Billionaire with Benefits (Romancelandia # 2) By Anne Tenino

Riptide Presents:


It’s just a friend thing.

Before confessing his gayness to his best friend, Tierney Terrebonne’s sex life is -strictly restroom. After confessing his gayness to his best friend . . . it doesn’t improve much. Why bother trying when the man he’s loved for fourteen years (see: “best friend”) is totally unattainable? Good thing Tierney is an old hand at accepting defeat; all it takes is a bottle of bourbon. Or fifty. Repeat as needed.

Dalton Lehnart has a history of dating wealthy, damaged, closeted, lying, cheating, no-good, cowardly men, so of course he’s immediately attracted to Tierney Terrebonne. Fortunately, Tierney is so dissolute that even Dalton’s feelings for the man would be better described as pity. Which becomes sympathy as they get to know each other. Followed by compassion, concern, caring, and hopefulness as Tierney struggles to change his life. When the man comes out very publicly and enters rehab, Dalton finds himself downright attached to Tierney. And as everyone knows, after attachment comes . . .

Uh oh.

But post-rehab Tierney can’t handle more than friendship, so Dalton should be safe from repeating his own past mistakes, right? Right?


This is the sequel to Too Stupid to Live and in it we get to see a bit from Sam who is still doing psychology via Romance books (which is fun), but mostly this is about Tierney and his growth from giant douche-knob to boyfriend.

We are supposed to find Tierney annoying and he is, but he’s got some good reasons to be that way and in the end he redeems himself into someone Dalton-worthy.

This is a long book, a bit more serious than some of Anne Tenino’s other books, a bit less in the sex scenes, and sometimes more difficult to get through than book one (definitely more angsty), but as always, Tenino is an excellent writer and delivers a great story.

It wasn’t my favorite of her books, but it was still very good.

3.5 of 5 hearts



Dirty Ring Tones by Rhys Ford and Greg Tremblay


So a funny thing happened on the way to a tweet, Greg Tremblay, the fantastic narrator of my Dirty series, texted me and said… hey, you should giveaway a custom ringtone. Or something to that effect. There was some discussion. A few emails and then well, long story short—there may have been some pixilated shots of whiskey and banter but a plan was formed. A plan so cunning I could have stuck a tail on it and called it a weasel.

Mostly, it involved Greg. And your phone. But it was still a plan!

After a furious, intense process of queries, eliminations, debating on who said what, we came up with a set of phrases from Cole, Bobby, Jae, Claudia, Scarlet and one from Maddy then Greg went to work. And returned to me with a brilliant sound bites forged by a narrative master—in the style of the characters’ voices.

So dear reader, as a thank you for everything you’ve done for Greg and me, I’d like to present the entire set of ringtones—twenty one in total—FREE, as a gift to you.

Available in Android (MP3) and iPhone (formats for Android and Apple phones, Greg has also graciously included the WAV files if that’s your thing. Download links to the zipped files are provided below.*

A great humongous thank you to all of the blogs who helped me with this guerilla gifting. This swirled up on Tuesday and Greg just MADE it happen. He is the voice of the series and I am forever grateful for his talent.

Love you all, and really, Thank You.
Rhys Ford

Dirty Rings Android MP3

Dirty Rings Apple M4a

Dirty Rings Apple M4r

Dirty Rings Wav

Greg Tremblay link:

If you’ve not tried out Greg Tremblay’s narrations, please do so. He makes audiobooks fun and damn, he brings Cole and the others to life.

Greg Tremblay’s body of work can be found here—and yes, the Dirty series is there but so are many other lovely audio books. I highly recommend one of Greg’s audiobooks, a comfy chair, a pair of headphones and a nice hot cup of coffee… or tea… with or without whisky.

* These are copyrighted and available free for individual use. The files included in the zip cannot be sold by third parties nor can they be altered in anyway as to destroy the integrity of the original work. Animals were test subjects for these sound files and while the cat could not have given less of a shit, the dog seemed mighty interested. Please note, neither own nor use a phone or a computer so results may vary.



Red Dirt Heart 4 by NR Walker

NR Walker presents

red dirt 4Blurb

Moving from a Texas ranch to an Australian Outback station was a life changing decision for Travis Craig. Though it wasn’t really a decision at all. Something in his bones told him to go, though he had no clue as to why.
Until he met Sutton Station’s owner, Charlie.
Loving Charlie shouldn’t have been easy. The man was stubborn, and riddled with crippling self-doubt. No, it shouldn’t have been easy at all. Yet somehow, falling in love with Charlie was the easiest thing in the world.
Loving him was easy. Living with him, teaching him how to love in return and, more importantly, how to love himself, was not.
But Travis knew all along it’d be worth it. He knew the man with the red dirt heart was destined to be his. Just like he knew the red dirt that surrounded him was where he was supposed to be.
In the final instalment of the Red Dirt Series, we see Charlie through Travis’ eyes. We see how much he’s grown and how much he loves. We go back to Texas with them, and we see Charlie get everything he truly thought he never deserved.
Red Dirt Heart 4 is Travis’ story.
And this is the story of not just one red dirt heart, but two.


OMG! If you are following this series this entire book is just one big glorious epilogue to make your heart sing!

Told from Travis’ point of view, we see how our neurotic friend Charlie looks through the eyes of the man who loves him dearly. Charlie has come so very far… he is finally accepting the engagement… he dances in public with Travis… he will do the quiet PDA… he loves his extended family unconditionally and wants to spread that love to other kids (in the neighborhood and throughout)… he finally admits he is worthy of the love he receives and is willing to bank on it.

I won’t spoil it for you, but the epilogue of this epilogue book but it’s so worth the wait!

This is an amazing end to an amazing series and I just loved it to pieces – 6 of 5 hearts.



All That Heaven Will Allow By DW Marchwell

Dreamspinner Presents:

heaven allowBlurb

Jimmy Campbell has owned his own bar for the past twenty years. While his past is troubled, his present and future make life worth living. He has good friends, more than enough money, and he volunteers—along with his Yorkie, Bozo, and his Maine coon cat, Miss Alicia—at the local hospital every Friday. He couldn’t ask for more. That is, until he meets Derek “Dizzy” Roberts.

Derek is a musician who tours the country with his band. He’s an ex-cop, was married once, and has the bitter ex-wife and two spoiled children to prove it. He’s finally living his dream, and that includes bedding all the groupies who think he’s every bit as good as his music. He doesn’t worry much about the future, until he meets Jimmy.

The two men begin a long-distance romance, sneaking weekends here and there, until a tragedy forces them to realize they might lose the only thing they both want–a future together. Now, they’re asking for everything heaven will allow.


Jimmy is 45 and owns a bar. He’s heard every pick up line there is and he’s tired of it. When Derek “call me Dizzy” hits him with yet another line he lets him have it with both barrels. Interestingly enough, Derek respects this and comes back again, this time with sincerity.

Derek, who is 51, and Jimmy move their relationship forward fairly quickly, but still slowly since they are only together for a couple of days every 3 weeks or so due to Derek’s schedule. Instead, they get to know each other through actual letters and some calls and emails and texts.

There are a few hurdles to overcome: Derek’s career, Jimmy’s reluctance to ask for what he wants, Derek’s ex-wife, and then a tragedy at the end. But … overcome they do and we get a very HEA.
I have not read anything by this author before but I sure will now! I loved this! It was sweet, tender, romantic, just fantastic. I thought the characters were real and well portrayed (if a little optimistic in some parts – especially the bedroom) but overall very real and sincere.

I love older MCs and these guys were great, both needing each other so much and so appreciative of what they’ve been given.

I really loved this and give it 4.5 of 5 hearts.



The Sensualist & The Untouched by Susan Laine

Dreamspinner presents


Being over thirty is not an issue for Corey Paige. Being frigid and a virgin, however, is a huge problem for the only son of a newspaper magnate. No matter the risk, Corey’s intent on resolving both problems in one go.
Enter Lucian Allard, a wealthy hedonist with a notorious reputation at club Boudoir—and an unconventional sexual mentoring program for those who suffer from dysfunctions. As the two men begin a sensual journey to awaken Corey’s libido, Corey’s frigid body isn’t all that begins to melt. His untouched feelings also spark to life.

Though a family emergency puts a halt to awakening Corey’s senses and desires, Corey and Lucian grow closer as friends. Then an unexpected kiss from Lucian in Corey’s most desperate hour changes everything. Now Corey must decide if the program is still an aid or an obstacle to two lonely men trying to maintain a professional detachment but falling hopelessly in love.



This is my first Susan Laine book and it won’t be my last. She is an excellent writer who spends pages developing her characters so that we really know each of them intimately.

She has a writer’s eye for detail and a nice touch with phrasing.

The story moved a bit more slowly than I would have liked and is a bit longer than the usual m/m novel, but it was all for a purpose.

Sometimes the dialog felt a bit contrived but overall I thought it matched the MCs.

Overall I really enjoyed this book and look forward to more from this author.

4 of 5 hearts




Hell & High Water (THIRDS #1) by Charlie Cochet

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

When homicide detective Dexter J. Daley’s testimony helps send his partner away for murder, the consequences—and the media frenzy—aren’t far behind. He soon finds himself sans boyfriend, sans friends, and, after an unpleasant encounter in a parking garage after the trial, he’s lucky he doesn’t find himself sans teeth. Dex fears he’ll get transferred from the Human Police Force’s Sixth Precinct, or worse, get dismissed. Instead, his adoptive father—a sergeant at the Therian-Human Intelligence Recon Defense Squadron otherwise known as the THIRDS—pulls a few strings, and Dex gets recruited as a Defense Agent.

Dex is determined to get his life back on track and eager to get started in his new job. But his first meeting with Team Leader Sloane Brodie, who also happens to be his new jaguar Therian partner, turns disastrous. When the team is called to investigate the murders of three HumaniTherian activists, it soon becomes clear to Dex that getting his partner and the rest of the tightknit team to accept him will be a lot harder than catching the killer—and every bit as dangerous.


What can I say about this? I have heard so many wonderful things about this book the rave reviews that everyone gave me. Needless to say it definitely earned the high praises. This book managed to snatch my attention from the beginning of the first page and retained my attention to the end of the last page. I liked this world where shifters are presented differently. In this, they’re not in hiding, finding mates or in the throes of any mating heat. The Therians are the result of a human made virus gone horribly awry that was released decades before. THIRDS is a governmental police force created to investigate and fight crimes involving Therians.

Dex is transferred to this organization from the Human Police Force after testifying against his former partner for the murder of an unarmed Therian youth. Now this is where is where the only bump in the road for this book starts for me. In the beginning of the book, Dex is left in a bad place after the trial. His colleagues on the force, people he trusted on the police force, people he considered friends turned against him, his boyfriend leaves him. Then he’s transferred to the THIRDS thanks to his dad pulling a few strings. Okay, he arrives to the new unit and his personality totally changes. I mean complete 180 that left me wondering if I missed something. He goes from being this somber detective whose life is falling apart and becomes this happy go lucky, jokester who is happy and laughing and just laid back. It gave me whiplash along with the unclear POV shifts. That personality shift wasn’t explained in the story so I just figured that was always his personality and it just wasn’t presented with the trial and all of the drama he was dealing with while with the HPF.

With that aside, his antics were pretty hilarious. I found myself laughing to the point of tears. Even though it was just a bit over the top, I felt that it was exactly what the team needed at that time. They were all hurting after losing a beloved team member and they were functioning, but not really dealing with the loss.

The pace was slow but not bad but a few ‘info dumps’ caused the story to drag in some parts. In all, this was a very good book and I truly enjoyed it. The action (once it got going) was pretty awesome. The mystery was well written along with the dialogue. The cliffhanger at the end of the story will segue perfect into the next in the series. I really enjoyed reading this book and couldn’t put it down once I got started.


Loving Jay Audiobook by Renae Kaye Narrated by Dave Gillies

Dreamspinner Presents

loving jayBlurb

One thing Liam Turner knows for sure is that he’s not gay—after all, his father makes it very clear he’ll allow no son of his to be gay. And Liam believes it, until a chance meeting with James “Jay” Bell turns Liam’s world upside-down. Jay is vivacious and unabashedly gay—from the tips of his bleached hair to the ends of his polished nails. With a flair for fashion, overreaction, and an inability to cork his verbal diarrhea, Liam believes drama queen Jay must have a screw loose.

An accident as a teenager left Liam with a limp and a fear of driving. He can’t play football anymore either, and that makes him feel like less of a man. But that’s no reason to question his sexuality… unless the accident broke something else inside him. When being with Jay causes Liam’s protective instincts to emerge, Liam starts to believe all he knew in life had been a convenient excuse to stay hidden. From intolerance to confrontations, Liam must learn to overcome his fears—and his father—before he can accept his sexuality and truly love Jay.


Liam notices Jay on the train to work everyday. He is entranced by what he sees. When a missed train places the two on the platform, waiting, they strike up conversation and discover that they could be (at the least) friends. Later, Jay (James) is being gay bashed and subsequently rescued by Liam and the ability to deny the attraction is too much for them.

Liam has had “male relations” but doesn’t outwardly identify as gay (yet) and Jay is a bit swishy and fem, but perfect for Liam.

Of course Liam’s dad “can’t have a gay son” and so Liam has to be absolutely sure that he is gay before coming out for Jay.

Jay helps Liam delve into the world of gay sex and it is hot and very sweet. In then end we get a very HEA.


This was my first Renae Kaye book and I just loved it. Normally I am not attracted to overly fem characters, but Jay is just wonderful… high maintenance and not too swishy.

I love how Kaye writes and love the relationship that develops between Jay and Liam.


Dave Gillies is an amazing new narrator. Every one of his narrations has been fantastic. I really love his accent and love his ability to understand the story and really add flavor and color. I highly recommend listening to this book as it is wonderful in the hands of this great narrator!

Overall, 5 of 5 hearts



Mr Popsalos by Lisa Worrall

Dreamspinner presents


Luke Fisher has been a single parent for six years. During those six years, he has become painfully aware that the moment you reveal that you have a kid, you immediately become less dateable. Rather than set himself up for the inevitable fall, he just doesn’t date. But it doesn’t matter, because he has everything he needs; a beautiful son, a good job, and a supportive family. He doesn’t need anything or anyone else…does he?

He doesn’t think so until two weeks before Christmas, when he meets Jamie in a bar while out with some colleagues. The man is undoubtedly the hottest thing Luke has ever seen and one glance into Jamie’s beautiful eyes tells him the feeling is mutual. But will the attraction fade once Jamie finds out about Reggie? After an amazing night together, Luke decides to pre-empt the heartache and throws away Jamie’s number, thinking he will never see him again…


Luke runs into Jamie again and again, the chemistry is hot, but Luke is afraid to act on the attraction, due to past rejections. Jamie gives Luke his number 3 times before they finally manage a drunken hook up around Christmas. Luke slinks out before morning – again, allowing fear to drive his actions.

When Jamie turns out to be Reggie’s (Luke’s child) assistant teacher, suddenly the world seems like a brighter place.

From here forward, time moves quickly and the couple quickly become deeply involved with one another (and let me say the sex is super hot!). But… tragedy strikes near the end and it becomes imperative that everyone involve do their utmost to protect this new family.


This was a tear jerker – fair warning, but absolutely wonderful! If you aren’t a big “kid” fan, there isn’t a lot of Reggie in the story, but enough to warm your heart. I really was on pins and needles at the end and was grateful for the amazing HEA we are left with.

I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it. 4.5 of 5 hearts.



The Healing Power of Eggnog Audiobook by Jamie Fessenden narrated by Robbie Ravena

Dreamspinner Presents


Will Sutherland hasn’t been home to see his parents in four years – not since they reacted badly when he came out. This Christmas, he’s finally worked up the courage to go home, where he’s surprised to find they’ve taken in a boarder. Ryan Bennett is just a couple years younger than Will, cute, sweet…and openly gay.

As Will deals with his jealousy of the man who’s been receiving the love and acceptance he was denied, Ryan finds himself falling for Will’s brooding good looks. But Ryan also suspects the Sutherlands may be using him as a pawn in their long-standing conflict with their son. Will this Christmas finally tear the family apart, or is there a chance they can put their hurt and anger behind them.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2013 Advent Calendar package


This is a short holiday story about love and forgiveness. Will hasn’t been home since the Christmas when he came out to his family. There is a “mystery” as to why he’s stayed away, but you can guess why. When Will’s family extends an olive branch, he decides to try again but is mystified by the boarder they are sharing their house with.

Ryan is a young gay man who was kicked out of his home by his religious family and is now being supported by Will’s family.

At first Will is jealous and guarded with the virginal Ryan, but as the eggnog gets drunk and the inhibitions loosened the two find they might have a bit more in common than they think.


Since this is a short story, a lot happens in a time line that feels unrealistic to me, but is acceptable given the parameters of a holiday love story.

I didn’t really feel Will ever had a reason to “love” Ryan or vice versa, though I was certainly rooting for the relationship.

I thought the sex and the “I love yous” were rushed but sweet nonetheless.


I thought Robbie did a nice job with the narration, this was his first narration I’d heard and I would definitely look for him in the future. He didn’t do a lot with the voices but he certainly seemed to understand and translate the story well.

Overall I give the book a 3 of 5 hearts and the Audiobook a 4 of 5 hearts for a total of 3.5 hearts.



Trouble Comes in Threes by MA Church

Dreamspinner Presents

trouble in threesBlurb

A snowstorm in the South—on New Year’s Eve—is a perfect recipe for a catastrophe. After two soul-crushing bad breaks, Kirk’s waiting for disaster number three to strike when, naturally, two stray cats arrive on his doorstep during the storm and decide to make themselves at home. Tenderhearted Kirk lets them stay even though there’s something decidedly odd about his overly friendly felines.
Out of the punishing weather and full of tuna, Dolf and Tal are happy to be snug in Kirk’s house. But then their human goes outside for firewood and suffers a nasty fall that leaves him unconscious. Now the two cats have no choice but to reveal themselves.

Kirk wakes up to find the two kitties are actually Dolf and Tal. They’re cat shifters—and his destined mates. Being part of a feline threesome is enough for Kirk to grapple with, but soon he learns they come from a clowder that doesn’t believe humans and shifters should mix. Kirk knew those two cats would be trouble. Little does he know the real trouble lies ahead.


Kirk is having a bad… life so far. His partner has left him, his house is falling apart and though he has his own garage – it’s early days and he worries about every penny. Suddenly, on a snowy new year’s night, 2 cats show up on his door. Little does he know these aren’t your average cats and they are in fact shifters and his mates!

Dolf and Tal are already mates when they scent Kirk. They both know he is their (uncommon but not impossible) third mate. They petition the alpha for the right to claim him and bring him into their “clowder” or group of cats. They are accepted… but that is where the easy stuff ends and the tough stuff begins.

Though it doesn’t take long, Kirk has to be convinced of the whole mating, shifting, moving part of his new life. The clowder is less than welcoming and this puts a rift in their relationship. To add to that, someone is targeting Kirk and physically attacking him as well.

Luckily, the clowder joins together to keep Kirk safe and we end up with a very HEA.


I loved this book! It was exciting and a unique but still traditional take on shifter romances. The threesome really worked for me. I thought that each truly added to the relationship and though Dolf and Tal were there together first, Kirk really added a needed dynamic that kept them closely bound.

I didn’t like a lot of the very light BDSM between Kirk and Dolf (not my taste) but it was mild enough I could skim it.

I hadn’t read this author before but I will definitely be looking for more from her in the future.

I give it 4.5 of 5 hearts

