Children of the Knight (The Knight Cycle #1) by Michael J. Bowler

17939303According to legend, King Arthur is supposed to return when Britain needs him most. So why does a man claiming to be the once and future king suddenly appear in Los Angeles?

This charismatic young Arthur creates a new Camelot within the City of Angels to lead a crusade of unwanted kids against an adult society that discards and ignores them. Under his banner of equality, every needy child is welcome, regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation, or gang affiliation.

With the help of his amazing First Knight, homeless fourteen-year-old Lance, Arthur transforms this ragtag band of rejected children and teens into a well-trained army—the Children of the Knight. Through his intervention, they win the hearts and minds of the populace at large, and gain a truer understanding of themselves and their worth to society. But seeking more rights for kids pits Arthur and the children squarely against the rich, the influential, and the self-satisfied politicians who want nothing more than to maintain the status quo.

Can right truly overcome might? Arthur’s hopeful young knights are about to find out, and the City of Angels will never be the same.

Kimi’s thoughts:

Michael Bowler stuns with his depiction of modern disenfranchised youth, disillusioned and jaded adults, political greed and corruption, and the purity of hope. 14 year old Lance is a former foster child who is now a kid on the streets struggling to survive when he comes across the strange sight of a strangely dressed man riding a horse. Local gangs are at each others throats over a tag that’s been appearing all over the city, and the LAPD want the tagger caught before all out war erupts. What no one suspects is that this is no ordinary tag- it’s an announcement of hope. King Arthur, the once and future king himself, has indeed returned as legend foretold, only it’s not to Britain, but modern day LA. With Lance as his First Knight, Arthur looks to establish a new Round Table, to teach chivalry to a new generation, and to right the ills of society.

It might sound fantastical, and this is indeed a fantasy, albeit a gritty one. The ills mentioned in this novel are all too real: one size all education that doesn’t properly meet the needs of students, the rifeness of drugs on the street and the recruitment of children to peddle them and who are in turn cultivated as customers, abandoned children tossed onto the street, political corruption, crumbling neighbourhoods, racism, homophobia, and misogyny to name but a few of the societal ills. It’s not a story that will make a lot of adults feel comfortable, as it challenges some of the things that have been taken for granted and that feed our sense of control. It certainly made me stop and think. The more I thought, the more I realised that this book has something VERY important to say, and that I wanted my own two children to read it immediately.

It’s a story about empowerment- not just for kids, but for adults. Yes, adults. Adults who realise that children are always children, and cannot be adults because they are NOT adults. That they behave the way they are taught, and that each member of society is responsible for the examples a child learns by. It’s also a story that is about female empowerment, filled with strong adult and youth role models. It’s about LGBT youth and straight youth, of every colour, all coming together and using their personal strengths to help each other and those around them to make the world a better place. It’s about finding out who you are and your place in the world. It’s both frightening and inspiring. It’s simply a must read, regardless of your age.

Highly recommended.

Rating: amazing


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Body Magic Audiobook by Poppy Dennsion Narrated by Robert G Davis

Dreamspinner presents:

body magic


Sequel to Mind Magic, Triad: Book Two
A pack is only as strong as its weakest member. Rocky Harris knows how the system works. He’s been on the bottom rung his whole life. But when his alpha consigns him to the High Moon Pack to help them improve security, he finds his beliefs not just challenged but outright assaulted.

Cade Montgomery’s confidence took a hit when the pack’s cubs were kidnapped on his watch. He’s prepared to do anything to protect his family, even if it means working with Rocky. Maybe Cade doesn’t trust Rocky, but with the turmoil surrounding pack Alpha Gray’s unpopular decision to break tradition and mate with a mage named Simon, Cade knows more threats are coming.

Then someone declares war on shifters and puts the entire pack in danger. Cade and Rocky will need each other’s strengths to survive the impending battle—and the power of their growing attraction.

Morgan’s Review

This is the sequel to Body Magic and we see a lot of Simon and Gray in this story – maybe even more than Rocky and Cade, the supposed MCs.

Simon and Gray are really hammering out their relationship and it was great to see them and to be able to follow them from their tenuous HFN to a more day to day relationship, watching their mating really solidify.  Simon waffles back and forth between wanting to trust his love for Gray but also wanting to be a good and independent wizard, separate from the pack and Gray.

Simon is also preparing for his final mage test with his uncle and this occupies a fair amount of time.  His uncle helps also him work through his emotional issues in addition to  his magickal issues as they prepare for his test.

The pack rescues an adorable little lion shifter after his family is decimated by the malevolent being from book one and integrating him into the pack proves to be more tricky than anyone thought.

There is discord when it is found that someone has infiltrated the pack – spying on the forbidden mating between shifter and wizard and the integration of a lion shifter into a wolf pack. When war breaks out there are people going to be hurt and loyalties will be tested.

Meanwhile, as almost a side note, Cade lusts after Rocky for a while and then they tentatively begin a relationship just before the pack is invaded.  Rocky is a very conflicted character and he needs someone solid, like Cade to help him get over his issues (the pack hates omegas and gays, both of which Rocky is.)  The budding relationship is almost lost when Cade realizes that Rocky was sent to the pack as a spy.  Cade is shocked at first but with a minimum of fuss the two work out that Rocky is loyal to his new pack (he’s willing to be a double agent for the pack) and the pair take tentative steps forward in their own relationship.


Overall, this was a great second book in that we get to see Gray and Simon develop more fully as a couple. I would have loved to see more of Rocky and Cade as they were equally engaging characters (Rocky in particular is very complex) but they didn’t get much page time.  Hopefully we will see more of them in future installments.

I’m looking forward to Book Three, since this left us with a sort of cliff hanger!


Robert Davis does a really nice job with this narration, as well. Nothing too over the top but very clear and  differentiates all the different characters’ voices.  I really liked Simon’s Uncle Cormac genteel voice and Rocky’s Southern drawl.

I’m looking forward to his narrations in the upcoming books as well.

I give both the book and the audiobook 4 of 5 hearts



Mind Magic Audiobook by Poppy Dennison Narrated by Robert G Davis

Dreamspinner Presents:

mind magicBlurb

Triad: Book One

Magical species must never mix. According to the rules, Simon Osborne should ignore the children’s cries for help. After all, they’re werewolf cubs, and he’s an apprentice mage. But for once in his life, Simon breaks the rules and rescues the cubs, saving them from a demon intent on draining them of their magic.

Of course, all actions have consequences, and Simon’s bold move earns him the displeasure of his peers and the attention of the cubs’ alpha, a man named Gray Townsend.

The last thing Gray needs is a mage in his life, but Simon did save his son. Since Simon is now a friend of the pack, Gray doesn’t have much choice about it—or the forbidden attraction that goes along with it. Unfortunately for the alpha, he needs Simon’s help to track down the demon behind the kidnappings—before it strikes again. Simon and Gray must join forces to protect the pack, even as they struggle to resist the temptation that threatens to destroy them both.

Morgan’s Review

Simon is a mage, and mages don’t mix with Others (vampires, shifters, demons) but when Simon “hears” some shifter children crying for help, he runs to their rescue despite this “rule”.

Gray is the father of one of the children Simon rescues and he is immediately indebted and attracted to Simon.

Together they work to find the demon who kidnapped the children and also unravel a mystery that involves Simon’s own powers.

Gray reveals that Simon is his Mate and though it should be impossible for two from different “groups” to mate, the chemistry is undeniable and very hot. They fight the attraction for a while, but it turns out to be necessary to save Simon’s life so they both joyfully and somewhat cautiously mate, unsure what the future will hold.

This was a sweet romance, most of the angst was about the “mystery” and the romance was pretty straight -forward. However, their relationship is far from solid and we will see it evolve in future stories as they experience being a couple on a day to day basis.

I liked this book a lot and am happy to keep reading the series.

Poppy’s world building is exceptional and her characters are fun and engaging.  I enjoy exploring her world further with book two.


Robert G Davis narrates the entire series and does a pretty great job.  I really love his dialog.  He’s good with the unique voices, uses some great accents and does a fantastic job voicing the children.

The sound quality is good and the pacing is excellent.

My only peeve is that while reading straight descriptive text (no dialog or specific action sequence) he tends to lilt his voice in such a way that every sentence ends with a higher inflection, like everything is a question or vaguely exciting.

If you put that out of your mind, the rest far out ways that gripe and it’s a great way to experience this series.

I recommend this book and the audiobook and give both  a 4 of 5 hearts



Here Comes Trouble-A.E. Via

Publisher: Via Star Wings Publishing

Detectives Mark Ruxsberg and Chris Green are very good at their jobs. Being the enforcers for God and Day’s notorious Atlanta PD Narcotics Task Force causes the crazy duo to get into more trouble than they can often get out of. The pair never misses out on an opportunity to drive their Lieutenants crazy with their dangerous, reckless, and costly stunts, landing them in the hot seat in front God… often.

Ruxs and Green love their jobs and they don’t mind the very demanding schedule that leaves them little time for socializing or dating. It was fine with them, they enjoyed hanging out with each other anyway.

However, most of the men in their close circle of friends and colleagues are pairing off and settling down. God has Day, Ro has Johnson, and their Sergeant Syn has Furious.

For the past several years, Ruxs has only sought out the advice and company of one person, his partner and best friend Green, and vice versa. Both of these alpha males are presumed straight, but neither can deny the heat that’s building in their once ‘just friends’ relationship.

2014-10-27 23.10.07Trouble comes in the form of two of ATL’s sexy vice cops Ruxs and Green.  Crazy, sexy, dangerous, reckless…all of these would describe these two and just about every cop in God and Day’s task force.  I am really glad that their story is finally being told.  First, get a look at that cover.  I damn near licked the screen of my IPad when it was revealed.  Props go out to Princess So.  There were a few minor editing/spelling mishaps, but it didn’t take away my enjoyment of the story.  What’s great about this book is that it’s fast out the gate. There is quite a bit of over the top macho posturing with these characters but it’s this posturing that makes this story so damn fun to read.  There is a LOT of testosterone driven antics on behalf of the cops in their task force, but it’s tempered when it comes to the people they love.  I especially liked the way the Via shifted the focus between her characters. Even though Rux and Green were the story’s main characters, she was able to give attention to the story’s surrounding characters while simultaneously keeping the focus on these two. I loved how she let us know that Curtis (the teenager God and Day saved in Nothing Special) turns out great, that the cops have taken him under his wing.  Ruxs and Green are best friends and extremely close so the progression of their relationship to lovers was natural.  There were more than a few parts in the book that made me laugh until I damn near flat lined (the one sex scene between the two…the dialog was hilarious) one minute and reaching for ice water the next.  And there were some very touching moments in the book as well, it wasn’t all about them kicking through doors to take down the bad guys, having sex and talking crap.  You definitely see the characters that you love from the previous two books (Syn, Ro, Johnson, and of course, God and Day).  Ruxs’s mother….now that is one mother I would gladly throw from a moving train. These characters and their dialog are awesome.  The men on the task force are fearless, reckless and tough as nails but underneath it all they have hearts as big as Texas. God and Day’s task force members love, respect and look out for each other like family.  Even though I enjoyed this book,  Syn and Furi from Embracing His Syn ( book #2 in this series) is still my favorite.  A.E. Via has become my go to author when I want to read about hot, sexy, bad boy cops.  I rate this book:



Author’s website and buy links below.

A.E. Via



Covenant in Blood (Partnership in Blood Book 2) by Ariel Tachna

Dream spinner Presents:



Book Two in a Four Book Series. The wizards and the vampires have forged an alliance based on blood and magic, hoping to turn the tide of the war against the dark wizards. A few wizard-vampire bonds are as successful as Alain Magnier’s and Orlando St. Clair’s, but some are much less so, leading to arguments, resentment, and outright fights between the allies despite their mutual goals. Following his best friend Alain’s example, Thierry Dumont determinedly forms a partnership with vampire Sebastien Noyer, despite the wizard’s discomfort with being so close to a vampire a man so soon after his wife’s death. But they find that desperation may be the key to forming a covenant that works: Thierry and Sebastien are almost immediately devoted to one another’s safety. With new strength behind it, the Alliance’s leaders move to announce its existence to the whole world, hoping to rally support against the dark wizards who threaten to destroy life as they know it. Struggling to find its way in the expanding war, the Alliance discovers that despite its advantages, the partnerships are affecting the balance of magical power in the world, which may be an even bigger threat than the war itself.

Morgan’s Review

In this, the second book, we start to see where all those new relationships forged in book one are headed. There are so many, it’s sometimes hard to keep track. And they come in all flavors: m/m, m/f, f/f.

Orlando and Alain are growing closer day to day. Orlando is still a bit stand-offish, so scarred that it’s hard for him to let Alain in. Alain is becoming impatient and hurt by this seeming “rejection” and it briefly separates them. On the one hand, I too was feeling that Orlando was being ridiculous, but as Orlando points out, he was tortured for years and has been holding on to these feelings for years and the TEN days that he and Alain have been together, no matter the magic, can’t undo the damage that quickly.

Jude, the traditionalist is matched with Adele, the strong woman. It’s a clash of the centuries with him acting like a caveman and Adele showing him what a modern woman can do.

Thierry and Sebastian.   This is Sebastian coveting Thierry and Thierry feeling guilty over wanting someone so recently after his wife has died – and a man to boot.

Caroline and Mirielle are learning how to be a couple, with Caroline’s confidence blossoming under Mirielle’s care.

David the conservative is matched with Angelique the madam.  “Nuff said.

Raymond and Jean are two stubborn mules matched head to head.

The conflict part of the story also moves forward a little. We learn that there is magic to be gained from these vampire/warlock pairings and that when vampires feed while having sex that magic is restored faster than just from feeding alone.

Mostly, however, this very, very, very, very long book was about character development. It was a bit trying and confusing.  Luckily, for the most part, if you focus on the characters you most want to follow, you can still make sense of the storyline.  For example, I read in one review, “If there is a pairing you are uncomfortable with(i.e. m/f or f/f) , just skim their part!” I believe that’s mostly true. Very little would be lost if you ignored one couple, but the sex between couples is mostly Alain and Orlando. This is still mostly their story.

I think that a good editing would narrow this book down and we wouldn’t lose the interesting elements of the story.  With a little less detail (and perhaps a few less couples) the story would be cleaner and have a more immediate and strong impact.

As it stands, it’s kind of like Dickens.  You read through a lot to get a good story, but … you read through A LOT.

So, if you have a lot of patience and time, I recommend continuing on with this super creative series.

I’d give book two a 4 of 5 hearts, with points subtracted for length.






Alliance in Blood (Partnership in Blood Book 1) by Ariel Tachna

Dreamspinner Presents:



“Partnership in Blood Volume One”

Can a desperate wizard and a bitter, disillusioned vampire find a way to build the partnership that could save their world?

In a world rocked by magical war, vampires are seen by many as less than human, as the stereotypical creatures of the night who prey on others. But as the war intensifies, the wizards know they need an advantage to turn the tide in their favor: the strength and edge the vampires can give them in the battle against the dark wizards who seek to destroy life as they know it.

In a dangerous move and show of good will, the wizards ask the leader of the vampires to meet with them, so that they might plead their cause. One desperate man, Alain Magnier, and one bitter, disillusioned vampire, Orlando St. Clair, meet in Paris, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance of their decision: Will the vampires join the cause and form a partnership with the wizards to win the war?

Morgan’s Review

There is a war being waged by renegade wizards. The good wizards seek an alliance with the vampires who have had an animosity towards the wizards for years. In order to broker a peace agreement, the emissary for the wizards, Alain, agrees to have his blood sampled by the emissary from the vampires, Orlando, as an olive branch and also as a means to prove his sincerity and honesty. Instead of merely proving these, which it does, it also gives Orlando a burst of magic that is both erotic, and provides safety from the sun!

The bond between them is so strong that the couple quickly goes from allies to lovers. However, this is no simple case of “insta-love/lust”. Yes, they are both immediately and exaggeratedly attracted to each other, but Orlando has a long history of mistrust. His “maker” raped him and abused him in other ways, repeatedly, over years. Only by killing him did Orlando get free, though he is still crippled by the emotional scars left behind. Alain is a true and gentle soul who seeks only to make Orlando feel whole again, both for the sake of the alliance and for their budding relationship.

Meanwhile, the other wizards and vampires must find their own “pairing”. It is determined that this bond between Orlando and Alain can also be found with others (though not necessarily the deep, sexual bonding). They test one another and several couples emerge.

Once the couples are joined they begin their work to spread this knowledge among vampires and wizards and begin to build their part of the resistance.


This is the first of four books. It is a unique take on the “mate” that we see in a lot of paranormal books in that (at least at first blush) not every “mate” is a sexual partner. (That remains to be seen in further books.)

Orlando and Alain share a deep and instant, but very imperfect bond and it is clear that their struggle to overcome Orlando’s past will play an important role in the coming books.

The other couples look like they, too, will play important roles in upcoming story lines and some of the pairings are m/f and f/f.

The overall feel of this book is very dark and as some have said, “gothic”. The language is more formal and stilted, perhaps because it takes place in Europe, though it is in modern times.

These are long books. The world building is significant and lengthy. There is a fair amount of the “love story” but that is at least equaled by the “other”. IE The other couples, the war, the world building, etcetera.

I really like Alain. He’s just generous and giving and so sincere. It’s obvious how much he cares for Orlando already, though it’s only been days. The other couples are intriguing as well. Orlando is a bit much. He is moody and guarded and scarred. Something like a old, vampire, emo teenager. I am hoping we see him open up as the story evolves, and that we see him returning the adoration fed him by Alain. Right now it feels very lopsided.

Overall, this is a great start to a fascinating series with a very complex, dark and yet romantic world.

I give it 4 of 5 hearts



Protector of the Alpha (Shifting Needs #1) by Parker Williams

Protector400x600Adopted at an early age by a wealthy family, Jake Davis has always seemed to have an easy life. Even in college he was blessed with good grades and an apparently clear path to a pro football career. Good thing his best friend keeps hanging around to keep his head from getting too swollen.
Zakiya Incekara has always been…odd. Being fluent in six languages and having a flair for international cooking should open the world to him, but those skills leave him isolated.
When Jake sees Zak for the first time, with water beading down his slender form, something inside him shifts, and it hungers for Zak. To have him. To claim him. And Jake knows that whatever it is, it won’t be denied.
When they are approached by a man who claims knowledge of a secret past they share, Jake and Zak are thrust into a world they would never have believed existed. The forests of Alaska might seem an odd place to find your destiny, but these men will meet the challenges head on, as they learn that sometimes you have to make sacrifices to be Protector of the Alpha.

Jake turned from the bar, and Zak watched as the bright smile turn into a sneer. He dropped the tray, the catfish crashing to the floor, before he stalked to where Zak sat. Jake grabbed a man, probably about forty, by his throat and pushed him against the wall.

“You don’t so much as breathe near him,” Jake snarled.

The man looked cool as he smiled and croaked out. “You are everything I had heard you would be, and more, my lord.”

Kimi’s Thoughts:

This is the first instalment of a brand new shifter series by Parker Williams, and as a fan of shifter stories I was really looking forward to seeing what he brought to the table. It’s got some familiar tropes (instant mate attraction via delicious scent for example) but it also offers up some that are not so familiar and mixes in some new, so that what we get is a shifter story that is both familiar and that little bit different. I quite liked how he wove active magic in with the mythos of his world.

Featuring young men at university, the main characters are brash, often insecure, filled with bravado and uncertainties, and of course, not immune to being horny. Williams manages to capture the essence of what it is to be a barely minted adult without homogenising any of the group or reverting to stereotypes. Zak in particular was an interesting character, with his upbringing handing him multilingual ability and a broad knowledge of international customs and cookery, but lacking in interpersonal social skills and a penchant for overly correct speech.

The hows and whys of how Zak, Jake, and jake’s best friend Casey came to cross paths and attend the same university turns out to have been years in the making.  They discover they are important chess pieces in an epic struggle to reclaim the pack they never knew they had back from a power crazed alpha. And I do mean crazed- this is one seriously twisted power sociopath they find themselves up against. How twisted? Twisted every bit as bad as some of the worst in Game of Thrones.

Expand MeChild murder with their heads then placed on pikes 

My only personal niggle was how the final boss fight played out. With the big lead in to the death match, the fight scene itself seemed to be over far too quickly. The ending is in itself satisfying with just enough of a lead in to the next book in the series that I was left hungry for the next volume without feeling left on too huge a cliffhanger without resolution to this volume’s main plot line.

Rating: 4


To Buy: Amazon UK  Amazon US ARe  Smashwords