A Hunted Man by Jaime Reese

Manic Readers Presents http://www.manicreaders.com/index.cfm?disp=bookDetail&bookid=45845

hunted manBlurb

After surviving ten years in prison, Cameron Pierce is attempting to put the past behind him. He tries to adjust to his newfound freedom with a place at the halfway house and a job. But one lesson he learned in prison keeps him guarded: hope is a dangerous thing.

Hunter Donovan, Assistant State Attorney, is a man of justice who loves a challenge. After a lifetime of putting his career first, a milestone brings him to a harsh realization—he’s lonely.

Hunter’s world changes when he meets Cam. The wary young man intrigues him and awakens a desire unlike anything he’s ever experienced. When Cam’s past resurfaces and threatens to rip them apart, their budding relationship is challenged and Cam’s hope for a future begins to dim.

These outside forces hunting Cam will stop at nothing to send him back to prison. But they’ll have to get past Hunter first.


Cameron is a young 27. He’s been in prison for the last 10 years and he’s been pretty emotionally stunted as a result. He only knows how to protect himself, and is very wary of letting anyone in. Luckily he’s found the amazing guys at the halfway house (yay! I love that we get to see Matt and J again!) to show him how to be “on the outside” again.

Hunter is feeling all of his 40 years and needs someone to shake him out of his lonely rut. When he sees Cameron at “his” diner his world is soundly shaken.

I loved these two together. They were sweet and sexy and clearly fit the other’s needs perfectly. I loved how Cam won over the folks at the diner and managed to turn them in to his new family.

Jaime Reese is an amazing author who knows just how to pair tragedy with devotion to make for a really outstanding romance. I also loved that we got to see the guys from book one again – the continuation of their story is like a little bonus epilogue! (And you know how I feel about epilogues!)

I can’t wait for Cole’s story (coming in February!!) and hope we see more and more from this author.

(And of course – wow – the cover – just beautiful!)

5 of 5 hearts



The Harvest: Journey’s End by M.A. Church

harvest2Adapting is a word Dale Michaels has become familiar with. As he settles into his new life with the Tah’Narian starship captain Keyno, Dale has adapted to life with an alien, space travel, and having his body mutated so he can carry a young. He’s closed the chapter on his old life.
Living on Tah’Nar, Dale has a loving mate and good friends. He’s helped cement peace with the Onfre. Sure, being double-dosed during his harvest led to some serious drama, but that’s over. Dale’s happy.

But life is never that simple.

Even though Dale loves Keyno, he still struggles with the way the Tah’Narians harvest young males as mates. Dale finds himself hijacked by his own body, courtesy of his extra dose of Tah’Narian DNA. Then there’s the devastating secret his mate, Keyno, has hid all this time. And if all that isn’t enough, outside forces threaten to rip Dale’s hard-won peace apart as well.

Join Dale for a non-stop adventure and a love that crosses several worlds and transcends space.

Kimi’s thoughts: Yup, m-preg storyline. I have to say this is exceedingly well done as Church has designed an alien biology around it so that it feels plausible. It’s a sequel and not one that stands on its own, so you need to read book one first. Not that that was any hardship as it was quite an enjoyable read in itself, which is why I made grabby hands when this one came out.

Writing a science fiction story set primarily in an alien culture is not an easy task in itself, but Church gives us not one alien world but two and she builds the universe around them fairly well. This story mainly follows Keyno and Dale but actually has a wider cast of characters who really come into their own this time around.

Sadly, the author has indicated this is the last book in the series. I’m hoping this isn’t true as she has left so much open. For example, we are given tantalising glimpses of Dale’s best friend’s Harvest and since that couple plays a very important part in dale’s adaptation to his new life, it’s a tale begging to be told (puppy dog eyes). Likewise we hear of harvests from other worlds, including Kia’s and again, it made me simply itch at getting to read it in its entirety. The book also ends in a rather open ended manner and I have to say that what with the special abilities and connections Dale’s children have with him and the young of his friends, I can foresee the road ahead for Dale and the gang to not be an easy one as the young mature. I’m sure that the foundations of Tah’narian society are going to be rocked not only by the change in how they find their mates but by the very existence of these particular children and their fathers (particularly Dale as he inadvertently turns things upon their head).

Life on earth is likewise forever changed because of the harvests but no doubt more so after Dale and Keyno revisit the whole Harvest thing.  The first lot of mates after this happens are real game changers and I admit to wondering what it would be like to be a young man from this next generation of Harvested. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see where Church takes us (or doesn’t), as it’s certainly not in my power to wave a magic wand and have another book in the series appear.

Rating: 4



Ryan’s Wizard by Beany Sparks

Extasybooks Presents: http://www.extasybooks.com/Ryan-‘-s-Wizard/?keyword=beany%20sparks


After years of no contact, Oliver “Olly” Grey was finally able to reunite with his cousin Aiden. He’s surprised to find that Aiden now has a mate—a male, shifter mate—named Lex. And it’s Lex’s pack mates that Olly is there to help save. What he hadn’t expected was Lex’s brother Ryan.

Ryan Shepherd was happy to have found his brother Lex, and even happier to know that his brother was happily mated. But there is something about Aiden’s cousin Olly that Ryan doesn’t trust, especially when he also smells like the man currently holding his pack members captive. Yet that doesn’t stop Ryan from wanting to hold and comfort the man, and eventually he realizes why—Olly is his mate.

Now the four of them need to plan a rescue mission, but what happens when they run into the two men that had held Lex captive and those same men come to the cabin in the middle of the night?


This takes place right after book one: Aiden’s Shepherd. Olly is Aiden’s cousin and a wizard. Olly is running from his father who is holding a bunch of shifters in cages. Olly runs to Aiden to get his help to release these shifters but is a little nervous when he meets Lex, Aiden’s mate and Ryan, Lex’s brother.

Ryan is leery of Olly because he smells like the man holding the shifters hostage and distrustful of him because he’s a wizard, but he can’t help being attracted, too.

Olly, Lex, Aiden and finally Ryan decide to work together to free the shifters, but have to wait 3 weeks for Olly’s dad to go on a trip and leave the shifter’s unguarded. During those 3 weeks Olly learns more about his own magic and Ryan learns more about Olly.

In the end Ryan discovers Olly is his mate, Olly discovers he is a “special” wizard and all four find ways to work together to free the shifters from Olly’s dad.


I liked Aiden’s Shepherd a bit more than this, mostly because the romance here was a bit rushed. I loved that Olly got to be a “super wizard” and that he needed to lose his virginity to do so!

I like this world Beany Sparks has created and am enjoying the series.

I give it 3.5 of 5 hearts



Never Wrong by Chris McHart

MLR Press presents:  http://www.mlrbooks.com/ShowBook.php?book=CMNVRWRN

never wrongBlurb

Jeff was raised to believe love between two men is wrong. Or is it? Can love ever be wrong?

When Jeff meets the much younger Dean, he only knows he wants him, consequences be damned. But things are not as easy, especially after Jeff’s ex calls and announces big news.

And Dean? He thinks the new neighbor is hot, but he’s not interested in something more than a rebound fuck. That’s what he tells himself, at least.

But lust isn’t a good basis for a relationship, more so since Jeff isn’t sure whether he can deal with being gay.

Love is never wrong, but can Jeff accept that?


This book is mostly about Dean, not Jeff, despite the blurb. Dean is a young guy who just got dumped by his older boyfriend and moved into an apartment of his own for the first time. In the process of moving in he meets Jeff, a guy 20 years his senior, who lives in the same building. Dean likes older guys and is at first bummed because he thinks Jeff is straight but then psyched when Jeff kisses him.

Jeff is a cop who was in a relationship with Cheryl for 11 years and just recently decided to break up with her because he thinks he’s gay (though he hasn’t had any male relationships yet). He meets Dean and is immediately attracted to him, but thinks he’s too young and Jeff has a hard time committing to the “gay” part of himself.

Dean and Jeff start a “relationship” but warily because Dean is on the re-bound and Jeff is exploring gay sex for the first time and neither are good at communicating with the other. Jeff is also hit with a shocker from his ex-girlfriend (she’s pregnant and it’s probably Jeff’s) that makes him question what he’s doing with his life.

Luckily, the attraction between the two of them is strong enough to try to make a go of it, because Cheryl isn’t done with her shocking news and the couple end with a HEA and a new family.

First, let me say that the writing style of this new (to me) author was good. There were a lot of meaty ideas in this story and it had some great potential. However, there were so many plot difficulties that I couldn’t give this a great rating.

For one, I didn’t feel a lot of “love” between Jeff and Dean, even at the end. They didn’t do much together besides have sex so I didn’t feel great about their relationship. Jeff was worried about their ages but I never saw that issue really resolved. Dean felt Jeff wasn’t really committing to him (Jeff wanted to share in parenthood but was reluctant to even move in with Dean) and that issue was never really resolved either.

Another difficulty I found was that I felt that Jeff’s transition to being gay wasn’t explored very well. I really thought there wasn’t enough introspection or discussion of his previously “straight” categorization and that his wishy washy relationship with Dean wasn’t enough to convince me that Jeff was fully invested in the new lifestyle.

I also thought Jeff’s parents acted very strange, as did Cheryl. I can’t imagine her behaving as she did (both with just wanting to abandon her child and not telling them the ultimate truth about the pregnancy).

I thought the whole child thing was not realistic at all. Both Jeff and Dean were very cavalier about having a baby and seemed to do little to prepare for it and there was no discussion at all about how any child would be taken care of. I also couldn’t understand why Jeff wouldn’t want Dean to move in with him if they were committing to parent Cheryl’s child together.

One last small gripe… the gay “virgin” sex with a younger more experienced guy… it should have been great – lots of stuff to work with in terms of fantasy material – and it ended up being pretty lackluster.

So…though I liked a lot about this story in terms of potential, I don’t think it fulfilled it’s promise.

2.5 of 5 hearts



A Paranormal Chipmunk Christmas by Jackie Nacht

MLR Press Presents http://www.mlrbooks.com/ShowBook.php?book=JN_CMCHR

chipmunk christmasBlurb

A vicious horde of chipmunks? Dallas and Gunner knew that meeting their mate’s family wasn’t going to be a walk in the park. How could it be when they had eighteen brothers and sisters? This bear and wolf are about to be put to the test—surviving this family holiday. Will they be able to escape just the four of them or will they be taking some of the siblings back to White Pine…involuntarily?


This super cute little holiday story brings both Dallas and Gunner into the crazy chipmunk household for Christmas. Needless to say there are lots of funny moments, some hot smexy times and a very sweet “gift exchange” at the end. If you’ve been enjoying the series so far you won’t want to miss this little story.

I loved it!

4 of 5 hearts



You Belong to Me by Edward Kendrick

Dreamspinner Presents: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5728



Corey Byrne loves his family—as long as he only has to see them once a year. Since he’s not out to them, it makes things… tense. Returning to his job at a homeless shelter after Christmas, he finds someone has left him a very expensive present. Soon, he begins to get messages from the anonymous gift giver. Then Corey’s friend Brad is murdered in Corey’s apartment and undercover detective Scott Reed is assigned to protect Corey. As they work together to find the killer, they realize they’re starting to care about each other. However Scott is unwilling to act on his feelings unless Corey comes out to his family and coworkers. As the threats from the stalker intensify, Corey is forced to admit that love is too precious to hide from. Perhaps now is the time to be honest about who he is and accept the possibility of love in return—before it’s too late.


Corey is in the closet and plans on staying there until a dead body forces him to ask his brother for help and reveal his secret. His brother recommends the help of an undercover cop, Scott who eventually wins Corey’s heart and convinces him to give love a try.

There was a bit more “mystery” to this than romance and there were some areas where “suspending my disbelief” for the sake of the story became difficult, but it was overall a sweet romance and an interesting thriller.

3 of 5 hearts



The Harvest: Journey’s End Tour with Giveaway


Buy from


Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Harvest-Journeys-M-Church-ebook/dp/B00RJLZOAE/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1419892072&sr=1-1&keywords=The+Harvest%3A+Journey%27s+en

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Author Bio:
M.A. Church is a true Southern belle who spent many years in the elementary education sector. Now she spends her days lost in fantasy worlds, arguing with hardheaded aliens on far-off planets, herding her numerous shifters, or trying to tempt her country boys away from their fishing poles. It’s a full time job, but hey, someone’s gotta do it!
When not writing, she’s exploring the latest M/M novel to hit the market, watching her beloved Steelers, or sitting glued to HGTV. That’s if she’s not on the back porch tending to the demanding wildlife around the pond in the backyard. The ducks are very outspoken. She’s married to her high school sweetheart, and they have two children.
She was a finalist in the Rainbow awards for 2013.
Where to find the author:
M.A. Church’s Blog
Fan Page for ‘The Harvest’

A Wedding to Die For by Xavier Mayne

Dreamspinner presents:  http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5808

wedding dieBlurb

When a high-profile gay celebrity couple asks two of the city’s most established vendors to provide cake and flowers for their wedding and they refuse, a resulting boycott threatens to shut them down. It’s up to the next generation in the family-owned businesses to save them from ruin. Justin Capella, baker’s son, and Roman Montgomery, floral scion, work together to plan the gay wedding of the year.

Justin and Roman haven’t seen each other since that fateful day in third grade when a single kiss shocked Justin and sent Roman to boarding school. As fate would have it, Justin and Roman rediscover love while working on the wedding. But disaster might pry them apart again.

Troopers Brandt and Donnelly are working with a statewide task force for the rights of LGBT citizens—all while searching for a killer wedding planner. As guests at the “wedding of the year”, they are the first responders when all hell breaks loose. In investigating, the troopers are led to a shadowy figure they believe seduced Roman into doing his bidding. But the real murderer will cover his tracks at all costs, including Roman and Justin’s lives.


We start off with the planning of a wedding between two high-powered gay men in a town where gay marriage is still not completely accepted. Shopkeepers want to deny services to the couple so the law has to intervene and force compliance of equality laws – thus Brandt and Donnelly are called in. This is great as they are planning their own wedding (with the hilarious help of Bryce and Nestor of course!) so it’s convenient that they get to interview florists, bakers, etc in the name of justice.

There is a bit more to the “mystery” in this story and some really shocking developments occur that will keep you on the edge of your seat and near your Kleenex box! Xavier Mayne definitely had some “messages” to spread with this book, including the questionable “equality” gay couples have in our society despite more and more laws supporting gay marriage.

In addition to the on-going romance between Brandt and Donelly (which continues to be ooey gooey sweet and super hot sexy!) there is the relationship between Greg and Peter the wedding couple and the budding romance between Roman and Justin (childhood beaus split apart for years due to bigotry and fear.)

If you have been reading this series you will find this book was a bit more “heavy” than the prior two and yet still just as funny, tender, sweet and entertaining, if not more so.

I really love this series and the couples we meet each time and continue to follow and can’t wait for more.

4.5 of 5 hearts



Teaching Professor Grayson by Kade Boehme and Allison Cassatta

Dreamspinner presents  http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5715

teaching profBlurb

Christian Grayson is a professor of sociology who comes from a close-knit Southern family steeped in values and tradition. He left Tennessee using education as his excuse for escape, when he truthfully only wanted the freedom to be who he truly was. But at age forty, he’s still in the closet and still adheres to the morals his father, a Southern Baptist minister, raised him with. This includes saving himself for Mr. Right.

CJ Hata has been under Christian’s wing since his freshman year. A genius, pure and simple, he’s a senior now and no longer needs to report to Professor G, but he still seeks his teacher out occasionally for a friendly chat.

When Christian accidentally outs himself to CJ while pouring his heart out about his dying father, CJ feels totally out of his element. He convinces himself to put forth his best effort because the man he’s been crushing on for four years needs a friend. In the meantime, everyone around CJ is stumbling out of the closet, but the one person he really wants to come out has barricaded himself in with the bible and his family’s expectations.


This is a very gritty story about judging and values and how our families shape us and what society expects from us and how we have to overcome all that to be who we are.
CJ is not a very lovable character. He’s acerbic and condescending and sometimes pretty immature. He has moments of immense sweetness and that’s what attracts Christian.

Christian is a confused, closeted man forced into a role that he sort of believes in but also one he finds too constraining. He falls for a student and then falls out of the closet to be with him. In the meantime his super religious father dies and he has to face what that means for him and how he lives his life free from that judgment.

On the one hand this story really speaks to a lot of issues and handles them in a way that is more realistic than a lot of romances tend to be. On the other hand it was so gritty that I didn’t feel as connected to the characters in a way that I felt either bonded to them or invested in their outcome. I never really liked CJ and though I felt bad for Christian I didn’t really connect with him either. I definitely didn’t see them as a couple that would stand the test of time. Not because they couldn’t or wouldn’t, but because the story didn’t spend enough time showing me their compatibility. Instead it was more internal dialogs and moving through Christian’s own lifestyle choices and decisions and CJs growth of his socializing skills.

I really wanted to love this – there was so much promise in the topics and in the potential for very angst-ridden yet hot, 40-year-old-virgin-sex… but I just didn’t feel a strong enough connection with either MC to feel very attached to their love story.

Overall I give it 3 of 5 hearts for having a lot of promise.



As a side – the cover really didn’t match the story in that CJ is not a happy, smiling, shy, young guy but an old cynic of a guy in a young guy’s body and instead the professor is the shy, retiring guy.

Let it Go by Sid Love

let it go

“Everyone tells me to stay away from him. But if only I knew how to resist him…”

Goa isn’t supposed to be on Damon O’Neil’s list of places to stay while working in India. It’s merely a substitute for his planned trip to visit his sister in Paris for Christmas and the New Year. His boss had other ideas. He’s sent Damon to carry out urgent upgrades to the company’s offshore units and Damon can’t say no.

When Damon encounters an extra-spicy curry, a handsome Indian guy named Virat comes to his rescue. Damon is instantly smitten with his looks, and especially with his cute smile. But Damon soon realizes he is very much out of his league when Virat introduces his new wife.

However, there might just be a chance Virat isn’t all he pretends to be …

Kimi’s thoughts:

This was a story that normally I would have passed up from the description- I really dislike people in committed relationships cheating and the idea that the cheater’s new love would be the romance would be repellent. But that’s not this story,, and to go on such an assumption would have made me very, very wrong.

Virat is a man who is married because he’s done what is expected of him and while hoping to not be lonely all his life. He married a woman, choosing his female best friend in an effort to make things as comfortable and companionable as possible. he then meets the man of his dreams and realises he’s made a terrible mistake, one that is as unfair on his best friend as it is himself. What follows is a romance with one man trying to make things right, rather than doing what’s wrong. It’s an unexpectedly sweet love story and it’s one that the author manages to tell in a surprisingly short length (it’s a novella of only 72 pages). The setting is exotic and adds a bit of flair. It was almost like getting tot make a mini vacation to a warm, sunshiny place in the midst of winter gloom.

Buy from Amazon.

Rating: 4

