+Journey%27s+en

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Author Bio:
M.A. Church is a true Southern belle who spent many years in the elementary education sector. Now she spends her days lost in fantasy worlds, arguing with hardheaded aliens on far-off planets, herding her numerous shifters, or trying to tempt her country boys away from their fishing poles. It’s a full time job, but hey, someone’s gotta do it!
When not writing, she’s exploring the latest M/M novel to hit the market, watching her beloved Steelers, or sitting glued to HGTV. That’s if she’s not on the back porch tending to the demanding wildlife around the pond in the backyard. The ducks are very outspoken. She’s married to her high school sweetheart, and they have two children.
She was a finalist in the Rainbow awards for 2013.
Where to find the author:
M.A. Church’s Blog
Fan Page for ‘The Harvest’

Shifting Weight Tour Tina Blenke with Giveaway

shiftingweight72-1Jason is a West Coast wolf Shifter who leaves his native Pack Lands to search for his destined mate. When he finds the large muscled man working out a local gym, Jason is ecstatic and apprehensive. Eric is a Changeless human and there are tense sides to the politically heated debate around the integration of Shifters and Changeless. Jason is at risk of losing control of his wolf without bonding with his destined mate. But, will Eric accept that Jason is a Shifter? And can Eric trust Jason after his heart has been left shattered from a previously failed relationship.

Jason allowed himself to run that night. Elation filled him making it easier to relax and allow his wolf to flow into his mind and body. The shift was seamless, years of transitioning helped his wolf to take control in under a few painless minutes. Jason knew of wolves who could never shift because the pain was so intense. It was unknown what the cause was but some insisted that it was because the Shifter’s true mate had never been found and the man could not control the beast inside of him.
The old wives’ tale had haunted Jason especially as years passed without locating his mate. Now that he knew Eric existed, it was one less thing to worry about. Now he could focus on worrying about Eric finding out he was a Shifter. Eric’s acceptance. If the two would find love and happiness despite fate playing a factor, then, and only then, could Jason think about starting a family with Eric. Maybe he was jumping the gun, but he had always wanted a man to love and a family to care for. Was it too much to want? Shouldn’t he be satisfied with finding a mate? All of this thinking and stress was weighing him down. Yes, he had found his mate, but would Eric want Jason?
His legs pumped harder as he made his way across hills and through forests with large trees reaching up towards the skies. It was not the familiar woods of his home on the Pack Lands but it felt good to stretch his limbs, pull deep pulls of fresh air into his lungs, and feel the wind tickling through his fur all over his body. With a grin, he imagined his large bear of a mate with sexual wants that matched his own.
Pages: 60 pages

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Author Bio: Tina is a retired Air Force brat and has lived in several states as well as a handful of countries. She has always had a soft spot for literature and is a voracious reader. When she isn’t writing, she can be found cuddled up with a good book. Though Tina adores a thrilling novel with sappy lovesick heroes, she is terrified of things that go bump in the night. This makes for quite a complicated relationship with zombies, something that she just can’t get enough of.
Author Contact:
LinkedIn: Tina Blenke
Instagram: tinablenke
Wordpress: http://tinablenke.wordpress.com/
Website: http://tinablenke.wix.com/author
Tumblr: tinablenke
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Cover Artist: Latisha Waters
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A Scout is Brave Tour with Exclusive Excerpt and Giveaway

ScoutIsBraveIn the months following the brutal murder of Matthew Shepard, fourteen-year-old Joshua, a half Native American boy, is new to a Boy Scout troop and spending a week camping in northern Wisconsin. The weaker kids in the troop soon realize Joshua is not afraid to stand up to the troop’s ruthless bullies. Joshua’s bravery and kindness is infectious, and the bullied Scouts quickly find their own inner strength.
Joshua, however, is plagued by self-doubt as he realizes he has feelings for Cody, the son of the troop’s harsh and puritanical Scoutmaster. The two discover they have more in common than Scouting as they share their deepest secrets and develop a close friendship. That friendship faces its greatest challenge as the homophobic bullies claim a “faggot” has “infected” their troop. As if struggling to come to terms with his sexuality while dealing with hatred and bigotry isn’t enough, Joshua discovers the camp holds another dark mystery, one that will make him summon all his courage and learn for the first time what it truly means to be brave.


Joshua didn’t know how far or for how long he had run. He desperately gasped for air but didn’t stop running. It didn’t matter to him where he was going. As he ran, he pushed his body to its limits.

When he felt tired, he increased his speed. When cramps gripped his chest, he ignored them. The harder he pushed his body, the more he had to concentrate on moving it and the more willpower it took to compensate for the overwhelming instinct to stop. The harder Joshua pushed, the less room there was in his head to contemplate what had just happened. Total concentration went into continuing his physical exertion.

All the willpower in the world, however, would not allow Joshua to continue to exceed his body’s natural limits. Eventually, it began to weaken. His rapid speed finally slowed to a crawl, and his steady course was replaced by recurrent stumbles. Joshua tried to correct his performance, but ultimately his body gave in, and he tripped on his own feet, tumbling to the ground. A moment of elation overcame his body as it enjoyed the sudden relaxation in tension. Then everything rushed back to him, and Joshua felt the full force of reality drag him desperately back down into an inescapable dark void of despair.

Buy from Amazon Dreamspinner

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Author Bio:
Jay Jordan Hawke holds a bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. in history, as well as a second master’s in Outdoor Education. He loves everything sci-fi, especially Star Trek, and hopes to be on the first starship out of here. In the meantime, he teaches at a college prep school and anxiously awaits the day when he can write full time. In addition to all things sci-fi, his hobbies include camping, reading, running, and writing. He has lived in several Midwestern states and currently resides in Indiana. Ugh – get me out of here!
Author Contact:

Publisher: Harmony Ink Press
Cover Artist: Anne Cain

Miracle on Mistletoe Lane Derrick Knight Tour with Giveaway


When Joe lifted his head, he saw the man he had been fantasizing about since Joey was discharged from the hospital. He quickly stood up then nervously swayed back and forth. Partly because he was nervous seeing the man whom he secretly desired, but also because he did not want Sidney to know that he was living here at a homeless shelter. He did not want Sidney’s pity.
“Oh, I…” Joe struggled to find the right words.
“The church hired Mr. Koehler to finish remodeling our library,” Emily said smoothly. “We needed someone right away and by the Lord’s work Mr. Koehler was available. My assistants and I think he is a Godsend.” Emily’s cell phone began to ring. “I need to take this call. It’s my husband.” She looked at Joe. “Would you be willing to give Mr. Maier a tour of Hope House while I take this call?”
Before Joe could respond, Sidney interjected.
“I would like that very much.”
The excitement in Sidney’s voice did not go unnoticed by either Joe or Emily.
“Good,” Emily said, taking her husband’s call as she walked away.
For a few moments Joe and Sidney just stared at each other, both men wanting to say something but too afraid. Finally, Joe mustered up the courage to start the conversation.

Miracle on Mistletoe-1800x2700

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Author Bio:
Derrick Knight was born and grew up in Janesville, Wisconsin. Derrick earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition from the University of Wisconsin-Stout and a Master’s Degree in Health Services Administration from University of St. Francis in Joliet, Illinois. For the last seventeen years, Derrick has been employed as a neonatal nutritionist in a neonatal intensive care unit at the largest teaching hospital in Illinois outside of Chicago.
Growing up Derrick was an avid reader of mystery novels. Agatha Christie was his favorite author. Ever since childhood Derrick dreamed of becoming a writer. He planned on writing mystery novels until a couple of years ago he read his first gay romance novel and he became hooked on the genre.
When Derrick is not writing, he is working on restoring his Arts & Crafts home, tending to his garden, and being an advocate for improving infant nutrition. Currently. Derrick resides in Peoria, Illinois with his two cats Iris and Madison Grace.

Author Contact: Twitter   Facebook

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Kickass Anthology Tour Benefiting Eric Arvin with Guest Post by Jade Crystal

Kickass cover 3-1Overcoming Challenges and Kicking Ass
When Kate Pavelle told me that she wanted to put together an anthology of stories to benefit Eric Arvin and asked if I wanted to contribute a story to it, I was surprised. Me, really? I’m thrilled to be included in such a special project for such an amazing man.
I was also excited and grateful because contributing to the anthology lets me help Eric in ways that I couldn’t do on my own. All of the proceeds of the KICKASS Anthology benefit Eric who, despite facing enormous medical costs and challenges many of us can’t imagine, keeps smiling and laughing and sharing his life with us through the videos he posts and the stories he tells.
Eric, you are an incredible person and an inspiration. You are a true kickass, grabbing every day by the horns and never losing that amazing smile. I’m so honored to be able to help you in this small way.
As I was considering the theme of being a kickass, of the little guy persevering to beat overwhelming odds and challenges, Finlay Bizet came to me. He isn’t anything special. He’s just an average guy, experiencing a run of bad luck – a lifetime’s worth. When he loses his job and faces eviction on the same day, he calls his best friend Jay to commiserate. In an unexpected turn of events, Fin finds himself treated to a night of wild abandon followed by a proposition that could solve all of his problems. Accepting the arrangement leads Fin to love, a new attitude, and the greatest challenge of his life. Can Fin conquer his inner demons and find the strength to achieve his goal, or will he crash and burn like every other time before?
Here’s a little glimpse into my story, If The Shoe Fits, and the challenge Fin must overcome:
* * * * *
Life is good, Fin thought for the first time ever as he and Jay were wrapping up their three-mile run. The last mile had been tough. Jay had been with him, pushing him to meet the goal, and he did it. They rounded the corner of the gym and jogged toward the door, wherein a steam in the sauna, a shower, and a muscle rub awaited them, when a bright pink sheet of paper on the noticeboard caught Fin’s eye.
He paused in front of the noticeboard, reading with growing interest while trying to control his breathing. Jay made it to the gym door before realizing Fin wasn’t with him, then he jogged back to stand beside him and stare at the plethora of colors and announcements behind the glass.
Not seeing anything that he thought would have caught Fin’s attention, he asked, “So…whatcha looking at?”
He wasn’t even breathing hard. Damn rat bastard. Mr. I-Can-Run-Five-Miles-Easy-So-Three-Is-A-Freaking-Cakewalk. I love him but, shit, he could at least pretend to be out of breath. Fin pushed the unhelpful thought aside and stabbed a finger at the bright pink flyer. “That one.”
“The city’s annual marathon to support the local homeless LGBT youth shelters,” Jay said, reading the information at the top of the flyer. “It’s a great cause. Several of the other trainers have run in this marathon in the past. Do you want to sponsor someone?”
“No, I think I want to run in it myself,” Fin replied softly, slowly, as if testing out the words. They flowed from his lips without a hitch, and he felt a smile spread across his face. He said it again, louder and with confidence he could feel in his bones. “I want to run in the marathon, Jay.”
“You want to – what?” Jay stood there, blinking, for several heartbeats before he found his voice again. “You want to run a marathon. You, who was a total slacker just six weeks ago, want to run a race that is the ultimate test for runners. Do you even know how long a marathon is?”
“26.2 miles.” He rattled off the answer without missing a beat. “Although I did just read that on the flyer.”
“Do you have any concept of how great a distance 26.2 miles is? You almost keeled over after three miles just now.”
Fin made a show of looking around as if he’d lost something. “Where did my supportive ‘You can do anything you set your mind to’ boyfriend go?” Gesturing to stop a passerby, he asked, “Have you seen my boyfriend? He seems to have disappeared.” The passerby continued on her way after giving him a weird look, and he turned back to Jay. “Why is it so hard to believe that I want to do this? Have you finally lost faith in me, Jay? Is that it?”
“God, no, Fin. I have all the faith in the world in you.” Jay opened the glass door and took one of the flyers out of the stack tacked onto the noticeboard. “I’m just…surprised. And a bit doubtful, I admit.”
Fin allowed himself to be steered toward the front door of the gym when Jay snaked his arm around his waist and pulled him close. “Isn’t that kind of the opposite of what it means to have faith in someone?”
The corner of his mouth quirked up as Jay glanced at him. “Caught that, huh?” His gaze returned to the flyer, reading the important details more carefully. “It’s not that I doubt you, babe. You can do anything you set your mind to. I just doubt the possibility, and the safety, of you trying to run in this particular marathon.”
Oh, well, that is a different thing entirely. Fin breathed a sigh of relief. Jay was his rock. He had been for more than fifteen years, but the last six weeks had seen him become something more…his cornerstone, his foundation. He hadn’t intended to become so dependent on his best friend and boyfriend, but there it was all the same. I need him, in a way I’ve never needed anything or anyone else in my life. If I lost him, everything would fall apart again.
“When is it?”
“About six months from now.”
“Is it possible to train for a marathon in six months?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never trained for anything even remotely like that.”
“There have to be reputable online resources, right?” he asked, trying to keep hope alive. I don’t know why this one or why now. I don’t know why that’s so important, but it is. “And you said some of the other trainers have done this marathon. Maybe they would help.”
“Sure they would. We all support each other the best we can.”
“Talk to them, please.” Fin tried to keep the desperation out of his voice but knew he failed when he saw Jay’s furrowed brow. “Do it for me.”
Jay studied his face for a moment. “Why is this so important to you?”
“I have no idea. It just…it just is, that’s all I can say.” The furrowed brow accompanied by a frown clued him in to Jay’s deepening doubt. “I’m not keeping anything from you, I swear. But this is the goal I want to set for myself. I don’t understand why either. It just feels right.”
That phrase took him back to the morning after he spent his first night with Jay. It was obvious from his reaction that it had a similar effect on Jay. “Okay, babe, I’ll talk to them and get all the inside info I can. If this is a realistic goal, then we’re in it together.”
A less than manly squeal might have slipped from Fin’s lips, though no one except he and Jay heard it and Jay knew better than to ever mention it. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s neck and kissed him hard. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

* * * * *
About The Author:
Jade Crystal is easily distracted by the shiny things in the world. She often rambles and at times makes little sense to anyone but herself. She is most focused when writing the contemporary, paranormal, urban fantasy, and sci-fi romances of all her sexy men – in other words, her characters. It’s their story, after all. Jade merely records it. Sometimes her imagination runs away with the stories they tell. Other times, they are infuriatingly quiet. But don’t let them fool you…she loves every single second she spends with them. Her favorite thing to do besides writing their stories: leaving the real world behind and getting lost in books on rainy nights with a cup of hot tea and a handful of chocolates.
Blog: http://boundbybloodblog.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jade.Bloodandfires
Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+JadeCrystal/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BloodandFires
Email: [email protected]

Against bad odds, he persevered. Wit, grit, and guile pulverized his scary opponent into a sad pile of dust.

Eric Arvin is Kickass.

Even a kickass hero needs a hand from a secondary
character, and Eric needs that extra power boost right now. This anthology is a volunteer effort organized by Eric’s fans and fellow writers in order to help him raise funds and help cover the cost of his high-tech recovery. His wicked sense of humor is intact, but his body needs a bit of help.

These stories are meant to inspire. They’re a warm hug, a wave from afar, a wink and a nod. Discover new authors and graphic artists as you, too, get revved up to slay whatever ails you!

Illustrated edition !

A Note from the publishers:

KICKASS ANTHOLOGY was produced in order to raise funds for the medical recovery of our friend and colleague, author Eric Arvin.

All artwork, both written and graphic, was donated free of charge.

All proceeds will go directly to Eric Arvin and his family.

Buy Link:

Amazon http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QU9GBXK

Tour Schedule:

12/13/2014 – Boys in Our Books – Kate Pavelle
12/15/2014 – Kimi-Chan Experience – Jade Crystal with Eleanor Pavelle
12/16/2014 – The Novel Approach – Amy Arvin & Angela Arvin-Young
12/18/2014 – GGR Reviews – JP Kenwood with Fiona Fu
12/19/2014 – Rainbow Gold Reviews – Jackie Keswick with Tara Bluhm
12/20/2014 – On Top Down Under – Nancy Hartmann
12/22/2014 – Joyfully Jay – Sophie Bonaste
12/23/2014 – Prism Book Alliance – Brandon Witt with Catherine Dair
12/27/2014 – MM Good Book Reviews – Mia Kerick & Michael Bowler
12/29/2014 – Love Bytes – Keira Andrews with Connie Bailey
12/31/2014 – JP Barnaby – Tali Spencer
1/2/2015 – Hearts on Fire Reviews – Jonathan Penn with Taomi


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His Beautiful Samurai Tour with Excerpt and Giveaway

HBS Cover 650x975Sex and murder don’t mix but Detective Toshiro Genjin and psychic John Holmes do…
John Holmes comes to Tokyo to help stop a killer. Through the use of his psychic abilities, he can help find out things that no one else sees. Toshi is a policeman who reluctantly accepts John’s help, but from their first touch, John knows he wants more than that. He wants all Toshi can give him, and the heat between them surprises, and delights him.
The modern killer, a historical murder of two samurai, and Toshi’s need to honor other commitments combine to make the blooming love between John and Toshi difficult. And dangerous. The more deeply they delve into the past, the more unsure the future looks. Could the heat between them be the only thing that can solve the mystery, despite all of the difficulties that stand in their way? Can they find a way to keep what is most precious to them? Haunting and powerful, His Beautiful Samurai is a murder mystery, a romance, and a study in the supernatural. Get your hands on it today!

Author Bio:
Multi-published, award-nominated author, Sedonia Guillone is the owner-operator of Ai Press, publisher of erotic romances in all genres. Please come and visit! http://www.ai-press.net
She lives on the water in Florida with a Renaissance man who paints, writes poetry and tells her she’s the sweetest nymph he’s ever met. When she’s not writing erotic romance, she loves watching spaghetti westerns, Jet Li and samurai flicks, cuddling, and eating chocolate. She writes both man/man and man/woman erotic romances and hopes you’ll find something you like!
Author Contact Links:

Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.sedoniaguillone.com
Blog: http://www.sedoniaguillone.com/blog
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sedonia.guillone
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SedoniaGuillone
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/91705.Sedonia_Guillone

HBS Teaser 1-1

A Signed Copy of His Beautiful Samurai (Worldwide)
An Ebook of any Sedonia Guillone Title
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 HBS Teaser 2
Buy Links:


Amazon UK

Ai Press

All Romance eBooks (ARe)

Barnes & Noble Nook

Boston, Massachusetts
“In other world news tonight, in Tokyo, Japan, a serial killer has been terrorizing the eastern portion of the city for the last six months.”
John reached out to switch off the set, but something held him back.
“The Ronin Killer, has been dubbed so by Tokyo Metropolitan Police because of the use of a samurai sword to spear his victims.”
John sat at full attention, uncertain whether it was the military man in him, or the empathic psychic. Old habits didn’t just die hard, they went kicking and screaming. He stared at the screen. Police were loading sheet-covered corpses, apparently two bodies together, into the medical van outside of what appeared to be a fancy hotel. The top of the sheet protruded upward, attesting to the sword. It was obvious the killer had skewered his victims together. Christ…
“The Ronin Killer, so named after the masterless samurai warriors of Japan,” the anchorwoman went on, “refers to the manner in which the killer chooses his victims, seemingly at random, and then murders them with a samurai weapon. Police have been frustrated in the efforts to capture the Ronin Killer before his next strike. Their only clue is the manner in which two victims are killed at once, either in an embrace or during sexual intercourse.”
“Damn,” John murmured, a sick feeling rising in his gut. He continued to watch the footage.
“Police Inspectors Natsuka Yamamoto and Toshiro Genjin of the Criminal Investigation Bureau have been on the case since the first victims appeared nearly six months ago. They refused to comment on the string of murders.”
The cameras zoomed in on the two men. They were leaving the building. A middle-aged, shorter man walked in front of the other detective, seeming to shield him, but the cameras managed to catch glimpses of the second detective. A few seconds sufficed for John to see that the younger man was slim and handsome. John’s heart sped up slightly. The detective’s ebony hair framed an angular face in sexy layers that curled over his collar.
John watched the screen, his gaze glued on the taller figure of the young detective until he was no longer visible. The segment ended and John switched off the set. He shook his head. There was a time when he would have immediately booked a flight to Tokyo and turned up at the police station, offering his services to catch the killer. Hell, that Japanese detective was almost good-looking enough to pull him from his rest cure. However, his nerves were still shot from the series of cases he’d worked on with police over the last few years. Four months hadn’t proved to be enough of a vacation. His hands had only stopped shaking in the last week.
He pushed the image of that guy from his mind, fighting back the nagging spirals of heat whispering about in his long-neglected groin area. John Holmes filled his days with walks in the park, counseling at the VA, and whatever leisure and athletic activities would keep him fit between reading trashy detective novels and staring into space. No antique stores for him, nor any other place where the lives of the dead could crash in on him. No touching other people so he could experience all their grief and anguish and learn their deepest secrets. He didn’t even take his reading material from the library or get it at used bookstores because he’d sense the lives of the people who’d touched the book before him. He was resting until his own soul told him he was ready again.

HBS Tour Banner

AE Via Spotlight Tour for Here Comes Trouble with Giveaway

HERE COMES TROUBLE MASTER COVER (1)Detectives Mark Ruxsberg and Chris Green are very good at their jobs. Being the enforcers for God and Day’s notorious Atlanta PD Narcotics Task Force causes the crazy duo to get into more trouble than they can often get out of. The pair never misses out on an opportunity to drive their Lieutenants crazy with their dangerous, reckless, and costly stunts, landing them in the hot seat in front God… often.

Ruxs and Green love their jobs and they don’t mind the very demanding schedule that leaves them little time for socializing or dating. It was fine with them, they enjoyed hanging out with each other anyway.

However, most of the men in their close circle of friends and colleagues are pairing off and settling down. God has Day, Ro has Johnson, and their Sergeant Syn has Furious.

For the past several years, Ruxs has only sought out the advice and company of one person, his partner and best friend Green, and vice versa. Both of these alpha males are presumed straight, but neither can deny the heat that’s building in their once ‘just friends’ relationship.


   Ruxs yanked open the first drawer and dug his hand in to yank out the shirts he had in there. The first one he pulled out was brand new, still with the tag on it. He blinked a couple times, trying to remember buying a new shirt. He unfolded the soft cotton material and saw it was the exact same black AC/DC shirt that he’d ruined at his mom’s house when he was washing dishes. Obviously, Green had immediately ordered him another one. Fuck. Ruxs plopped down on the bed clutching the shirt in his hand. Ruxs groaned. “Why does he have to be straight?”
“Who said I was?” Green’s smooth voice wafted over him like a warm blanket. Is that supposed to be another joke? Ruxs closed his eyes, wishing things could be different.
Ruxs tensed as he heard Green’s footsteps come closer. He felt him standing in front of him, but he couldn’t look at him. Ruxs was humiliated again. He should’ve just admitted to himself that he wasn’t good enough for a man like Green, even if he was gay. He’d been halfway beat to death by his own goddamn mother. Now he had busted into his house a huge, drunken mess.         No one —.
“Shut up.” Green’s voice was dark and stern. “You’re actually gonna sit here and have a fuckin’ pity party for yourself. That’s not the man—”
Ruxs cut Green off, jumping to his feet, barking in his partner’s face. “Fine! Then I won’t st —”
“Sit your fuckin’ ass down!” Green yelled back louder, bumping his chest, making Ruxs fall back down on the bed. Ruxs grunted at the pain in his back, in his head… in his heart.
He didn’t quite know what to do when Green stepped in between his legs. Ruxs didn’t know why he was breathing so hard either… he just was. He felt a strong hand grip his face, tilting his head up. He stared into Green’s dark eyes. Beautiful eyes. Green looked at him like he was the most important thing in the world. God, Ruxs would do anything for this man to want him back as much as he wanted him. Green stroked the cheek with the bruise and Ruxs flinched lightly. Green didn’t talk, he just manipulated his head, turning him left and right, surveying his injuries. Then Green did something that had Ruxs’ last reserve cracking. He gently cupped the back of his head and brought him forward until Ruxs cheek was resting on his hard stomach. “Hold me back,” Green whispered.
Ruxs’ arms felt like they weighed a ton. He managed to put both arms around the man in front of him, and when he did his whole world crashed down around him. Everything that had been weighing him down the last few weeks. All the pain of wanting something permanent in his life. The hurt of losing his mom forever. He squeezed Green to him, held on to him for dear life. Held him like he’d die if he let go. And Green held him right back, whispering quietly, “It’s okay. You’re going to be okay now. I’ve got you. I never meant to hurt you. I swear. I didn’t know. I promise you I didn’t. I never would’ve gone out with her. Why didn’t you just tell me? Damn you.”
Ruxs finally calmed after several minutes and looked up at him. “What are you saying, Chris?”
Green went down on his knees so he was eye level with him. “I’m saying: Why didn’t you talk to me, Mark? How long have you been feeling like this?”
“Long enough to drive me crazy.” Ruxs laughed humorlessly.
Green stared at him. He put his hands on Ruxs cheeks. “Com’ere,” he whispered.
Ruxs’ eyes widened slightly, his voice a hushed murmur, “Are you gay?”
Green smirked. “Are you? Just shut up and come here.”


A.E. Via is still a fairly new author in the beautiful gay erotic genre. Her writing embodies everything from spicy to scandalous. Her stories often include intriguing edges and twists that take readers to new, thought-provoking depths.
When she’s not clicking away at her laptop, she devotes herself to her family—a husband and four children, her two pets, a Maltese dog and her white Siamese cat, ELynn, named after the late, great gay romance author E. Lynn Harris.
While this is only her sixth novel, she has plenty more to come. So stalk her – she loves that – because the male on male action is just heating up!
Go to A.E. Via’s official website http://authoraevia.com for more detailed information on how to contact her, follow her, or a sneak peak on upcoming work, free reads, and where she’ll appear next.


Amazon Buy Link: http://www.amazon.com/Here-Comes-Trouble-Nothing-Special-ebook/dp/B00Q3UI6VG/ref=zg_bs_7588788011_12

AllRomance: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/storeSearch.html

Barnes&Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/c/a.-e.-via

Author Official Website: http://authoraevia.com

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7354860.A_E_Via

Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/aeviaauthor

Facebook (Friend me): https://www.facebook.com/authoraevia

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Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/A.-E.-Via/e/B00GMNMS4U/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1

#01 Here Comes Trouble (Teaser 2)

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A Spartan Love Book Blast and Giveaway

Sales Links: ebook: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5629
paperback: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5630

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Author Bio:
Kayla Jameth grew up on the family farm in Ohio, baling hay, raising cattle, and making maple syrup. An unrepentant tomboy, her father taught her to weld before she graduated from high school.
She attended Cleveland’s Case Western Reserve University and later, Texas A&M University in her pursuit of veterinary medicine, taking her farther away from her rural roots. You can transplant the county girl, but you can’t make her a city slicker. Besides, it was only going to be for a little while, right?
But it wasn’t all hard work for Kayla, her sojourn as the princess of the Celestial Kingdom left her with the title sir and a costume closet the envy of many knights, lords, and ladies. See? She does have some ladylike qualities complete with the title of Lady to back it up.
After declaring for years that she was just a veterinarian who wrote not an author, Kayla now finds herself living in Spring, Texas (practically Houston) and writing m/m erotic romance. The location is probably a bigger surprise than the genre. Never the kind of girl to discuss makeup and clothing designers, she would rather be outside getting dirty with the boys.
Kayla shares her home with a cat, two guinea pigs, a gerbil, three guppies, a husband and a son and daughter.
Author Contact:
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Blind Man’s Wolf Tour with Excerpt and Giveaway

104 Amelia Faulkner TC1 Blind Man's Wolf CoverAn Introduction to Ellis O’Neill
Ellis is our reluctant hero in Blind Man’s Wolf. Originally from Yorkshire, he’s run off to London with some of dad’s loose change (understatement) and set up his own business as an art dealer.
He was doing bloody well at it, too. He’d always loved art, but wasn’t very good at it himself, so setting up a gallery of his own seemed the next best thing. He started small with a little space above a bigger shop but after a few years on the scene and a bit more money in his pocket he was finally able to move to a property in Mayfair, the heart of London’s art scene.
It took Ellis a long time to realise that he had trouble with his eyesight. He’d bump into things he hadn’t seen in his periphery and assume he hadn’t paid attention, and it wasn’t until the tunnel vision became more pronounced that he decided to see an optician in case he needed glasses.
Alas it wasn’t good news. He had a form of retinitis pigmentosa. The cells in his retina were dying, it was progressive, and there was no cure. He would be completely blind within a few years and there was nothing that could be done to slow or stop it.
Because life wasn’t going wrong quickly enough for Ellis, he decided to go out and get completely mashed, and ran into someone who would change his existence forever.
Now Ellis is a vampire. He’s not very good at being a vampire, but at least he still has his gallery, and with the assistance of the only friend who knows his secret he keeps his business ticking over while he wonders what exactly he’s supposed to do with eternity when his own guide dog seems to be going crazy…

“Stop.” Ellis crouched and placed his right hand light against the wet grass. There were leaves, too, covered in leftover rain. He stood and patted his hand dry against his trouser leg, then reached for his glasses and slid them up his forehead. He peered around slowly, searching for any glimmer of light.
Before he had been turned, Ellis was utterly blind even in twilight. What little vision hadn’t been stolen entirely during the day needed a lot of light. Now that he was dead… undead… whatever he wanted to call himself, his senses were sharper. If he was lucky he could potentially make out the headlights of a car coming straight for him so long as it was mere seconds away from impact.
Trying to see was a last-ditch effort, and proved about as worthless as Ellis had expected. He found dim, colourless spots in the sky which were probably street lamps, but that was all. He pushed his glasses back into place and the dark lenses cut out even that small reminder of what was lost.

The clues taken together seemed to indicate that Tiberius had taken him to a park, and his mental map of Mayfair unfurled as he tried to figure out which one. Berkeley Square Gardens were closed after dusk and didn’t re-open until after sunrise. Grosvenor Square Gardens were even more restrictive, as were Mount Street Gardens. He should have noticed if they had crossed Park Lane, but Hyde Park closed at midnight anyway. Tiberius shouldn’t be able to enter any of them after midnight except Green Park; they all had gates which were closed and locked after hours.
Were they in Green Park, then? That wouldn’t be too bad. He fell still and listened again.
In the distance, a small rodent met its end, most likely to a fox. He waited, and heard a flutter of leathery wings high overhead and the rustle as tiny bats grabbed tree branches and came to rest.
Ellis swore, keeping his voice quiet. He had to have reached St. James’ Park. How the hell had he not noticed crossing Piccadilly or The Mall? How had they walked all the way through Green Park without him realising it? If he followed the path all the way to Buckingham Palace he may be able to attract a guard for assistance, but he figured that was likely one of the most densely-packed areas for CCTV cameras in their natural habitat. He’d be even deeper in poo if Her Majesty’s Finest discovered a man who didn’t show up on security screens.

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Author  Bio:

Amelia Faulkner was born in the rolling green countryside of Oxfordshire, and moved to London once she was mostly grown up. She has a degree in Computer Science, and spent quite a long time working with computers until her childhood love of writing could no longer be ignored.

Since then she has written for corporate clients and personal pleasure, and finally stepped away from office-bound working in 2011 to freelance from home.

Amelia is also a keen photographer and film-goer, and resides in the city (not the City) with her husband. She is notoriously camera-shy, so please enjoy this picture of her cat!

102 Amelia Faulkner Author Image

Website: http://ameliafaulkner.com/
Mailing list: http://eepurl.com/ZiAEX
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmeliaFaulknerAuthor
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8422672.Amelia_Faulkner
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